Agenda item

Attendance by the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services which fall within the remit of this Committee.




Members received an overview of progress on the areas of work within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Portfolio Holder for Frontline Services as set out below:


           Highways and Street Lighting


           Public Transport

           Traffic Management

           Transport Strategy

           Travel Safety

           Waste collection/Recycling/Waste Disposal and Street Cleaning


The Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services, Councillor Filmer responded to Members questions and comments as follows: 


  • Active Travel and representation on Transport for South East – In response to a question concerning the Council’s commitment to active travel, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Council had an Active Travel Plan, had introduced a number of cycle routes in Medway and was investigating options for increasing travel on buses along with a range of other initiatives.


It was confirmed that the Council was represented on Transport for South East by the Leader of the Council along with the Assistant Director Front Line Services.


  • Medway Tunnel – In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Council had maintained Medway Tunnel for several years and every opportunity was pursued to seek funding support from the Government towards these costs. He advised that capital funding had been obtained for works at the Tunnel and added that the Tunnel was an essential part of the road network in Medway and it was therefore essential that it be kept open and maintained.


The Portfolio Holder assured the Committee that in addition to obtaining the capital funding for the Tunnel, he regularly lobbied MPs for additional funds and would continue to do so.


  • Reconnect bus services operated by KCC for young people – In response to a question as whether Medway could operate a similar bus service for young people along the lines of KCC’s Reconnect, the Portfolio Holder advised that whilst budget provision was not available to offer this service, Medway offered a Youth Bus Pass. The Portfolio Holder also confirmed that the Council had been successful in obtaining government funding to encourage travel by bus but he accepted that there was a need for some bus services to operate on a more regular basis to and from rural parts of Medway such as Allhallows and the Isle of Grain.


  • Volkers Highways Contract - Inclusivity of employees – The Committee acknowledged Volker Highways’ community engagement initiatives and, in particular, the offer of a long term work experience placement to a young person with special educational needs between March to June 2021. Further information was requested as to whether Volker Highways had any specific programmes aimed at encouraging individuals from disadvantaged groups of the community and in particular females to help them enter the industry. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that he was unable to supply this information but would investigate and provide an answer outside of the meeting.


  • Notification of road closures – In response to concerns that there were occasions when road closures were undertaken without proper notification or consultation with residents, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that unfortunately, the Council had very little control over road closures undertaken by statutory bodies for emergency works but advised that he had recently discussed with the Assistant Director Front Line Services methods by which notifications of road closures to Ward Councillors and the public could be improved.


  • Highway maintenance works - In response to a concern that sections of roads were often coned off without evidence of highway maintenance works being undertaken, the Portfolio Holder suggested that this often related to works being undertaken by statutory bodies. He advised that he was aware that this had been an issue on the Ratcliffe Highway following a water leak where a section of the road had remained coned off whilst checks were made that the leak had been repaired.


  • Highway Resilience Management – In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder referred to the marginal overspend on the winter maintenance budget and confirmed that the Council had always made available sufficient funding to salt the roads when needed.


  • Quality of road surfaces – In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder advised that the budget set aside to repair and maintain the road network was allocated based on a road condition survey.


  • Stencils on pavements and road surfaces – The Portfolio Holder advised that the 2m Covid–19 social distancing stencilling on pavements and road surfaces would remain in place until such time that there was confidence that they would no longer be needed and then they would be removed.


  • No Mow May – The Portfolio Holder advised the Committee that whilst he supported the concept of the ‘No Mow May’ initiative, further consideration was needed on this scheme. For instance, there were some areas where it was inappropriate to leave uncut growth on verges or roundabouts on highway safety grounds. In addition, in 2021, there had been prolonged periods of either rain or sun and therefore the scheme needed to be flexible to account for the variable rate of growth from season to season.


  • Street lighting – The Committee congratulated the Portfolio Holder on progress made in upgrading provision of street lighting columns across Medway but questioned whether the new lanterns were in line with the 5G network and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that 30% had now been installed and any areas of concern should be referred to him and he would investigate.  


  • EV charging – The Portfolio Holder confirmed that Medway was working in conjunction with KCC for the provision of EV charging points and to date, 34 points had been installed in Medway. In addition, a number of private companies such as supermarkets had installed EV charging points in their car parks. Discussions were also taking place with developers to ensure that EV charging points were installed in new housing developments.


