Agenda item


This report sets out the motions received for this meeting. 


Motion A – proposed by Councillor Hackwell and supported by Councillor Maple


Councillor Hackwell proposed an alteration to his previously submitted motion. In accordance with Council Rule 11.4.1, the meeting’s consent was signified without discussion, therefore, the altered motion was considered as follows [deletions from the published motion are shown as strikethrough and additions are shown in bold]:


Amended motion reads:


“Delivering Cost of Living Support


This Council is concerned about theeffect cost of living is having on the residents of Medway and notes that domestic electricity and gas prices are predicted to rise by almost 50% this year. Increased energy costs will impact prices of many other products and services. This Council notes that HM Government has recently announced a bold £15 billion package targeted to the most vulnerable households to alleviate the impact of energy prices. In addition, it continues to deliver the Levelling Up initiative to provide opportunities for all, both locally and nationally.


Within Medway, this Council continues to deliver, in partnership with the public, private and not for profit partners, key services and target those most vulnerable and at risk.


This Council resolves to:


  1. Write to the Prime Minister to request that he delivers all the Brexit promises, to deliver additional savings to all households and to assist, assists in the delivery of the Levelling Up initiative, and allocates sufficient funding for Medway.


  1. Work closely with HM Government to deliver Medway’s share of the £500m Household Support Fund on a timely basis.


  1. Continue to develop, support and help those most in need or at greatest risk of hardship to ensure they are fully aware of the help and assistance that is available and to ensure they receive that assistance working with partners.


It was also requested that, subject to the motion being agreed, a copy of it be provided to the three MPs that represented Medway.




Upon being put to the vote the substantive motion was carried.


Delivering Cost of Living Support


This Council is concerned about the effect cost of living is having on the residents of Medway and notes that domestic electricity and gas prices are predicted to rise by almost 50% this year. Increased energy costs will impact prices of many other products and services. This Council notes that HM Government has recently announced a package targeted to the most vulnerable households to alleviate the impact of energy prices. In addition, it continues to deliver the Levelling Up initiative to provide opportunities for all, both locally and nationally.


Within Medway, this Council continues to deliver, in partnership with the public, private and not for profit partners, key services and target those most vulnerable and at risk.


This Council resolves to:


1.    Write to the Prime Minister to request that he delivers additional savings to all households, assists in the delivery of the Levelling Up initiative, and allocates sufficient funding for Medway.


2.    Work closely with HM Government to deliver Medway’s share of the £500m Household Support Fund on a timely basis.


3.    Continue to develop, support and help those most in need or at greatest risk of hardship to ensure they are fully aware of the help and assistance that is available and to ensure they receive that assistance working with partners.”


Motion B


Councillor Maple announced that due to the alteration made to Motion A, he had withdrawn his previously submitted motion, which had been published in the agenda as Motion B. The Motion was, therefore, not discussed by the Council.

Supporting documents: