Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration

This annual report provides an account of the role of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration. It details their ambitions for their areas of responsibility, how they have and will undertake political challenge and leadership and what their priorities and ambitions are for the year ahead.


The following issues were discussed:


Frindsbury Hill road closure – concern was expressed that the road closure on Frindsbury Hill would cause traffic congestion and increased pollution in the area. The Portfolio Holder agreed it was an issue of concern, there was, however, little the Council could do. The closure was required to facilitate a Department of Education school building initiative and the contractor had made it clear the road would need to be closed.  The Highways team had worked with the contractor and the road closure had been reduced from 19 weeks to 15 weeks. The Council had ensured there would be no non-emergency roadworks in the vicinity and had contacted emergency services and Arriva to mitigate any disruption.


Members were disappointed that local Councillors had not been given the opportunity to provide their views and the public had not been made aware of the closure earlier. The disruption would be exacerbated by the proposed cycleway on A289. The Portfolio Holder encouraged members to take part in the consultation on cycling routes which had recently been launched. He acknowledged that communication had been an issue.


Medway Norse site – in response to a comment that the Medway Norse site at Gillingham Pier was inadequate, the Portfolio Holder agreed a new depot would be required. He informed the Committee that the Council was developing a waste strategy which would include consideration of a new site with good transport links for staff and the gradual replacement of the fleet which currently cost £30,000 a month to maintain. The Council was considering ways to decarbonise the fleet, but the cost of electric vehicles was prohibitively expensive.


Norse contracts – in response to a question whether Norse contracts were effective, the Portfolio acknowledged the joint delivery of services was complex, however, monitoring was an important part of the process, and the Council did not currently have sufficient capacity to ensure effective monitoring took place. The Portfolio Holder told the Committee that the contracts between the Council and Medway Norse were being reviewed, in addition meetings regarding the Council Local Authority Trading Companies governance arrangements were taking place.


Green Bus Shelter – in response to a question how many buses shelters Medway had and what was the cost and impact of the green roof on one bus shelter, the Portfolio Holder reported the initiative had been a one-off grant, but he was keen to promote this in future in partnership with local firms. Green bus shelters cleaned the air, contributed to biodiversity, and looked attractive.


Solar Kent – it was welcome that 42 residents had taken up the Solar Kent initiative in the year, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee this was lower than in the previous year due to the cost-of-living crisis. There were however, another 70 homes where applications had been received.


It was questioned what contribution the 42 homes taking up the Solar Kent had made in reducing levels of co2 and whether it was a net benefit when the manufacture of the solar panels had been taken into consideration. The Portfolio Holder undertook to provide this information to the Committee outside of the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder added there was an opportunity to ensure the properties Council had recently decided to purchase in relation to temporary accommodation were energy efficient.


Litter – in response to questions about litter, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that a new cross party working group was in development and this would assist in the development of a ward improvement plan to reduce littering. He acknowledged that littering on the A289 was an issue.


He added the Council had two groups, the Members Working Group and Members Group which may be able to assist in communication between the Council and residents, so that Greenspaces were improved, littering is reduced, and recycling was encouraged.


Buses – the Committee noted its disappointment that some of the bus stock was out of date and buses were used in Medway which had been outlawed in London due to emission levels. The Portfolio Holder agreed and outlined his ambition for Medway to have widespread electric bus services with increased provision in the Peninsula via a bus station in Strood. He added that the Council continued to subsidise some services and was working with the companies to review services, including routes. The Council had an ambition to improve services in Medway whilst reducing emissions.


The Portfolio Holder noted that some companies had organised their own bus service for staff which eased congestion and reduced emissions, and this was something he was keen to explore with other local companies.


Charging Points - in response to a question how the Council can promote more charging points for electric vehicles, the Portfolio Holder acknowledged it was a challenge, particularly in conservation areas. His view was that the Council needed to consider these issues within the new local plan which was in development. Further charging points in public car parks and workplaces such as Gun Wharf would assist, but in some areas such as where there is Victorian terraced housing this remained a significant challenge.


Trees – Responding to a question about improving air quality, the Portfolio Holder noted that the Council was developing a tree policy which would increase the cover of tress in urban areas and reduce particles, particularly near school where idling engines was an issue.


Recycling – Members noted the positive work in recycling small electrical items at community hubs.


Local Plan – in response to a member question whether the closure of Chatham docks would lead to an increase in emissions due to cargo being transported by road rather than the river, the Portfolio Holder stated this would be considered in the local plan and a river strategy was in development. The Portfolio Holder added the Council was using drainage and dredging to create a salt marsh in the region.




The Committee noted the report.

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