Agenda item

Performance Report - 1 July to 30 September 2023

This report is presented to the Planning Committee informing Members on current planning performance and the Local Plan.  The report covers the period from 1 July to 30 September 2023.




The Committee received a report setting out performance for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023.


The Chief Planning Officer explained that these figures were presented on a quarterly basis to show how his team and the Planning Committee achieved their targets.


The Chief Planning Officer stated that the staff restructure within the Planning Department had taken place and a number of existing staff had been promoted which was well deserved.    


The Chief Planning Officer acknowledged that there had been a slight downturn in applications received during the period, he considered this was due to the economic climate.  Speaking with developers, he thought this was likely to improve next year, although it enabled the team to catch up on outstanding work due to the number of vacancies the department had carried.  


The Chief Planning Officer was pleased to see the number of major planning applications determined against the performance target had increased and was significantly above the Government target. 


The Chief Planning Officer stated that the Government were increasing planning fees quite considerably from December 2023.  At present, planning fees did not cover the costs for the processing of planning applications. 


He explained that planning applications for prior approvals meant that no Section 106 contributions would be received, and he was continuing to lobby the Government regarding this issue.


The number of housing units under construction was 1,735 in year and while our target was set at 1,667 using the standard methodology, completions in the year were around 1,000.  


He clarified that all the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) applications were up to date, however, he had to employ a consultant to assist with the backlog.  The consultant would remain in post until a permanent position could be filled. 


A number of compliments had been received and were on page 96 and 97 of the report.


The Chief Planning Officer made Members aware of the current position on Neighbourhood Plans:


·       The Cliffe and Cliffe Wood Neighbourhood Plan was adopted and was part of the Council’s Development Plan in May.  

·       An independent examiner had commented and had concerns with the High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan and further work was being undertaken. 

·       Arches Local Neighbourhood Plan had received minor changes from the examiner and subject to Cabinet approval would be going to a referendum, possibly, in May 2024. 

·       Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden’s draft reg 16 Neighbourhood Plan would be published for consultation in the new year subject to the agreement of Cabinet. 

·       Frindsbury Neighbourhood Plan was an early stage.


The Chief Planning Officer explained that the planning inspectorate were struggling with getting appeals determined within a reasonable timeframe and enforcement appeals could take up to 2 years for completion.


Members expressed their thanks to the Chief Planning Officer and his team for all their hard work and acknowledged the amount of work that went into producing the results shown.




The Committee noted the report and requested that the Chief Planning Officer

express the Committee’s appreciation for the levels of achievement to staff

within the Planning Service.

Supporting documents: