Strood Rural Ward
Construction of 50 retirement homes comprising of 42 apartments and 8 bungalows with communal facilities, electric scooter store and management offices with associated parking, landscape improvements and on-site allotments.
The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail for the construction of 50 retirement homes comprising of 42 apartments and 8 bungalows with communal facilities, electric scooter store and management offices with associated parking, landscape improvements and on-site allotments.
In 2019 the application was refused due to layout, inadequate landscaping, lack of privacy and no sustainable urban drainage system. In 2021 following amendments, the application was refused due to landscaping, loss of amenities due to overlooking and landscaping and no application buffer in terms of Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). On appeal the application was dismissed as the proposed landscape was found to be inadequate, inappropriate drainage system and loss of privacy.
This was not a reserved matters applications as the original outline approval allowed on appeal had lapsed.
With the agreement of the Committee, the Head of Planning read out a statement by Councillor Etheridge as Ward Councillor which raised the following concerns:
The Committee discussed the planning application noting the comments made by the Head of Planning and the points raised by the Ward Councillor.
Some Members agreed with the views of the local Councillor and that the location of the site was not appropriate for the development, it was too far from the town centre and those needing services would have to drive due to a lack of public transport which was not good for the climate. There was limited investment in infrastructure.
Some Members agreed on the need for housing of this type and why this location would appeal to people. The detail of this application was a vast improvement from the previous application. There could be people that were already living in the vicinity that would welcome the opportunity to be able to downsize and remain in the village.
Approved subject to:
A. Notifying Natural England of the intention to approve.
B. Section 106 agreement to secure the following:
i. To pay the Council their reasonable costs in making the Traffic Regulation Order for the provision of yellow lines and signage for waiting restrictions on View Road, Cliffe Woods.
ii. To allocate 12 units from the total number of proposed housing units within the Development to be sold at Discounted Market Value. All subsequent transfers of ownership of these 12 housing units shall be at Discounted Market Value.
iii. The implementation and ongoing management and monitoring of a ‘no cat policy’ for the lifetime of the development.
Financial contributions as follows:
iv. £12,250 towards public realm improvements to assist with the development of improved civic space and gateways to Strood town centre (greening projects, bollards, and signage).
v. £9,277.50 towards improvements to library provision in the area and the mobile library visiting the vicinity of the site.
vi. £9,721 For the provision, improvement and promotion of waste and recycling services to cover the impact of the development.
vii. £35,523 to support the creation of additional capacity in Primary Care premises as a result of the increase in housing and resulting patient registrations.
viii.£10,293.50 towards enhancement and/or expansion of community facilities which will serve the new residents of the development.
ix. £13,794 towards Designated Habitats Mitigation.
C. Conditions 1-28 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.
Supporting documents: