River Ward
Mixed use development comprising residential units (Class C3) and commercial floorspace (Class E) together with vehicular access off Bardell Terrace, vehicle (including on site and on street spaces) and cycle parking provision, private amenity space, landscaping, engineering works, public realm, and associated works. Highway works to the junction of Corporation Street and High Street and alterations to pedestrian crossing - demolition of all buildings on site.
Councillor Tranter withdrew as a Member of the Committee to speak as a Ward Councillor.
The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail which was for mixed-use development comprising residential units (Class C3) and commercial floorspace (Class E) together with vehicular access off Bardell Terrace, vehicle (including on site and on street spaces) and cycle parking provision, private amenity space, landscaping, engineering works, public realm, and associated works. Highway works to the junction of Corporation Street and High Street and alterations to pedestrian crossing - demolition of all buildings on site.
The Head of Planning confirmed that a site visit had taken place on Saturday 7 January 2023 and was noted in the supplementary agenda advice sheet no. 2 along with a briefing note from the Applicant’s Highway Consultant.
An additional S106 contribution to include a scheme of local improvements would be provided to the wider area (supplementary agenda advice sheet no.1) and an amendment to condition 21 (supplementary agenda advice sheet no.2). Final details of the proposed highway layout would be brought back to this Planning Committee for determination as part of the assessment of condition 21.
With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Tranter addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor which included the following points:
The Committee discussed the planning application noting the comments outlined by the Head of Planning and the points raised by the Ward Councillor:
Members agreed the site visit was beneficial and welcomed the additional condition to improve the wider area and that the proposed highways layout would be brought back to this Committee as there were still concerns for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. The Head of Planning confirmed that no further development could take place, above slab level, within any phase until the highway details were brought back for approval.
The Highways Consultant confirmed that the submission of stage 1 and 2 of the Road Safety Audit, the footpaths are shown as adequate.
Members agreed that Ward Councillors should be involved as much as possible in discussions regarding the highway crossing improvements.
Approved subject to:
A. Section 106 agreement to secure the following:
i. £103,179.12 towards strategic measures in respect of the coastal North Kent Special Protection Areas (SPAs)/Ramsar sites
ii. 10% affordable housing
iii. Restriction to the occupation of phase including the central area until the works to Star Hill Roundabout have been undertaken.
iv. A scheme of local improvements to be provided to the wider area.
B. Conditions 1-20 and 22-44 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in
the report and an amendment to condition 21 as set out in the
supplementary agenda advice sheet no. 2.
Amend Condition 21 as follows:
21. Notwithstanding the highways crossing improvements shown on drawings 43370_5501_009 Rev C and 43370_5501_023, no development shall take place above slab level within ay phase or sub phase, including the central area, until final details of the highway crossing improvements for the Corporation Street/Star Hill junction, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall thereafter be implemented in full prior to first occupation of the central area phase.
Supporting documents: