Agenda item

Attendance of Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration

This annual report provides an account of the role of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration. It details their ambitions for their areas of responsibility, how they have and will undertake political challenge and leadership and what their priorities and ambitions are for the year ahead.




The Committee received an overview of progress made on the areas within the scope of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, Councillor Curry, which fell within the remit of this Committee.


The Portfolio Holder responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:


EV Charging Points - In response to a question about the availability of EV charging points the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that there was a strategy for EV charging and action was being taken to install EV charging points where it can be done quickly but installation can be complex and costly.


Recycling – Members queried the communications strategy and how food waste disposal in residual waste could be addressed. The Committee were informed that recycling rates were low and that a waste recycling strategy is currently being produced to improve recycling rates and that weekly collections would continue.


Bus routes and Active Travel – The Committee queried the key routes and were informed that all routes are being looked at in partnership with the Bus Companies, a Bus workshop is being held and a map of key routes would be produced. The portfolio holder reported that active travel and sustainable transport options were also being explored and the Medway Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Consultation Report had been launched. All Members were encouraged to submit their views as part of the consultation process.


Deangate Ridge former golf course – In response to a question about how the remaining hectares of the former golf course would be used the portfolio holder offered to provide a response outside the meeting after checking this.


Roadworks – Members queried whether roadworks could be better co-ordinated to minimise disruption and costs. The portfolio holder explained that roadworks are complex due to the size of the road network in Medway, the inherited road infrastructure management plan, pot holes and the lack of investment in previous years but that new technologies were being explored.


Temple Marsh and Temple Manor – In response to a query about how these sites could be better utilised the Committee were informed that there was a park project for Temple Marsh and both sites would be included in walking routes linked to the River Strategy.


Communications between Friends Groups for Greenspaces and Medway Norse – The portfolio holder recognised the important work of the Friends Groups and acknowledged that there was room for improvement with regards to communications. It was explained that this has been addressed with Norse and reassured Members he would continue to support the Lordswood and Walderslade Community Group that had experienced some difficulties and wished to form a new group. 


Flooding – Concerns were raised about flooding in Walderslade as the highest point in Medway. The Committee were informed that the portfolio holder recognised the importance of this issue as Chairperson of the North Kent Marshes Inland Drainage Board. It was reported that there was a Flood officer in the planning team and that the prevention of flooding needed to be built into polices and strategies including the Local Plan.


20mph Zones – Members queried whether there should be a more progressive approach towards the use of 20mph zones. It was explained that there were complex issues regarding the introduction of 20mph zones however it could be considered as part of the strategic approach alongside active travel and school streets.


Allotments – In response to concerns raised about the lengthy waiting list the portfolio holder said we could look to developers to provide new allotments and look at whether underused green spaces can be utilised. The Committee were informed that this issue required creative solutions, plots were now being split when vacated and some small-scale community sites had been created.




1.1.        The Committee noted the report.

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