Members considered a report which presented
the result of the third round of the Council’s revenue budget
monitoring process for 2021/22. In
introducing this item, the Chief Operating Officer explained that
the £10.7 million improvement in the forecast position
between the second and third rounds had been due to a change in the
policy for funding SEN placements with a reduced contribution
coming from the general fund; an improvement in Regeneration,
Culture and Environment income projections as a result of recovery
from the pandemic; and an overprovision for the repayment of the Council’s debt which has
been transferred into general reserves.
The following issues were discussed:
- 2022/23 Budget
– In welcoming the current revenue position, a
Member expressed concern that it might not be sustained given the
cost of living crisis, and that basing the 2022/23 budget on
current assumptions might cause issues. In response the Chief
Operating Officer said that the ongoing pressure on Children and
Adults Services and the improved income projections had been
reflected in the budget build. Assumptions had been made around
savings targets and management actions that would be taken to
reduce the impact of high-cost placements and other projected
pressures. There had been no assumption that the circumstances of
last year, when the Council was in receipt of Covid grants, would
- Mainstream home to
school transport – A Member asked if the
financing of home to school transport included the potential four
additional buses that would be required to transport children from
Chatham, Strood and Rochester to the new school in Stoke. A written
response would be provided.
- Regeneration delivery
forecast – With reference to a comment in
the report that a range of small savings had been added to the HIF
budget, a Member asked if there were other examples as he believed
that everything related to the HIF got charged to the HIF. The
Chief Operating Officer explained that this related to elements of
a HIF claim submitted to Homes England that they had rejected,
which had meant that those costs were a call on the general fund.
He would provide further details in writing about these costs and
their funding.
- Housing benefit subsidy
scheme – The Chief Operating Officer
clarified that the types of claims that did not attract 100%
subsidy included the more complex claims, such as exempt
accommodation, which remained under the housing benefit rules
rather than universal credit.
- Local Plan and Public
Planning Inquiries – Asked how the cost of
consultants employed in the production of the Local Plan, and also
the cost of public planning inquiries, were built into the budget,
the Chief Operating Officer said that sums had been set aside in
reserves for these matters.
- In-house fostering
– Clarification was sought on in-house
foster carers which were not referenced in the report. The Chief
Operating Officer responded that all would agree it was better for
children to be placed in a home setting rather than a residential
setting. However, the Council was losing some of its long- term
foster carers which had led to an increased use of independent
fostering agencies. There was a drive to increase the number of
in-house foster carers and improve their skills sets so they could
foster children with more complex needs.
The Committee noted the results
of the third round of revenue budget monitoring for