Agenda item

Medway Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation

This report presents a consultation document in the preparation of the new Medway Local Plan. The consultation document sets out proposals for potential growth across Medway and policies to manage development. The Local Plan has implications for our residents, environment and businesses. The Council is seeking to gather comments from a broad range of people and interests in helping to draft the new plan. 




The Assistant Director, Culture and Community introduced the report which set out three broad options for growth in Medway and policies to manage development. A presentation which outlined the Local Plan proposals and next steps following the completion of the consultation was provided to the Committee. Members thanked officers for the work undertaken.


The following issues were discussed:


Digital – it was noted that the Local Plan referred to all new major developments having fast broadband connectivity (page 223 of the agenda pack refers), it was suggested that all developments regardless of size should be provided with access to fast broadband connectivity. The Chief Planning Officer noted the feedback from the Committee.


Utilities and Infrastructure – it was asked whether Medway had the necessary infrastructure to ensure the electricity and water supply to support the growth in homes and employment. The Chief Planning Officer explained the Council was working with Southern Water. In relation to electricity supply the Council would also explore other options such as use of the river Medway, waste to energy and the data processing centre proposed at Kingsnorth as well as other possible options regarding power and energy production.


In response to queries relating to road traffic, the Chief Planning Officer reported that the Council was holding regular meetings with National Highways to consider congestion issues in relation to the strategic road network and was also completing work on a Strategic Transport Assessment that would inform capacity of roads in Medway and the mitigation needed to support the growth proposed.


Members raised concerns regarding the potential for flooding in some areas when greenfield sites were developed. The Chief Planning Officer replied that it was vital for the Council to work with developers to ensure surface water issues would be dealt with appropriately.


Healthcare services - it was commented that the Local Plan could identify a site for a new hospital to support the additional demand on the area. The Chief Planning Officer explained that the Council was liaising with the NHS in relation to local healthcare services. A Member commented that Healthy Living Centres were in good locations and more services could be provided by those centres.


Capstone Park -  a Member commented that Capstone Park was important to the air quality of Medway and previous development proposals in the area had been met with significant petitions. The Chief Planning Officer agreed the importance of air quality in Medway, the Council needed to plan for mitigating the impact of development on air quality and this included the development of electric vehicle charging points and tree planting. He added that with regard to previous petitions, he could not rely on a petition from several years ago in relation to future proposals.


Brownfield development – in response to a question how the Council would ensure that brownfield development was prioritised, the Chief Planning Officer stated that the Council had been successful in developing brownfield sites like Kitchener Barracks using Homes England Funding, Chatham Waterfront through the Medway Development Company as well as other brownfield sites in private ownership through positive discussions.  All options would continue to be explored to make sure future allocated brownfield sites came forward.


It was commented that some brownfield development had included a large number of flats and that there was too much focus on one and two bedroom flats, the Chief Planning Officer agreed that a mix of housing was required and noted the feedback.


Town Centres – clarification was requested regarding the future of town centres in the area, the Chief Planning Officer explained Chatham town centre would not just be a retail centre in the future but would be revitalised through incorporating more residential as well as other community, commercial and other uses, such as a healthy living centre and Innovation hub in the Pentagon.


Quality of design – Members commented on the need for high quality design for housing, the Chief Planning Officer agreed and assured the Committee there were high quality designers submitting proposals in Medway.


Consultation response – Members requested that when the consultation was closed, could the Council publicise any changes to the plan that had been made. The Chief Planning agreed this would be provided.


Transport links – it was commented that Medway had good east to west transport links, but this was weaker north to south, with public transport taking too long. The Chief Planning Officer noted the comments, he stated the Council needed to work on making alternatives faster and more reliable.


Electric Vehicle Charging – a Member highlighted that access to electric vehicle charging points was an issue for many people in Medway, and many that were in place were slow chargers which was unhelpful. A Member commented that putting charging points in place took considerable time. The Chief Planning Officer noted the comments.


Consultation – in response to a requirement for more information about the consultation process, the Chief Planning Officer stated he was pleased with the large number and positive responses received. Further events were planned and he would update Members regarding responses received.




The Committee provided feedback on the proposals in Medway Local Plan consultation in relation to matters regarding the scope of the Committee including digital transformation, climate change, services and equalities.

Supporting documents: