Agenda item

Planning application - MC/23/1834 Former Police Section House, East Road, Historic Dockyard, Chatham

Chatham Central & Brompton Ward

Part demolition and conversion of the former police section house for exhibition space, cafe, meeting space, post-production studios, office and co-working space (mixed-use). The development of a digital production studio (Sui  Generis) and the installation of rooftop PV panels. A single storey link extension, construction of vehicular access, substation, hard and soft landscaping and associated works.




It was agreed that there would be one presentation that covered both MC/23/1834 and MC/23/1833 Former Police Section House, East Road, however, both applications would be voted on separately.


The Principal Planner outlined the application in detail for part demolition and conversion of the former police section house for exhibition space, cafe, meeting space, post-production studios, office and co-working space (mixed-use). The development of a digital production studio (Sui Generis) and the installation of rooftop PV panels.  A single storey link extension, construction of vehicular access, substation, hard and soft landscaping and associated works.


The Principal Planner explained that Members had received a presentation from the Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries regarding the application back in July 2023.  He stated that the applicant had engaged with the landowners and developers of adjourning sites the proposal could also act as a catalyst for encouraging more diverse and innovative uses as part of the sites wider regeneration.


The Principal Planner brought Members’ attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet which included a briefing note from the applicant and further clarification on Bio Diversity Net Gain and agreed approach.  A contribution of £40,000 has been agreed, in consultation with Medway Council Greenspaces Team and Kent County Council Biodiversity, to supply the equivalent number of replacement trees to compensate for those trees that would be removed.  The cost would include the planting of the trees on Council owned land and the ongoing management costs that would be required in the first three years whilst the trees were established. 


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Maple addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and outlined the following points in support of the application:


  • This was an old building that had not been used in some time and the development would bring the building back to being used again and would be a really good use of the space.
  • Working closely with Medway Council, The Historic Dockyard and the University would add value to the creative industry.  Postproduction could be done on site in conjunction with the filming.
  • Condition 3 - we could easily avoid construction works and lorries coming and going during peak times which would affect neighbouring residents such as the Busy Bees Nursery.
  • Always important to note that there were no objections submitted from local residents.


The Committee considered the application and were encouraged by the opportunity to regenerate the building.  This would enhance the area and boost the local economy as well as encouraging young people into the creative arts.


Members expressed the view that the loss of 34 trees on site should be offset by enhanced and improved provision off site.  The Principal Planner confirmed it would be offset with mixed tree planting which would actually be an improvement for bio diversity over the self-sown sycamores that would be removed.


The Principal Planner confirmed that the roof of the studio would have solar panels installed on them.




Approved subject to:


A)            Delegated authority being given to the Chief Planning Officer to secure further details of the financial contribution that will be sought to mitigate against the loss of Biodiversity.


B)          The submission of a Unilateral Undertaking under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure:


A contribution of to mitigate against the loss 0.58 units of other woodland; broadleaved.


C)          The imposition of conditions 1 to 23 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.

Supporting documents: