Agenda item

Planning application - MC/21/2612 - The Hollies and Southview, Sharnal Street, High Halstow, Rochester



Demolition of existing dwellings and outbuildings and construction of three 2-bedroom, twenty-five 3-bedroom, six 4-bedroom and one 5-bedroom dwellings with creation of a new access from Sharnal Street and associated car parking, hardstanding, landscaping, open spaces, infrastructure including drainage and earthworks.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, a new condition 29 be approved, detail of which was set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


In addition, he informed the Committee that since despatch of the agenda, the applicant had submitted a further letter in support of the application and a copy was appended to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Committee was informed of the planning history for this site and in particular the planning application for the provision of 30 residential dwellings on the site of Hollies which had been considered in November 2020 and refused. Details of the two refusal grounds were outlined.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee of the revisions undertaken by the applicant which involved serving notice for the acquisition of Southview and a reconfiguration of the site to overcome the previous grounds for refusal. It was noted that the acquisition of Southview by the applicant was critical to the development to overcome the original highways concern and to permit a redesign of the site.


In considering this application, the Committee sought further information and received responses from the Head of Planning on a range of issues including how the provision of affordable housing off site would be managed, the possibility of this development creating a precedent for other areas in the vicinity of the site, the proposed Section 106 heads of terms, arrangements for the drainage of surface water and use of garages.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee that although the applicant had not yet acquired the land at Southview, this did not preclude the Committee from considering the planning application. Proposed condition 3 required the completion of the access to the site before any development could take place, which would require the purchase of the land.


The Committee expressed concern that this application was being considered in advance of the Housing Infrastructure Fund development and the production of the new Local Plan, but the Head of Planning explained that as the applicant had submitted the planning application, the Council had a duty to consider and determine the application.


The Head of Planning also confirmed that the High Halstow’s Neighbourhood Plan was not yet completed and therefore was not a material consideration in determining this planning application.




Approved subject to:


a)     A Section 106 Agreement under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into to secure the following developer’s contributions:


i) £502,348.80 commuted sum towards off site affordable housing.


ii) The provision of two first homes on site.


iii) £2,550.00 towards improvements to signage and sightlines on the PROW in the immediate vicinity of the development to help build new resident’s awareness of the PROW network surrounding them.


iv) £230,295.04 towards expansion of the closest and most suitable schools. Nursery and primary - Mainstream nursery/primary education within a radius of 2 miles from the development site, and/or SEND education within Medway Secondary - Mainstream or SEND secondary/sixth form education within Medway

• Nursery education: £49,890.05 within a radius of 2 miles from the

development site, and/or SEND education within Medway

• Primary education: £94,466.79 within a radius of 2 miles from the

development site, and/or SEND education within Medway

• Secondary education: £85,938.20 mainstream or SEND secondary education within Medway


v) £5,974.85 towards improved facilities and equipment at Hoo Library and/or the Community Mobile library.


  vi) £75,000.00 towards improvements to sustainable transport provision.


vii) £8,575.00 towards improved civic space and gateways to Strood town centre (greening projects, bollards and signage).


  viii) £22,878.66 towards the creation of additional capacity in Primary Care premises required as a result of the increase in housing and resulting patient registrations. This can be, by the way of extension to, refurbishment of, or upgrade to existing practice premises within the vicinity of the development, or contribution towards a new facility if this is required to support the population growth.


  ix) £92,310.75 towards enhancement of open space facilities within the vicinity of the development and Medway's Metropolitan park - Great Lines Heritage Park.

• £87,695.21 to enhance open space facilities within the vicinity of the development

• £4,615.54 to Medway’s Metropolitan park - Great Lines Heritage Park


x) £8,376.39 towards Designated Habitats Mitigation.


b)     Conditions 1 – 28 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and new conditions 29 and 30 as follows:


29  The approved carports for plot numbers 4 to 10 (consecutive), 15, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 and 32 to 35 (consecutive) as shown on drawing number 500 Revision A (Additional land- site layout plan) shall not be enclosed and no other permanent development shall take place, whether or not permitted by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order amending, revoking or re-enacting that Order). The carport parking spaces shall remain available for parking.


Reason: Development without provision of adequate accommodation for the parking of vehicles is likely to lead to hazardous on-street parking and in accordance with Policy T13 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


30  Condition concerning foul drainage to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



Supporting documents: