Strood South Ward
Construction of a (Class E(a)) retail store with associated parking, access, servicing and landscaping.
The Planning Consultant outlined the application in detail for the construction of a (Class E(a)) retail store with associated parking, access, servicing and landscaping.
The Planning Consultant confirmed that the proposed application of a new Lidl food store would have an area of 2,278 sqm and a net sales area of 1,414 sqm which included a pitched roof. Vehicle access would be from Roman Way via a new priority junction arrangement. There would be 117 parking spaces, 6 disabled spaces and 9 parent and child spaces. Two electric vehicle charging points would be installed initially, increased to 4 then to 12 within three years.
Although a Retail Impact Assessment was not required under the provisions of Policy R13 of the Local Plan, a high-level consideration of potential impact had been provided and stated that given the size and type of proposal, it would not undermine the vitality and viability of existing centres in the area.
Due to the site being a former pit, the Applicant had extensive discussions with the Environmental Agency and provided further technical details. The Environment Agency had since removed their objections and there were now several conditions attached to this application.
The Planning Consultant drew Members’ attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet no.2 amending conditions 4, 5, 29, 30 and 31 with an additional condition, 36 in relation to climate change.
The Committee considered the application, noting concerns about the access into the site. The Planning Consultant confirmed there would be anti-slip surfacing on the road to slow vehicles down, installation of speed indicators and no restrictions for vehicles turning right into the site as there would be suitable visibility. The Head of Planning explained that if access was restricted to only left in and left out, shoppers would need to travel quite a distance to return to where they were coming from.
Members welcomed the alternative location for shopping and considered that for some residents it would mean they would not have to travel as far.
Members acknowledged the sequential test that was provided in the report and the amendments noted in the supplementary agenda advice sheet no.2 and how it related to different communities. The site would be walkable for many residents although a bus stop located closer to the site would be preferred.
Members requested that as the landscaping was right on the border of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), that the Applicant speak to the AONB to discuss what landscaping could be planted. The Planning Consultant confirmed that a further Landscape Management Plan would be submitted. Members were pleased to see with the proposed development how biodiversity net gain could be achieved.
The Planning Consultant confirmed that although the initial proposal was for 2 electric vehicle charging points, within three years 12 carparking spaces would enable EV charging.
Members requested a yellow box to be installed on Roman Way to allow access especially during busy periods. The Head of Planning, in consultation, with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition Spokespersons would amend condition 17 to include this.
Approved subject to:
a) The applicant entering into a legal agreement under the terms of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure a contribution of £28,620 to mitigate against the loss of Open Mosaic Habitat on the site.
b) Conditions 1 to 3, 6 to 16, 18 to 28, 32 to 35 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and amendments to the reasons in conditions 4, 5 and 17 and the addition of condition 36, as set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet and as follows:
Amend reasons in conditions 4 and 5 to refer to paragraph 90 NOT 92 of the NPPF.
Amend condition 17 as follows:
17. No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until the physical improvement works as shown on Drawing SCP/200289/SK12 rev A and SCP/200289/SK100 rev B as well as the provision of a yellow box on Roman Way at the entrance to the site, have been fully implemented and made operational under the terms of an agreement under Section 278 of the Highway Act 1980. The above listed works shall be implemented in full and made operational prior to the occupation of the Retail Unit.
Amend reasons in conditions 29, 30 and 31 to refer to paragraph 169 NOT 165.
Add condition 36 as follows:
36. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the measures to address energy efficiency and climate change set out within the Climate Change Statement, by RPS dated 30th July 2021 (210730/JPW1656/Climate Statement v 1). Prior to first occupation of the development, a verification report prepared by a suitably qualified professional shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority confirming that all the agreed measures have been undertaken and will thereafter be maintained on site.
Reason: In the interests of sustainability and to positively address concerns regarding Climate Change in accordance with the NPPF.
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