Agenda item

Planning application - MC/20/2696 - Kingdom Hall, Bloors Lane, Rainham, Gillingham



Construction of twenty 3-bedroom houses with associated access and parking.




The Planning Manager outlined the planning application in detail and suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, proposed condition 6 be replaced as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Prenter addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and set out the following summarised concerns:


·         The development will create overlooking and loss of privacy and light for existing residents.

·         The proposal constitutes an overdevelopment of the site and brick walls will be constructed close to the boundaries of existing properties.

·         There will be extra demand for parking to the detriment of existing residents.

·         The site is located close to a school and the additional traffic generated by this development will be a highway safety to school children.


Whilst there was sympathy for the concerns expressed by the Ward Councillor, the Committee was reminded that the Kingdom Hall had formed part of a previous planning application MC/98/0252MG/60/0288 which had been implemented due to the construction of the Kingdom Hall. This particular planning application had also allowed for a 40 bed care home for the elderly and 13 three and four bedroomed terraced dwellings. Therefore, it was still possible for these elements to be constructed on the site due to the planning permission being extant given that it had been implemented through the construction of the hall.




Approved subject to:


a)     A Section 106 Agreement under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into to secure the following developer’s contributions:


i)             £20,000.00 towards the upgrade of the existing zebra crossing, on Bloors Lane, in the vicinity of Thames View Primary School, to “Halo” type LED Belishas. 


ii)            £1,050.00 towards improvements to signage/information and any relevant surface improvements to the GB5/6A and associated paths around Bloors Community woodland.


iii)        £106,028.88 towards expansion of the closest and most suitable schools:


      Nursery education: £28,121.60 at one or more of Thamesview Primary, St Thomas of Canterbury and Mierscourt Primary

      Primary education: £21,693.70 at one or more of Thamesview Primary, St Thomas of Canterbury and Mierscourt Primary

      Secondary education: £53,128.59 at one or more of the Howard School, Rainham Girls, Robert Napier and Rainham Mark

      Sixth form education: £3,084.99 at one or more of the Howard School, Rainham Girls, Robert Napier and Rainham Mark


iv)       £3,368.00 towards improved facilities and equipment at Rainham Library.


v)            £4,900.00 towards the development of new square/civic space in Rainham Precinct Shopping Centre and improvements to the Precinct gateway by the car park and the High Street.


vi)        £1,597.20 towards programme delivery for young people (ages 8-19 and up to 25 for with disabilities) in the Rainham area. Which may include facilities, providing access, supplies, equipment, programme delivery and/or instructors.


vii)         £3,529.00 towards the provision, improvement and promotion of waste and recycling services to cover the impact of the development. 


viii)        £52,032.60 towards enhancement of open space facilities within the vicinity of the development.


      £49,430.97 to enhance open space facilities within the vicinity including Cozenton Park and/or nearby allotment facilities.

      £2,601.63 to Medway’s Metropolitan park – Great Lines Heritage Park. 


ix)          £12,895.80 towards the provision to support the foundation and development of the Rainham locality Primary Care Network including the supporting infrastructure, IT, training and equipment


x)            £5,007.80 towards Designated Habitats Mitigation.


b)     Conditions 1 – 5 and 7 - 20 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and new condition 6 as set out below:


6       No development shall take place until the tree protection measures and methods of working as shown on the tree protection plan (drawing number BL/TPP/1764-03-A) and in the Arboricultural Report (reference number SA/1764/20-A).  The tree protection measures shall be retained for the duration of the construction works.


Reason: Required prior to commencement to protect the trees, in accordance with Policy BNE43 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


Supporting documents: