Agenda item

Planning application - MC/23/2597 Land at former Deangate Ridge Golf Club, Dux Court Road, Hoo, Rochester

Hoo St Werburgh & High Halstow Ward

Change of use from former golf course to community park comprising works to existing access and car park, cycle parking, formation of footpaths, landscaping, tree/scrub planting, boundary treatments, site interpretation and benches with associated works.




Councillor Pearce withdrew from the meeting as a Committee Member and sat with the other Ward Councillors.


The Chief Planning Officer outlined the application in detail for the change of use from a former golf course to a community park, comprising of works to existing access and car park, cycle parking, formation of footpaths, landscaping, tree/scrub planting, boundary treatments, site interpretation and benches with associated works.


The Chief Planning Officer explained that the community park would be accessible for all members of the public, would provide wider health benefits and would be the first phase of leisure provisions at Deangate.  It would be a huge benefit to Medway and the local community that enjoyed the countryside, leisure pursuits, sports and ecology.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Crozer addressed the Committee on behalf of all three Ward Councillors and raised the following concerns:


  • As Ward Councillors they supported this application, recognising the community park would provide health and wellbeing benefits for residents, however, considered it to be a leap of faith.
  • Medway Council closed the golf club back in 2018, as it was running at a £200,000 loss, and Medway Council needed to balance the books.  The golf club was closed without any public consultation.
  • Concern regarding the lack of footpaths was raised as there was no safe pedestrian crossing from Hoo to Dux Court Road.  A sustainable and safe mode of crossing should be installed. 
  • The area was adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and the home to protected wildlife including nightingales, slow worms and bats.
  • They would welcome the community park being changed to a Country Park.  Could a pitch and putt course and driving range be re-established.  This planning application would not be the end of the Deangate site, however, funding was needed to allow future opportunities for the club house including its use as a visitors centre and cafe.


The Committee discussed the planning application noting the points raised by the Ward Councillors. 


Members acknowledged this was a facility for everyone to use, to enjoy the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of the site.  The Chief Planning Officer explained the applicant had provided a large amount of information and Medway’s Consultees had stated the development was good, however, there were ways that had been suggested to make the facilities better for the public.


Members were concerned with the lack of paths and disabled access.  The Chief Planning Officer explained that further work was being done with officers on the finite detail, acknowledging the community park should be accessible for all.  He said that providing a crossing of Peninsula Way and providing paths down Dux Court Road for pedestrians to walk safely was a priority.  Those plans were not included in this planning application but would be included in future plans.


Although there were no public facilities on site, the next phase coming forward would include the former club house and public facilities and would likely contain an educational area to learn about the site.  Information boards would be installed around the community park explaining the important ecology within the site and adjacent SSSI. 


Members asked whether there would be an opportunity to relocate some sub species of amphibians so that Deangate could become a release site.  Future discussions with Natural England would be held.


In response to a question regarding the running track and football pitches on the opposite side of Dux Court Road (outside the application site) the Chief Planning Officer explained that Section 106 contributions and external funding were being sought to improve the football pitches, running track and changing rooms and the Council and Ward Councillors were in consultation with the local football teams.




Approved with conditions 1 to 16 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.


Councillor Pearce returned to the meeting as a Committee Member.

Supporting documents: