Hoo St Werburgh and High Halstow Ward
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for installation of roof mounted solar photovoltaic systems.
Councillor Pearce left the meeting for this item.
The Chief Planning Officer outlined the application in detail for the application for a Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for installation of roof mounted solar photovoltaic systems.
The Chief Planning Officer explained that this was not an application for planning permission so Members could not consider this as a normal planning application. This was to determine whether the installation of roof mounted solar photovoltaic systems were lawful under the General Permitted Development Order 2015.
The Chief Planning Officer took the Committee through the various headings which related to what would be permitted development under the terms of the above mentioned Development Order.
With the agreement of the Committee, the Chief Planning Officer read out Councillor Sands’ concerns as a Ward Councillor:
The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that Hoo Library was not a listed building and not in the curtilage of a Grade 1 listed building.
The Committee discussed the Lawful Development Certificate application noting the concerns raised by the Ward Councillor.
Due to climate change, and the fact that the Council declared a climate change emergency, it was discussed that putting solar panels on roofs was a good idea.
The Chairperson confirmed that although this was not a planning application but an application for a Lawful Development Certificate, the reason it came to the Committee was because objections were received from Hoo Parish Council.
Approved with condition 1 as set out below and in the supplementary agenda advice sheet for the reasons stated.
Recommendation - Approval
1 The proposed works constitute development permitted by virtue of Class A, Part 12, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended, as such planning permission is not required.
The proposal is for development that is permitted development by virtue of Schedule 2, Part 14, Class J of the Town and Country (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).
Councillor Pearce returned to the meeting.
Supporting documents: