Agenda item

Attendance of Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property

This annual report provides an account of the role of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property. It details their ambitions for their areas of responsibility, how they have, and how they will undertake political challenge and leadership and what their priorities and ambitions are for the year ahead.


The Committee received an overview of progress made on the areas within the scope of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property, Councillor Khan, which fell within the remit of this Committee.  


The Portfolio Holder responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:  


Residential Homes for Children and Out of Borough Placements - In response to a concern about London Boroughs buying properties in Medway to use as private foster homes the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that this was not within her remit, but it requires national legislation to rectify the issue.


Medway Development Company (MDC) and Sale of Properties – Members queried how many properties had been sold by MDC. The Committee were informed that numbers for this were not to hand and would be provided outside of the meeting.


Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) – The Committee queried whether all properties had an EPC. Officers reported that every property should have an EPC and they were valid for 10 years. Officers explained there were various grants available to support properties with a low performing EPC and the first point of contact for this should be Housing Officers.

Homelessness – Members asked what measures were being taken to address the increase in homelessness. The Portfolio Holder reported that the Rough Sleepers Initiative had provided funding support in recent years alongside a collaborative approach and a review of how the stock available for Temporary Accommodation (TA) could be increased. The purchase of houses due to the rising costs of TA formed part of this approach and had been modelled on a former pilot scheme based on 20 properties.


Mountbatten House Conversion to Housing – Members requested an update on the timeline for completion of this. The Portfolio Holder explained that that was a significant site that played a major role in the strategic regeneration of Chatham and a timeline would be shared with Members when it was available.


Reviewing Assets for Disposal – Members queried the criteria for a non-core asset when reviewing assets for disposal. The Committee were informed that the property portfolio was wide ranging and there had been a lack of investment for a number of years. The property portfolio was being reviewed, including rationalisation and each property would be looked at on a case-by-case basis considering the cost to retain, the longer-term future and the value.


Armed Forces and Operation Fortitude – Members asked whether Medway was signed up to Operation Fortitude which was a referral service into housing for veterans. The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that Armed Forces personnel were given an automatic priority for housing and there was a commitment to support the Armed Forces Covenant. Medway were not currently signed up to Operation Fortitude however the Portfolio Holder would look at this further outside of the meeting.


Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes – The Portfolio Holder reported that Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes were being progressed to help drive up standards in the private rented sector and work continued to set out what the schemes would look like.


Anti-Social Behaviour Reporting App – The Committee queried whether there was scope to share the new App with Housing Associations we worked in partnership with. The Committee were informed that the App was currently being tested and rolled out and that it could be discussed with Housing Associations to see how it could be used to support other areas.




The Committee noted the report.


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