Agenda item

Update on Action Plan


4.1       The Chair advised that there is continued engagement with KCC and the Kent District. When Government grants become available, strategic Kent and Medway bids will be looked at as joint strategic bids are more likely to command attention. A working group will be formed to work on this liaison for when grants become available.


4.2       The Chair advised that action 1.2 is due to be progressed in the coming quarter. We have a base and now need to measure against the base. The Chair asked if anyone had anything that they would like to raise with regards to the action plan.  The group highlighted that although the report format is excellent, as it is evolving, the list has grown longer with very varied actions.  Have officers thought of coming up with a different format which allows the plan to focus on the more significant actions?  Action: The Chair suggested that prior to the next meeting we take the eleven basic themes and give an overview report on each of those subjects while still keeping and attaching the original list as an appendix.


4.3       The group raised on point 1.2 regarding fuel cards, on the next report can it be specifically broken down into the type of fuel this refers to. Action: Officers to follow up.


4.4       The group raised on point 1.2 regarding monitoring annual carbon emissions data, as we will be consistently monitoring in the future at some point it may be worth devolving some of the work to universities and interns. This could be included in the action plan, how we will monitor and accumulate data over the longer term. Action: The Chair asked officers to take this up with the Head of Business Change to potentially look at as part of a transformation project.  The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive updated that linking to this, the University of Greenwich are compiling a dashboard (pulling together a number of metrics they will be monitoring) as part of a wider Medway endeavour. The Chair commented that the Communications Strategy provides for a technical committee which will be head up by a senior lecturer from Greenwich University.


4.5       The group highlighted that the carbon emissions assessment 19/20 would cover business as usual but have we had any assessment done for 20/21 carbon emissions and the impact of the pandemic.  Have we captured the potential changes that home working has covered as part of the assessment?  Officers confirmed that they have looked at emissions as part of air quality and the data confirmed that NOx levels have dropped.  With regards to specifically Medway Council (as a business) we will have the data for 20/21 available in September/October to see if there has been a reduction and will bring this to the next board meeting. Action: The Climate Response Team to discuss at next meeting.  With regards to collecting the data for working at home this is more difficult to assess but something that will be looked into in the future.    


4.6       The group raised on point 1.3.2, the issue of single use plastic and the ability of Medway Council to influence this and asked if we have had any conversations around engaging with the wider private and voluntary sectors to do the right thing on climate and biodiversity.  The Chair confirmed that the council is working with Towards a Plastic Free Medway and just this week they have received a commitment to the programme from the NHS to sign up to a Plastic Free Medway and the NHS now has a dedicated officer. The Council is helping to make links and introductions between various groups.


4.7       The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive also updated that in terms of a wider influence, the team have undertaken a series of roadshows and given presentations at place champions where there are 60 people from all different sectors involved.  Also recently undertaken a presentation at Child Friendly Medway Partnership board and the team will continue to take opportunities to have discussions and push messages for the collective endeavour. The group asked if there could be an agenda item for the next meeting to discuss the consideration of a Medway wide convention (one day event) to discuss CC.


4.8       The group asked if we could add to the next meeting where we are with regards to the climate emergency being recognised in the procurement process for Medway Council. Can a harder approach be taken to have a direct influence?


4.9       Cllr Gulvin advised that currently there is a strong emphasis on using local suppliers if possible.  The social value element is something that could be increased as currently only 5%. However this 5% can make a big difference. Cllr Gulvin also updated that with regards to action 2.1.1 and the refreshment of the Council Plan he has arranged to meet with the Business Intelligence Team to discuss what KPIs we want to put in.


4.10    Cllr Gulvin also highlighted point 2.1.10 smart city was discussed at transformation board yesterday and a discussion around looking at road conditions to prevent flash flooding. There is a pilot scheme with road monitoring equipment on two refuse vehicles to constantly monitor road conditions. There is an opportunity to look to adapt the use of the equipment to look for blocked gullies and areas of flooding.


4.11    The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that regarding the point on Medway wide convention/sessions, these are to be discussed and considered as part of the communications and engagement strategy.


4.12    The group advised that they see that people want to change/they have the willingness, but they do not know how.  The Climate Summit could be an event with fringe events helping to advise people (organisations, individuals and businesses) on how to do things.  On 2.21 and imbedding in the council plan, an idea of introducing competition in a light hearted way on who can be greenest/have the lowest carbon footprint with an award, could be worth considering.  Action: To be looked at as part of communications.


4.13    The Chair updated with regards to the Planning side, policies have been developed but we need to check the evidence and that they are being adhered to and that they are robust and reasonable.  The Planning Policy Manager confirmed that there is a lot of work being done, this is one area of the local plan in relation to the actions that have been recorded under section 3 in the document, which is largely focused on energy and climate change mitigation. They will be reflected in the plan in terms of specific policies sitting in different sections, critically the energy section but also transport and development. Also within the vision and the strategic objectives, and a driving ambition for the plan, is to address the environmental imperatives that sit upon us. It sits across the whole document but difficult to release material early. A last piece is the sustainability appraisal which measures the polices and development allocations against objectives and markers and include impacts in relation to climate change issues. Need a careful balance to ensure that not inadvertently preventing development from being delivered as otherwise the inspector will take policies out of the plan.  Will be sharing with colleagues and the members or the group.   Action: The Planning Policy Manager to share with this group further information of what has been included in the local plan.


4.13    The group highlighted a 3.1.2 concern; the planning committee has to assess the plan in front of them and not what they would like it to be. Hands often tied and it is not easy to control due to all the constraints. The Chair commented that it is important to push as far as they can.


4.14    The Chair discussed funding and confirmed that the allocated funding has been increased for 21/22 and at the next meeting we should have more detail and a draft budget on what we intend to do with regards to resources and arrangements to be made to take this out to the public. The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that we have £11 million for LED street lighting underway and £12 million on Refit investment and feel that there will be more opportunities in the run up to COP 26 in November but confirmed that we are always looking for external funding opportunities. Cllr Gulvin discussed the different tranches of the Refit budget.  Also conversations with SSE on the district heating system and it could potentially be anything up to £40 million of private funding coming into Medway.


4.15    The group asked that natural capital calculations (4.3 robust financial strategy) be included. All big metropolitan centres have done these calculations. Cost savings down the line are huge and in terms of investment. People want to live in cleaner, greener areas, brings in work and business.  Action: can we incorporate this and green accounting as part of the action plan


4.16    The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that this is part of a wider strategic consideration and needs to be factored into our thinking. He also updated that at CMT tomorrow there will be a discussion to discuss Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive is to ensure that funding for Climate change is included to deliver actions in the action plan and wider strategic considerations will be included in thinking.  Action: The Chair is to bring up a note to next meeting on how we can obtain this information and possibly learn from other Councils.  Cllr Curry updated that he has already done work on this and will provide more information.


4.17    The group expressed that although the Refit programme is a good idea there is some nervousness around the payback for this money. The Council should also have a flagship example of residential with the very best climate credentials. The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that this approach would want to be included in any development and conscious of showing leadership in our approach. Cllr Gulvin confirmed that the Refit programme report confirmed that we are aiming for a 20% return on our investment and before we’ve embarked on the programme, we’ve ensured that the figures stacked up.  It has been written into the report that for the remaining stages, these targets have to be met or the funding will not be released. With regard to redevelopment opportunities, on brown field sites there is a very slim margin and so whilst a flagship scheme should be looked at, this needs to be weighed against other factors.


4.18    Discussion around the 34 EV charging points that are due to be installed in Medway. Officers confirmed that all 34 will be installed by the end of August.


4.19    The group asked around this progress and where does Medway fit in with comparison to other boroughs?  The Chair confirmed that we are already tied into the contract with KCC which will have various phases to it and this scheme is just a part of a larger overall scheme. The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive advised that at a presentation to all of the Kent Leaders last week, Medway were held up as an exemplar across the county and we will continue this work. Action: The Chair asked the Climate Response team to make sure that we will continue to benchmark ourselves.


4.20    The group asked to go back to 5.1 in relation to landlords regulatory system. Picked up that it is a complaints led question, query as to how efficient this will be given problems we have with private landlords, many who do not comply with the basic standards. Can you move away from a complaints-based approach to energy suppliers or spot checks. Be more proactive. In relation to EV charging, a consistent question is how the issue of Victorian terraces are dealt with in terms of charging cars in these areas. Have we considered asking the university of Greenwich to do some modelling on this and how we solve it?  The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed how the challenges of Victorian terraced streets had been discussed at Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview & Scrutiny. Different technology and issues.  Need to look at locations to charge.  It is a national issue and there will be a response to the market.


4.21    The Group asked if there was any feedback on the pilot for electric social workers cars?  The group also raised surprise to see that the new Country Park that is being built on the Peninsula is only going to have 2 charging points put in (out of nearly 100 parking spaces) is this correct?  Action: The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive to discuss this with Greenspace Development Officers and confirm.


4.22    Officers confirmed that there is an extended project linked with Kent for further EV charges. Feasibility studies are underway in all of the other Medway car parks, and we do expect an additional 132 to be installed. Action: Officers to look at the installation of further EV points at Cockham Community Parkland and also review the other Country Parks for points.


4.23    Officers responded on the pilot of EV for social workers, that this is constantly reviewed. Originally for children’s social workers and now looking at other areas and services too. The feedback is good. The pilot was put in place before COVID and there is more homeworking now. It is not a one-off pilot. Action: Climate Response Officers will get some stats to share at the next meeting.


4.24    The group commented that the new county park should be an exemplar.  The group also highlighted that Morrisons recently announced that they will be fitting 100 of their sites with super-fast EV charging, have we approached them to request that some go into our Medway stores? Action: Climate Response Officers to ensure that this is actioned, but also not just contact Morrisons but all the other major supermarkets to find out if they are intending to install EV points and if they are to ensure that Medway are included.


4.25    New community growing spaces – allotments are being looked at very closely.  Officers are looking at what allotment spaces we can add in time to be built into next years capital programme.  Allotment holders who are not keeping up their plots are being asked to consider downsizing to help with the demand. Action: Officers to look at making some bids.


4.26    The group raised with regards to congested areas around schools, in future can we consider look at doing far more with regards to school travel for example closing roads around the schools so that parents park further away and stop engines running while drop off or provide more walking buses. The Chair confirmed that this is part of the engagement strategy, and it will be discussed.


4.27    With regard to section 11, flood risk, the group discussed the recent flooding issues and as part of this whether there will be specific lessons across local government (in UK and across Europe) that we have learnt. Do we need to include in future meetings specific focus items such as extreme weather impact in Medway and take lessons learnt to ensure that our plan is fit for purpose?


4.28    The Chair confirmed that this is being dealt with under section 11 in the action plan. The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive also updated that he feels that COP 26 should be discussing this further and measures that are likely to be put in place.  Action: The Chair asked that when we have more updates from COP26 we then review our plan to ensure that they are captured.


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