Lordswood and Walderslade Ward
Reserved matters application for Phase 1 (for the construction of 91 residential units including affordable housing together with associated access, parking, landscaping, open space, equipped play, infrastructure and earthworks) pursuant to Outline application MC/19/0765 (APP/A2280/W/21/3280915) - Outline application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 800 dwellings with a primary school, supporting retail space of up to 150sqm and a community or nursery facility with an associated road link between North Dane Way and Pear Tree Lane and other road infrastructure, open space and landscaping.
The Principal Planner outlined in detail the reserved matters application for Phase 1 (for the construction of 91 residential units including affordable housing together with associated access, parking, landscaping, open space, equipped play, infrastructure and earthworks) pursuant to Outline application MC/19/0765 (APP/A2280/W/21/3280915) - Outline application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 800 dwellings with a primary school, supporting retail space of up to 150sqm and a community or nursery facility with an associated road link between North Dane Way and Pear Tree Lane and other road infrastructure, open space and landscaping.
The Principal Planner brought Members’ attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet which amended the applicant from FD Attwood and Partners to Taylor Wimpey. It also set out further representations and added two new conditions, conditions 5 and 6.
The Principal Planner confirmed that the contract to provide the 25% affordable homes would not be awarded until planning had been approved.
The Committee had a number of concerns and asked questions, which included:
· North Dane Way - concern was expressed that North Dane Way was a very fast road and was close to the site. The Principal Planner confirmed that a roundabout, off North Dane Way, would be located to access this particular part of the site. It was expected that this would calm traffic, additionally landscaping could be positioned on the roundabout to reduce speed further.
Members were concerned with people crossing North Dane Way and the Principal Planner confirmed that there would be 2 pedestrian crossings linking the existing North Dane Way footpath and the footpath within the site. Due to the nature of the road and the location of the crossings, pedestrians would have a long view of North Dane Way to view oncoming traffic, when crossing.
The Chief Planning Officer understood how important the connectivity between the local area and the site would be, including access to local primary schools, Morrisons supermarket and other local facilities.
Members questioned whether the pedestrian crossing could be signalised. The Chief Planning Officer confirmed this was considered at the appeal hearing and the Inspector did not think a signalised crossing was necessary. This was also confirmed by the Highways Consultant who stated that he would not advise a signalised crossing so close to the roundabout, however, further road calming measures could be considered in the future.
Medway Council could consider whether to introduce traffic calming measures along North Dane Way such as speed cameras, however, this would be outside of this planning application.
· Play Areas – the Principal Planner explained the different types of play areas that would be provided: Local Area for Play (LAP) which were tailored for very young children. Local Equipment Area for Play (LEAP) which were tailored for children who are beginning to experience independent play and Neighbourhood Equipped Play Area for Play (NEAP) which were tailored for slightly older children.
The Chief Planning Officer explained that during negotiations it was agreed that the play space would be accessible not only for the occupiers of the 91 houses, and those in the later phases, but for local children outside of the development.
The Principal Planner clarified that the “kick about space” was just that, it would not be an official football / sport space. The area specified was much flatter, and the children could play ball on the space. Changing rooms and facilities were not included in Phase 1, however, this could be looked at for future phases and public facilities would be proposed as part of the wider provisions. The “kick about space” was positioned further away from the houses to reduce any disturbance.
The Chief Planning Officer explained that the location of the LAP was forefront of the design process and was positioned there for the safety of the younger children, as it was overlooked, and parents could watch over them much easier.
· Design – the Chief Planning Officer informed Members that during the pre-application discussions with officers, there were a lot of negotiations to get the design right. This was a sensitive site, a greenfield site with complex contours and the visual impact required careful consideration. The original planning application submitted was not quite right and Members attended a presentation which included how the scheme had since changed.
The Chief Planning Officer stated that final approval of the materials would need to be submitted and despite losing the appeal, officers were satisfied that the design, landscaping and layout of the road would be a good scheme.
The Principal Planner confirmed that solar panel would be required as part of the sustainability requirements, however, they were only one aspect of a sustainable build.
· Primary School - following concerns from Members about the lack of a primary school within this planning application, the Chief Planning Officer clarified that although the masterplan, that came forward in February 2022, outlined there would be a primary school and retails units within the wider site, this planning application was for Phase 1 which did not include the area shown for the school and retail units. These would be considered at a later date.
· Facilities – the Principal Planner confirmed that a sustainable travel plan had been considered at the outline stage and explained which local buses would service the site. Members were concerned that it would be a 5 minute walk to the nearest bus stop, which could mean residents would be car dependent. It was also considered that there were insufficient walking and cycling facilities within the site.
· Health Facilities - the Chief Planning Officer explained that health facilities were covered within the S106 contributions.
· Ecology – the Chief Planning Officer confirmed that there was a condition that covered ecology and landscaping.
· Kent Police – had requested that the developers consult the Designing out Crime Officers and an informative would be included and Members were informed that the applicant had considered this throughout the design process.
· Controlled Water – the Principal Planner explained that this was controlled by the Environment Agenda and discharge permits would be required during the construction works.
It was requested that the Chief Planning Officer discuss with the Highways Authority how to improve the road safety on North Dane Way. .
Approved with conditions 1 to 4 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and add conditions 5 and 6 as set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet:
Add the following additional conditions:
5 Prior to the commencement of development above slab level, the full details of the finished appearance of the ‘Stramp’ (steps/ramp feature) which is located at the southern end of the site between the upper and lower streets shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance within the street scene and provision for landscaping, in accordance with Policies BNE1 and BNE6.
6 Notwithstanding the details to be submitted pursuant to condition 45 (Landscape and Ecology Mitigation Management Plan) of appeal decision MC/19/0765 (APP/A2280/W/21/3280915), prior to any handover of the maintenance of the public landscape areas to a management company, there must be a site visit involving the Local Planning Authority, the proposed landscape management company and the developer. The site visit will include a review of the site area proposed to be transferred to the management company and will assess whether the approved landscape plans have been implemented as approved, the condition and maintenance of all planting and what measures are necessary prior to a handover to the management company. The results of the site visit/walk over shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the agreed requirements in terms of re-planting/maintenance shall be undertaken prior to any hand over to the management company.
Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to ensure that the important landscaping necessary to make the development acceptable is undertaken and maintained.
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