This report seeks to inform the Committee of and outline Medways involvement in the Regional Care Co-operative (RCC) pilot (Southeast region) and subsequent successful DFE Capital Grant awarded to Medway Council (These are subject to Cabinet approval on 30 July 2024).
This involvement is a significant next step to developing Medway’s Sufficiency Strategy 2023-25 ‘A Place called home’ to develop a suite of in-house Children’s Homes for Medway Council.
The Head of Children’s Services Commissioning introduced the report which outlined Medway’s involvement in the Regional Care Co-operative (RCC) pilot (Southeast region) and subsequent successful DFE Capital Grant awarded to Medway Council of £912,872. This was significant as it would enable children’ services to tackle some of its sufficiency issues. The funding would be utilised as part of the renovation of Aut Even and support the Eden House project.
Members raised several comments and questions which included:
Budget for training – in response to a question on whether part of the funding could be utilised for training, the officer said that this was a capital only grant. There was a financial model in place for Aut Even and most of the costing for equipment would be included in this budget, but staffing and associated costs were separate to this grant funding.
Timeline – in response to a question on the timeline for completion of the project, the officer said that notification of the funding was only received in the last month. The next stage was for proposals to be presented at the procurement board in the next few weeks. It was envisaged that this project would take approximately two years to full completion, this would include building work, recruitment of staff and Ofsted inspection before opening. The Committee requested an update on progress in six months.
Sustainability - it was asked how success would be measured in particular due to the high cost associated with running a specialised service. The officer said that it was vital to share resources within the Councils own provision and it was important to continue to grow our own and invest in inhouse provision. All staff across the 3 Council suites would be trained across all suites which would be an advantage and provide the ability for staff to be moved around if needed. Officers would continue to explore and bid for any grants available to enable that growth and had recently secured funding from the DfE to enable the launch of a residential apprenticeship programme.
Sufficiency - it was commented that the report mentioned that this project was a step towards Medway’s vision of building a suite of internal provision and clarification was sought. The officer said that Parklands was now open, they were awaiting an Ofsted inspection of Eden House and Aut Even would be third unit, and in the next 12 months there may be further proposals brought to Cabinet for decision. There would be a minimum of three, with up to twelve young people that could be housed and up to seven part time on short breaks across the suites.
Governance – in response to a question on governance and decision making of the co-operative, the officer said that this was still being worked through, to ensure that all the local authorities involved were afford the opportunity to influence decisions and play their part.
Projects - it was commented that in the past, other projects had gone through a Project Board, made up of officers and a Portfolio Holder which worked very well with some of the big projects the Council had undertaken. This may be beneficial for this project.
a) The Committee noted the involvement, implications and aims of being part of the SE RCC pathfinder project.
b) The Committee noted the external investment into the Aut Even project which is to develop a specialist 5-bedroom home for young people with Learning Disabilities and Autism and neurodiversity.
c) The Committee recommended that an update report be provided to the Committee on progress in six months.
d) The Committee recommended that consideration be given to this project being part of a Project Board to comprise of Officers as well as the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People and The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Culture and Environment.
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