Agenda item

Work programme

This report advises the Committee on the current work programme.  It gives Members the opportunity to shape and direct the Committee’s activities for the forthcoming year. 




The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator introduced the work programme and

stated that a Health Scrutiny Toolkit had been produced for each member of the Committee and handed round prior to the meeting.  She undertook to take note of any comments or suggested additions.


Reference was then made to the fact that at the meeting of Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 25 May 2010 a reference was sent to this Committee in relation to difficulties experienced with Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust with regards to data collection.  She said that the Assistant Director, Social Care would refer to the details under the end of year performance report.


Members were then referred to paragraph 5 of the report, which suggested topics for future themed meetings.  With regards to the suggestion of safeguarding vulnerable adults guidance had been produced by the Centre for Public Scrutiny and Improvement and Development Agency on scrutinising safeguarding adults and it was suggested that this could be helpful in planning for that meeting. A link to the guide had been sent to each member.


In response to a question she stated that the scoping of the themed meeting would need to take place at the work programme planning meeting referred to in paragraph 14.5 of the report.


As far as Quality Accounts were concerned Members were informed that the health scrutiny committees and LINk had the option to comment to the provider trusts whereas the Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority were under an obligation to comment.  On the basis that there had not been much time this year for the Quality Accounts to be produced it was suggested that no comment was made and in future a delegated authority was requested to allow this to be dealt with outside of the Committee.




The Committee agreed:


(a)               that safeguarding vulnerable adults is selected for the theme for the
19 August 2010 meeting with transition and mental health being accepted as subsequent themes;


(b)               to note the information report from Councillor Avey with regard to the lung cancer and mesothelioma forum meeting held on 27 April 2010;


(c)               that a recommendation is made to Council, in accordance with Chapter 4, part 5 of the constitution, to co-opt a non-voting representative from Medway Pensioners Forum on to the Committee;


(d)               that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and spokespersons of the Committee should meet after 3 June 2010 to consider the forward work programme and discuss the scoping of the themed meeting in August and report back to the 15 July meeting;


(e)               that delegated authority is given to the Assistant Director (Customer First, Leisure, Democracy and Governance) as the Council’s designated Scrutiny Officer, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and spokespersons of the Committee and the Assistant Director, Social Care, to comment, if appropriate, on quality accounts submitted by provider trusts in future years;


(f)                 that the LINk project and issues summary attached to the report is noted;


(g)               to note that the Dementia Strategy would be considered by the Committee at a later date;


(h)               that there would be a joint meeting of Health and Adult Social Care and Children and Adults Overview and Scrutiny Committees on Monday 23 August 2010 to consider the following items: -

·        Live it well Kent and Medway Mental Health Strategy;

·        Health and Wellbeing Strategy;

·        Annual Public Health Report.

Supporting documents: