Strood Rural Ward
Construction of 25 dwellings with associated landscaping, parking, earthworks and new vehicular access from View Road.
The DM Manager outlined the application in detail for the construction of 25 dwellings with associated landscaping, parking, earthworks and new vehicular access from View Road.
The DM Manager explained that due to the development being for retirement living for the over 55’s an adjustment to the normal S106 contribution had been set out in the report. A proportion of the S106 contributions would go towards sixth form education rather than primary and secondary school. As there would be no under 16 children on the site and with the lack of demand for on site play equipment, there would be a contribution towards improving open spaces in the area, in liaison with the Parish Council (albeit that any young children visiting could use the play facilities on the adjacent residential development by the same developer). In addition, the affordable housing requirement would be amended to reflect the age and need of prospective occupiers relating to the proposal.
The Committee had a number of concerns and asked questions, which included:
SSSI, Ecology and Diversity – Members were concerned that the previous planning application had promised a lot of improvements in the flood risk area, to protect the character of the area, to protect the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and impact zones, install wildlife zones and improve biodiversity which they considered had not been completed.
The DM Manager confirmed that, similar to the previous application, there would be a buffer from the development to the SSSI. A survey undertaken in 2012, confirmed the nightingale territory was over 500 metres from the development. A ‘no cat policy’ and appropriate cat proof fencing and deterrent landscaping would be installed. Information boards, explaining the SSSI, would be positioned around the site and dog walkers discouraged from walking close to the SSSI with alternative paths being provided.
The Chief Planning Officer clarified that further ecological advice had been sought, regarding the protection of the SSSI, and fencing, landscaping and other measures would be in place. If it was considered that if monitoring showed those measures proved not totally effective, further measures could be implemented via the management condition. KCC Ecology were satisfied with the landscaping and ecology on site and the biodiversity had been sufficiently addressed.
Over 55’s – Members were concerned about younger people living on the site, the DM Manager confirmed that condition 28 set out restrictions that no dwelling should be occupied, at any time, other than by a person aged 55 or older together with their spouse, partner or companion or dependent providing they were over 16 years or older. Anyone residing in these properties would be required to comply. This would not stop grandparents having their grandchildren staying overnight or for a short stay during the holidays, however, not on a permanent basis. Members requested that the condition also be reflected in the S106 in order to tighten up compliance.
Affordable homes – there would be 6 discounted market sale bungalows. Members were concerned with the criteria of who could purchase one of these 6 discounted bungalows. The Chief Planning Officer confirmed there was a need for retirement homes within the area and such need would be reflected in the emerging Local Plan. Members discussed in detail who should get first priority for these affordable homes, however, it was suggested that Medway wide residents would be offered the discounted market sale bungalows.
The DM Manager clarified that discounted market value properties formed part of the affordable homes set out in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the conditions complied with those elements and were included in the S106 agreements.
S106 Contributions – the DM Manager confirmed that that the proposal would deliver significant S106 contributions for the benefit of the local vicinity, and that the spend would be in consultation with the Parish Council.
Members were concerned that the Developer could come back in six months and request a reduction in the S106 contributions. The Chief Planning Officer advised that the only time this Developer had negotiated amendments to a S106 was for MC/21/1694 to allow grant funding to be used to deliver the required affordable homes.
Design – Members acknowledged the design of this planning application was much improved and understood the importance of providing bungalows in Medway. The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that in condition 24 the removal of permitted development rights would mean the 13 bungalows proposed out of the 25 properties within the application remained as bungalows and would not become larger family houses.
The Chief Planning Officer stated that the applicant had spoken to local residents within the Cliffe Woods area and a number of residents, over the age of 55, were currently living in larger houses and wanted to downsize, however, they wished to remain living within the village.
Access - four properties would gain access from the adjacent site, the Chief Planning Officer explained both sites were purchased by the same developer.
Flood risk – the DM Manager confirmed no significant flood risk element had been identified and condition 13 imposed a signed verification drainage report. The site and the adjacent site were owned by the same house builder and would be looking at the drainage conditions.
Accessibility – on-plot parking space would be available for residents, which would be accessible. Any internal designs could be adapted and an informative could be added.
Approved subject to:
A. Notify Natural England of the intention to approve.
B. Section 106 agreement to secure the following:
a) To allocate 6 units from the total number of proposed housing units within the Development to be sold at Discounted Market Value. All subsequent transfers of ownership of these 6 housing units shall be at Discounted Market Value.
b) Financial contributions as follows:
i) £6,125 towards public realm improvements to assist with the development of improved civic space and gateways to Strood town centre (greening projects, bollards and signage).
ii) £5,519.50 towards improvements to library provision in the area
and the mobile library visiting the vicinity of the site.
iii) £5,783.50 for the provision, improvement and promotion of
waste and recycling services to cover the impact of the
iv) £21,134.25 to support the creation of additional capacity in
Primary Care premises as a result of the increase in housing and resulting patient registrations.
v) £6,124 towards enhancement and/or expansion of community
facilities which will serve the new residents of the development.
vi)£8,137.25 towards the development of a gender-neutral changing area including improved shower facilities with increased accessibility for families, schools and disability users which will enable the help and supervision of carers at Hoo Sports Centre.
vii) £8,411.08 towards mitigating the impact of the additional pupilsgenerated by the development comprising.
• Sixth Form - £8,411.08
viii) £31,183.47 towards improving open space provision within the
vicinity of the site, in consultation with the parish council.
ix)£8,206.75 towards Designated Habitats Mitigation.
x) £4,000 towards making a Traffic Regulation Order- provision of yellow lines and signage for waiting restrictions on View Road, Cliffe Woods.
Other non-financial obligations include.
c) The implementation and ongoing management and monitoring of
a ‘no cat policy’ for the lifetime of the development.
d) Condition 28 requirements to be reflected in S106.
C. The imposition of the following conditions 1 to 28 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.
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