All Saints Ward
Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for demolition of redundant farm buildings and construction of 9 no. dwelling houses, provision of attenuation pond and comprehensive landscape area (incorporating wildflower meadows, biodiversity area and tree planting).
The Principal Planner outlined the application in detail for outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for demolition of redundant farm buildings and construction of 9 no. dwelling houses, provision of attenuation pond and comprehensive landscape area (incorporating wildflower meadows, biodiversity area and tree planting).
The Principal Planner explained that a previous outline planning application, submitted in 2006, was refused and that decision was based on the Local and National Planning context that existed at that time which included an up to date Local Plan. This current application should be considered on its own merits.
The use of the site would help to meet the housing need by providing nine new family dwellings which, during the construction phase, would contribute to increased investment and job creation. The new development would be consistent with the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) which sought to locate housing in rural communities. These would be modern family homes with a good internal and external amenity space.
The area was not within an Area of Local Landscape Importance. To the north of the site, there would be an area of wildflower meadow.
The Principal Planner explained that given the Council’s housing shortfall the policies in the Development Plan, which were relevant to the supply of housing, are considered out of date. She referred to paragraph 11 of NPPF which sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development unless the adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the NPPF as taken as a whole.
The Principal Planner acknowledged that the Kent County Council (KCC) Biodiversity Officer, following amended plans and re-consultation, had written to advise the application was now acceptable with regards to the ecology of the site.
The vehicular access to serve the development would be from Grain Road. The development would not have an adverse impact on highway safety and the illustrative scheme demonstrates that car parking can be provided to meet the Council adopted standards.
The Chairperson confirmed that a letter of representation from Stoke Parish Council which was received on 21 July 2023 and a representative from KCC Ecology were included in the supplementary agenda advice sheet.
With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Spalding addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and raised the following concerns:
A Member of the Committee agreed with the Ward Councillor regarding the lack of information on sustainability, flooding and the enhancement of biodiversity.
Members discussed the impact of ground water flooding and that surface water regularly drained into the surrounding ditches, however there was no information regarding who owned those ditches.
It was proposed to defer this planning application to get further information. The proposed deferral was seconded and approved.
The Chief Planning Officer asked what information Members required in order to determine this application, recognising that it was an outline application seeking to establish the principle of development with details only of the access to be agreed and that a future reserved matters application would have the detail that is being asked for. Members responded to clarify what information they felt was necessary. The Chief Planning Officer agreed to go back to the applicant and this planning application would come back for a decision to a later Planning Committee.
Deferred for more information.
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