All Saints Ward
Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale ) for demolition of redundant farm buildings and construction of 9 no. dwelling houses, provision of attenuation pond and comprehensive landscape area (incorporating wildflower meadows, biodiversity area and tree planting).
The Chief Planning Officer explained that this was an outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the demolition of redundant farm buildings and construction of 9 dwelling houses, provision of attenuation pond and comprehensive landscape area (incorporating wildflower meadows, biodiversity area and tree planting).
The Chief Planning Officer explained that although this planning application had previously come before the Committee, reflecting on the complexity of the determining issues, the whole presentation would be given again. He also explained that condition 23 had been amended, as set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet.
With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Spalding addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and raised the following concerns:
The Committee discussed the planning application noting the points raised by the Chief Planning Officer and the Ward Councillor.
The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that although flood issues were an existing problem within the area, the development would not cause any further impact and indeed could result in some improvements to the existing situation.
Members were concerned with the ecology in the area – bats and barn owls, and the Chief Planning Officer confirmed that further work would be done in conjunction with the Council’s consultant Ecologist and Biodiversity Officer. Any reserved matters application submitted following outline approval would include further information in relation to ecology and biodiversity which would be assessed at that time and before development commenced.
Approved with conditions 1 to 24 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and subject to notifying the HSE. Condition 23 to be amended as follows:
23. Prior to occupation (or within an agreed implementation schedule) a signed verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer (or equivalent) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to confirm that the agreed surface water and foul water system has been constructed as per the agreed scheme and plans. The report shall include details and locations of critical drainage infrastructure (such as inlets, outlets and control structures) including as built drawings, and an operation and maintenance manual for the unadopted parts of the scheme as constructed.
Reason: This condition is sought in accordance with paragraph 168 of the NPPF to ensure that suitable surface water drainage scheme is designed and fully implemented so as to not increase flood risk onsite or elsewhere.
Supporting documents: