Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation which fall within the remit of this Committee.




Members received an overview of progress made on the areas within the scope of Councillor Chitty, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation which fell within the remit of this Committee as set out below:


  • Economic Development
  • Employment
  • High Streets
  • Local Plan
  • Markets
  • Planning Policy
  • Regulation – Environmental Health/Trading Standards/Enforcement and Licensing (executive functions only)
  • Social Regeneration
  • South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership


The Portfolio Holder responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:


  • Medway Local Plan – In response to a question as to why the draft Medway Local Plan had been deferred from consideration at the Council meeting on 7 October 2021, the Portfolio Holder advised that the draft Local Plan was an important document which would affect everyone in Medway and whilst it had originally been hoped that the outstanding supporting documents would be available in time to be considered on 7 October, this had not been the case and therefore a decision had been taken not to consider the Local Plan that evening.


In response to a question, the Committee was advised that the following had yet to be finalised and it was anticipated that they would be complete in November:


o   Sustainability Appraisal

o   Habitat Regulations Assessment


The Portfolio Holder confirmed that to assist the Council in preparing technical supporting documents, the Council had engaged Consultants and other technical experts to draw on their knowledge and expertise. She agreed to inform the Committee outside of the meeting as to details of the Consultants/experts and the costs involved.


Concern was expressed that the need to obtain expert assistance indicated that the Planning team was insufficiently resourced and the Portfolio Holder replied that the production of a Local Plan was a very complex matter, evidenced by the fact that many Local Authorities’ Local Plans had been rejected. In addition, during the draft Local Plan process, the Government had made various changes and this had increased the pressure on getting the Plan right. It had therefore been decided to enlist the help and support of experts where considered necessary, on compiling Medway’s draft Local Plan.


When challenged as to whether she should consider her position as a Portfolio Holder with responsibility for the production of the Local Plan, the Portfolio Holder re-iterated that the Local Plan was a very important document for Medway and its journey through to completion had been made more difficult by the changes introduced by the Government. She was satisfied that she had many years’ experience as Portfolio Holder in this area and reminded the Committee that during her time as Portfolio Holder, she had instigated the Development Plans Advisory Group. This was a cross-party group that had been actively involved in monitoring, influencing and shaping the draft Local Plan. Members of the Group had access to all reports, attended presentations and had direct access to officers on Local Plan issues and they had been encouraged to share information within their political groups.


In response to a question as to whether Section 106 funding obtained from developers involved in developments on the Peninsula would be directed to provision of a new leisure facility to replace Splashes in Rainham, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that there were plans to provide a new leisure facility on the Peninsula.


In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the supporting Local Plan documents on the Sustainable Transport Assessment and Gypsy and Traveller Assessment had been completed. The Committee expressed concern as to whether other supporting documents had yet to be finalised and particular reference was made to cross border strategic matters and the Four Elms Hill Air Quality Management Action Plan.


During discussion, reference was made to the requirement for Medway to provide 27,000 homes within the Local Plan period up to 2037 and it was noted that only 17,000 homes had been referred to within the draft Local Plan documents published for the Council meeting on 7 October 2021. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the remaining 10,000 had been accounted for and she agreed to supply information as to the location of these homes outside of the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder was questioned as to the future plans for Chatham Docks, taking into account the information referred to within the draft Local Plan document published for the Council meeting on 7 October 2021. In response, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that Chatham Docks was owned by Peel Ports, a private company and that Peel Ports had declared in 2016 its plans to close Chatham Docks as it was no longer considered financially viable. She confirmed that this decision was outside of the control of the Council and the Council did not have the ability to acquire the Docks.


Concern was expressed that the closure of Chatham Docks would result in the direct loss of 800 jobs and impact 1,300 other jobs that were reliant on businesses based there and it was suggested that the land should be retained as employment land in the draft Local Plan. The Head of Planning informed the Committee that this was a complex matter and moving forward, subject to the completion of the evidence base, it was possible that the site could have a mixed-use designation for employment and residential.


  • Strood Town Centre Forum – In response to a question concerning the reinstatement of meetings of the Forum, the Portfolio Holder advised although Strood Town Centre was flourishing, since the previous Chairman of the Forum had passed away, there was a lack of commitment from businesses to participate in the Forum.


Members representing Strood Wards considered that this differed from their experience, and it was suggested that both the Portfolio Holder and Ward Councillors from Strood share their respective information with the Assistant Director Regeneration and this could then be shared via a Briefing Note.


  • Gillingham Town Centre – Reference was made to the lack of recent investment in Gillingham Town Centre and the Committee questioned whether Gillingham was likely to benefit from either the ‘Welcome Back Fund’ or the ‘Future High Streets Fund’.


The Portfolio Holder agreed that Gillingham Town Centre could benefit from an uplift and she reminded the Committee that development work was currently progressing at Britton Farm Mall which would enhance that area of the town centre. She confirmed that if funding streams became available, every opportunity would be taken to bid for monies to invest in Gillingham Town Centre.


The Committee requested that a briefing note be supplied on the Welcome Back Fund and Future High Street Fund and any future opportunities to bid.




The Committee:


a)    noted that the Portfolio Holder has offered to provide information as to the Consultants/experts that are assisting the Council with the documents required for the draft Local Plan and the costs involved.


b)    noted that the Portfolio will supply information as to the location of the 10,000 homes which were not included in the draft Local Plan document submitted to Council on 7 October 2021.


c)    noted that the Portfolio Holder and ward Councillors from Strood will share their respective information on the responses from businesses in Strood concerning the re-instatement of the Strood Town Centre Forum with the Assistant Director Regeneration so that this can then be shared via a Briefing Note.


d)    requested that a briefing note be supplied on the Welcome Back Fund and the Future High Street Fund and any future opportunities to bid.

Supporting documents: