Agenda item

Attendance of Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration

This annual report provides an account of the role of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration. It details their ambitions for their areas of responsibility, how they have and will undertake political challenge and leadership and what their priorities and ambitions are for the year ahead.




The Committee received an overview of progress made on the areas within the scope of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, Councillor Curry, which fell within the remit of this Committee.  


The Portfolio Holder responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:  


Rights of Access and Public Footpath at Maritime School – The Committee were informed by the Portfolio Holder that the Local Access Forum now meets regularly so there was an opportunity to raise the issue of the footpath at Maritime School and report back on this query. The ambition for walking routes was also discussed as was the use of volunteers to assist with this.


Timetable for Local Plan and Costs – Members queried when the Local Plan would be presented to the Committee and the costs involved. The Portfolio Holder reported that the target date was for the adoption of the Local Plan in 2026, that the Regulation 19 stage would be submitted by June 2025 and would be presented to the Committee before it was submitted. The Portfolio Holder committed to provide the costs of the Local Plan outside the meeting and recognised the hidden costs of not having a Local Plan in place.


Bird Mitigation Spending – The Committee were informed by the Portfolio Holder that spending was managed through the SAMMS Project and was based on raising awareness, education and conservation work. The Portfolio Holder would provide details of the exact spending outside of the meeting.


Improvements to Front Line Services – The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that the Waste Strategy was underway, new vehicles were being introduced and there had been a focus on partnership working with Medway Norse Ltd.


Public Transport & Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) – The Committee were informed that there were currently 7.5m trips per year on the Medway Bus network and the target was to increase this to 9m trips per year by 2028. It was reported that Arriva had introduced more Euro 6 Buses, and a Bus Workshop had taken place to strengthen partnership working. The Committee were informed that bus routes would be reviewed as part of the Local Transport Plan and BSIP.


Bus Franchising – The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that the council had responded to the government consultation to support bus franchising and that the new Bus Bill next year is expected to provide more detail on how this could work in practice.


Climate Change Resilience – Members queried how the reliance of the infrastructure for climate change was going to be improved. The Portfolio Holder reported that the climate change strategy had been refreshed and the team focused on 5 key areas – knowledge and engagement, energy reduction, sustainable transport, resource efficiency and green and resilient Medway however resilience presented a number of challenges. Electric Vehicle charging points were also discussed and the Committee were informed that the strategy was limited as it was dependent on funding, grants and private sector engagement.


Trees in Hoo – Members queried whether the trees in Hoo at risk of being felled could be protected. The Portfolio Holder explained that whilst he was not happy about trees being felled, their protection could not be guaranteed as this may need to go back to Planning Committee for a decision due to some complications regarding root growth and the impact on nearby houses. The Portfolio Holder would follow this issue up outside the meeting and provide further information.


S106 Funding – The process and trigger points were discussed and the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the use of S106 funding was reported to the Committee on an annual basis as part of the Annual Infrastructure Funding report.


Salt Bins – Members requested an audit of salt bins and that a number did not comply with the policy. The Portfolio Holder reported that this now sits within the remit of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement but would raise the issue with the correct Portfolio Holder.




The Committee noted the report.


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