Agenda item

Universal Credit and Welfare Reforms Annual Progress Report

This report provides Members with an update on the roll out of Universal Credit and other work streams associated with welfare reform.




The report provided Members with an update on the roll out of Universal Credit, the Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare highlighted that the current caseload of Housing Benefit claimants in Medway was around 8,000.


The following issues were discussed.


Welfare Debt and Advice Support Service – It was noted that the Council would deliver a welfare, debt and advice service from January 2024 which had previously been provided via a contract with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). In response to a question whether the Council would be able to provide a similar service if there were no plans to expand the team, the Chief Finance Officer explained that the budget assumption was that the value of the contract would be spent in-house meaning additional staff would be recruited. The Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare explained that the service will have debt and advice officers in place, and that the Council was partnered with the Money and Pensions Service to provide qualified debt advisors in addition to all staff receiving relevant training. The Council was not aiming to directly replicate the service in the way the CAB had provided it, however there will be welfare advisors in community hubs, surgeries and the service will be embedded within the Council’s digital services.


Concern was raised that residents would not have the necessary services available because the Council was not ready to provide them.  The Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare explained the service would be ready to support those who need it in January 2024, and will continue to be enhanced over the coming months.


A Member raised concern that members of the public may be reluctant to approach the Council and asked whether the Council were aware of the potential number of clients that would use the service. The Chief Finance Officer explained that the Council had worked with CAB to estimate volumes and would review take up to adapt the service to meet requirements over the coming year.


The Chief Operating Officer told the Committee the change in approach would provide a more holistic service, with a single point of contact.


Council Tax Reduction Scheme – in response to a question what was the cause of the £1m pressure in the budget of the Council Tax reduction scheme, the Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare informed the Committee work to ensure the scheme was more accessible means it is easier for people to see if they are entitled to make a claim and secondly the cost of living crisis had meant more claims were being received.


Working with DWP on campaigns – in response to a question how the Council and the DWP co-ordinated on campaigns to ensure those entitled to benefits take them up, the Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare stated that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) run campaigns through the media, make regular contact with partner agencies and publish information through their website. The Council had undertaken a campaign in relation to the decisions made by Council in July to ensure those entitled to be in receipt of benefits can access them. The Head of Benefits and Financial Welfare undertook to provide a briefing note on the provision of benefit advice given to Medway residents.




1.                  The Committee noted the work referenced in the report.


2.                  The Committee requested a briefing note to be provided to the Committee on the provision of benefit advice given to Medway residents.

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