Agenda item

Record of meeting

To approve the record of the meeting held on 21 July 2021.


The record of the meeting held on 21 July 2021 was agreed and signed by the Chairman as correct. 


The Committee noted that following the meeting on 21 July 2021, the following had been agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and opposition spokesperson:


Minute 160 – MC/21/0332 - Garages adjacent to No.53 Danson Way,Norfolk Close, Rainham


Refused on the following ground:


1          The proposal represents an unacceptable overdevelopment of the site that will result in a development that causes concerns regarding overbearing and overlooking of neighbouring properties which will be harmful to the amenities that occupiers of those properties could reasonably expect to enjoy. In addition, the loss of garaging and available parking on site will result in increased pressure in relation to on street parking in the immediate area to the detriment of the amenities of residents living in the area and trying to park near to their property.  The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of Policies BNE1 and BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003 and paragraphs 126 and 130 of the NPPF 2021.


Minute 161 – MC/21/0921 - British Pilot, Avery Way, Allhallows                                                            

Additional condition 14 as follows:


14        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the plant noise impact assessment reference 89688/NIA, dated 14 January 2021. All measures required for the mitigation of noise shall be completed before any part of the development is brought into use and shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved details.


            Reason: To ensure that the development does not prejudice the amenities of neighbouring property in accordance with Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


Minute 163 – MC/21/1262 - 42 New Road, Chatham                                                           

Refused on the following ground:


1          The proposed bedroom 7 in the loft space with no direct access to a toilet/shower facility either en-suite or on the same floor level with the closest toilet/shower facility being located on the lower floor (first floor) and then as a shared facility with bedroom 6, would result in a unacceptably poor living accommodation for the intended occupants in an accommodation where all the occupants should reasonably expect to have either en-suite facilities or close access on the same floor level to personal shower/toilet. The proposal as such would be contrary to Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003 and paragraph 130 (f) of the NPPF.


Minute 164 – MC/21/1502 - 117 Watling Street, Gillingham          


Refused on the following ground:


1          The proposed A5 hot-food takeaway will be located within a parade where the current takeaway premises take up over 23% of the linear frontage, consisting of shops extending from the junction with Derby Road to the Post Office/convenience shop in this Neighbourhood Centre and if allowed would increase this to approx. 30% of the linear frontage, as such exceeding the 15% threshold (set out in the Hot Food Take Away Guidance note 2014) for A5 uses in the linear frontage of the centre. Consequently, if permitted the proposed change of use would result in an overconcentration of A5 units in this Neighbourhood Centre impacting negatively on the vitality and viability of the centre as a whole. The proposal would, therefore, be contrary to Policy R18 of the Medway Local Plan 2003 and Section 5.12 of the Hot Food Take Away Guidance Note 2014. In addition, the Council's Public Health are concerned that the proposal would contribute to obesity problems currently faced in Medway, as expressed in Section 3.1 and 3.2 of the Hot Food Take Away Guidance Note 2014.

Supporting documents: