Members considered a report on
performance in Quarter 4 2021/22 on the delivery of the two
priorities in the Council Plan relevant for this Committee: Place
and Growth.
The following issues were
- Measure W6CP,
Satisfaction with refuse collection – Citizen Panel result
– concern was expressed that this
was at amber, particularly as the recycling rate was now under 50%.
The Deputy Chief Executive commented that performance stood at
84.8% against a target of 85%. Although recycling rates were not as
high as he would like, the Council was committed to increasing
- Climate change and
the Local Plan – in response to
whether the lack of a new local plan would affect progress on
climate change, the Deputy Chief Executive assured Members that this would not be the
- Measure NI 154,
net additional homes provided – how
confident the Council was that this target could be met was
questioned, and the Deputy Chief Executive commented that the
target last year had been 1,000 but this year was around
1,500/1,600, which would be a significant challenge.
- Cultural
Strategy – the importance of this
having tangible benefits was emphasised. The Deputy Chief Executive
agreed with this point and noted the strategy had been developed in
consultation with the public, with high levels of engagement and
- Measure NI 195a,
Improved street and environmental
cleanliness: Litter – given the
litter problems caused by some fast food outlets, some surprise was
expressed that during Quarter 4, 97% of streets surveyed had been
free from litter at the time of the inspections. Members were
advised that any concerns about litter hotspots would be responded
to. The Council carried out regular surveys to arrive at the 97%
figure. A briefing note on the surveys, including how regular they
were and where they took place was agreed.
point was made that the level of service received differed
according to where a person lived and
priority areas should be tackled first.
- St John Church
improvements – details of this were
- Citizens
Panel – whether this represented a
cross section of Medway’s population and whether sample sizes
could be increased were queried. It was agreed that a briefing note
on the Citizens Panel would be produced.
- Parks and open
spaces – a point was made that the
reasons for the drop in user satisfaction should be examined and
Member requests for repairs or interventions should be included in
the statistics. The Deputy Chief Executive commented that
satisfaction rates were over 80%, but he would reflect on this and
acknowledged the important links to public health. While not
complacent, there were eight green flag accredited sites in
- Street parties
– a suggestion was made that the
Council should encourage residents to hold street parties in a
specific week of the year.
- City Status
– a point was made that the Council
should talk to residents before making another bid as there were
mixed feelings about achieving city status. The Deputy Chief
Executive commented that any decision on a new bid would be a
Member decision.
- GVA per
job – in response to a question
officers agreed to look at whether inflation could be included in
the figures.
- Housing
Infrastructure Fund (HIF) - in response
to a question about confidence in delivering the programme,
officers responded work was taking place on detailed designs and
work was underway to deliver the programme.
- Litter picking
event – the Environmental Health
team were congratulated on a recent successful litter picking
The Committee agreed
Note the Q4 2021/22 performance against the measures
used to monitor progress against the Council’s
Note that details of the St John’s Church
improvements would be shared.
Request briefing notes on litter surveys, including
how regular they were and where they took place and also on the Citizen’s Panel.
Note that officers would examine whether inflation
could be included in the GVA per job figures.
request that Members’ requests for repairs to
greenspaces infrastructure be added to the action plan and
consideration given how this could be incorporated into the
satisfaction figures.