It was noted that whilst Medway had not been successful in being selected for a pilot scheme for provision of electric buses, this formed part of the Council’s wider climate change programme.


It was also pointed out that new technologies around provision of electric charging points was emerging and this was constantly being reviewed concerning best practice.


  • National Highways and Public Transport Survey – In response to a concern that the latest survey indicated a decrease in public satisfaction levels, the Portfolio Holder advised that from recent statistics that he had seen, satisfaction levels in Medway were close to the national average and therefore he requested sight of the survey referred to.


  • Street Cleansing In response concerns that street cleansing could be improved in some areas, the Portfolio Holder advised that over the past year, some staff had been re-directed to work in other areas to provide cover due to Covid-19 staff shortages but he suggested that if Members could notify him of the specific roads/areas that were affected, he would ask officers to investigate.


Concern was expressed that in some areas, Medway Norse street collection bags were left at the roadside and this encouraged others to add further bags to the pile containing household waste.


  • Recycling – The Portfolio Holder was congratulated on the Council’s recycling collections but was asked whether more could be done to help and encourage those residents living in small flats to recycle. It was acknowledged that they would likely have limited storage facilities and the option of provision of community bins was suggested.


In response, the Portfolio Holder acknowledged that some residents did not have space for recycling containers other than use of clear plastic sacks and therefore these would be retained.


It was suggested that communication could be improved as to which items were recyclable.


  • Household waste – In response to a question as to the final destination of Medway’s household waste, the Portfolio Holder advised that over the past year recycling and waste collection statistics had been distorted due to the high volume of waste generated as a result of individuals being at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He advised that a report would soon be available detailing the final destination of Medway’s waste and this would be circulated when received.


In response to another question concerning waste, the Portfolio Holder

advised that he worked closely with the Waste team in looking at alternative methods of increasing recycling for a wide range of different materials and advised that the market for such materials was constantly changing and was therefore always under review. 


  • Household Waste Recycling Centres – The Committee asked whether the current pre-booking system, introduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic would continue at household waste and recycling centres. The Portfolio Holder advised that this system was working well with 70% of available slots taken up. At the current time, a resident was able to pre-book 4 visits within a 4-week period but this was due to be reviewed. He further advised that the pre-booking system had allowed the Council to control the number of visits to sites each day and enabled the Council to re-charge for use of the sites by residents of KCC.


Consideration was also being given to the possible introduction of more recycling bins at the Household Waste and Recycling Centres.


·         Overflowing waste bins – It was suggested that in some areas, waste bins were overflowing and therefore consideration should be given to either provision of larger bins or more regular collections. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that due to the Covid -19 pandemic over the past year, more people have been at home and using local green spaces for recreation and this had resulted in an increased use of waste bins. He agreed to ask officers to investigate the possible need to increase the capacity of some waste bins and the frequency of waste collections in areas where there were identified problems. 




The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for attending the meeting and answering questions and:


a)           noted that the Portfolio Holder will obtain information requested from Volker Highways as to whether it has any specific programmes aimed at encouraging individuals from disadvantaged groups of the community and in particular females to help them enter the industry.

b)           noted that the Portfolio has offered to further investigate the street lighting concerns identified by a Member at the meeting.

c)            noted that the Portfolio Holder will refer to the Street Works team the issue of prompt removal of cones when road works have been completed.

d)           noted that the Portfolio Holder will convey the Committee’s appreciation to staff within the Waste team who have continued to work tirelessly throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to collect increased volumes of waste and re-cycling.

e)           noted that the Portfolio Holder will discuss with the Waste team the concerns expressed that in some areas, Medway Norse street collection bags were left at the roadside and this encouraged others to add further bags to the pile containing household waste.

f)             noted that a report detailing the final destination of Medway’s waste would be circulated when received.

g)           noted that the Portfolio Holder has offered to investigate improved communication as to recyclable materials.

h)           noted that further information would be supplied following the review of the frequency of the pre-booking system at Household Waste and Recycling Centres.

i)             noted that the Portfolio Holder has offered to investigate areas where street cleansing could be improved if areas were notified to him.

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