Rainham North Ward
Application for approval of reserved matters being appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline planning permission MC/18/1796 for the construction of 200 dwellings (C3 use class), open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure together with application to discharge conditions number 13 (refuse provision), 24 (contamination), 25 (contamination remediation) and 28 (MUGA play provision ).
The Senior Planner outlined the application in detail for outline planning permission for 202 dwellings. This planning application was a reserved matters application.
In relation to the recommendation for approval, officers were minded that the ecology matters needed to be retained as part of the resolution whereas the requirement in relation to drainage could be deleted, changes were made to the conditions to ensure the conditions follow through from the outline permission.
Correspondence had been received from McCullocks who were happy with the drainage proposals and had submitted a S73 application on their site, Bakersfield Phase 2 A so that the two drainage systems would co-ordinate. The Lead Local Flood Authority had reviewed the application and agreed in principle with the drainage approach.
With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Potter addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and raised the following concerns:
The Committee discussed the planning application noting the comments outlined by the Senior Planner and the points raised by the Ward Councillor.
The Committee discussed the application in detail and a Member drew attention to the issues with eastern pedestrian access and the safety of children walking to the school. Once this development was built there would be no path or open space for young people to pass through to their school as both the primary school and senior school pupils had to walk east to access their schools.
It was commented that the S106 stated £300k payment for open space, with £194k for Splashes, the Council had secured a considerable sum for the Splashes development and the £194k should be spent in the local community or for Riverside Country Park which would receive more pressure from this development in the coming years. The Head of Planning said that this was previously agreed as part of the original application and would make enquiries as to whether it was still required.
A Member commented that by granting planning permission for the 10 Acre Way development, Swale Council had allowed development rights on the boundary of Medway and it was disappointing that they would then not allow the walk through when a lot of children from Swale would also benefit as they attended the local school that was located on the boundary. It was important to note that whatever decision was made in relation to this application, the land was earmarked for development.
The Head of Planning responded to some of the comments made by saying that:
Approved subject to:
A. The ecological matters being acceptable. Delegated authority to apply additional conditions related to these matters as required.
B. Conditions 1 to 9 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report, add condition 10 as set out below and 3 additional conditions (11, 12 and 13) to secure amended plans re roof plan for houses on western boundary; removal of PD rights for all dwellings around perimeter of the site and securing delivery of vehicular access through to Bloomfields development:
10 Within 6 months of construction commencing an ecological enhancement and management plan for the whole site must be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The plan must include the following information:
• Site plan clearly showing the management areas
• Details of what management is required
• Timings and frequency of the management
• Details of ecological enhancements to be incorporated into the site.
• Details of management plan reviews
• Details of who will be carrying out the management.
The works must be implemented as detailed within the agreed plan and no dwellings shall be occupied within any phase or subphase until the agreed enhancement works within that phase or sub phase have been completed.
Reason: To accord with paragraph 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.
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