Agenda item

Application for new Premises Licence - Medway Pride Festival, Land on Doust Way, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1DA

The applicant Medway Pride CIC has applied for a new Premises Licence in respect of land on Doust Way, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1DA.


The responsible authorities have been consulted in line with the Licensing Act 2003.


Representations have been received from members of the public.




The Chairman explained the process that the hearing would follow as outlined on page 4 of the agenda and noted that the applicant had received a copy of the “Guidelines for Licensing Hearing Panels”.


The Senior Licensing Officer stated that, in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, the Council had received an application from Medway Pride CIC for a new Premises Licence in respect of land on Doust Way, Rochester, Kent ME1 1DA. The application requested the licensable activities of recorded and live music and the performance of dance during the Medway Pride Festival to be held on Saturday 21 August 2021, from 11:00 to 20:30. The Senior Licensing Officer referred to Section M of the application at Appendix A of the agenda report, which listed the steps to be taken by the applicant in promoting the four licensing objectives.


The Senior Licensing Officer confirmed that the application had been correctly advertised in the local press and notices had been displayed at the premises for the required timescales. He added that the organisers had presented the event to the Medway Safety Advisory Group (Medway SAG) and that no representations had been received from the Responsible Authorities.


The application had been referred to the Licensing Hearing Panel for determination because the Council had received relevant representations relating to the licensing objectives of public safety and prevention of public nuisance from members of the public.


The Chairman invited the applicant, Hilary Cooke, to present the application. Being the Chair of Medway Pride CIC, she advised that it was a newly formed community group. The Medway Pride Festival would be its first face-to-face event as the same event last year was cancelled due to COVID-19 and subsequently held virtually instead. The event would be a celebration, demonstrating support for the local LGBTQIA+ community and providing an opportunity for attendees to meet with representatives of organisations providing relevant services such as counselling and mental health and wellbeing.


Hilary Cooke advised that a COVID Safe plan had been developed and that the 1,500 attendees would be required to pre-register for tickets. Regarding the location of the event, she stressed that the chosen area was an open space close to venues that were supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community. It was also a site with secure entry and exit points. 


As the objectors had not attended the hearing, the Chairman invited Panel members to question the applicant. Noting the proximity of the site to the river, a Member asked about precautions to be put in place to prevent accidents. The applicant’s representative, Carl Madjitey advised that the river was bounded by a reasonably high wall and that further facilities would be put on the wall to prevent such an accident from happening. He added that experienced security staff and stewards would be deployed at the event and that the organisers had engaged with the coastguard. In response to a related question on the serving of alcohol at commercial stalls, Carl Madjitey said that stall holders would be vetted, and arrangements had been made for the alcohol supplier to apply for a Temporary Event Notice; they would need to adhere strictly to the conditions of that notice. In addition, the security staff at the event would monitor the alcohol suppliers closely. Furthermore, the Council’s Environmental Health Services had been invited to inspect the site prior to and during the event. 


Members referred to an objector’s concern that disruption could be expected in the days leading up to the event and afterwards, when equipment was set up and dismantled. In response, Carl Madjitey highlighted that, given the small scale of the event entertaining just 1,500 people, stage infrastructure and sound system equipment would be minimal and could be brought to the site by van rather than trucks or lorries. It was intended that the infrastructure for the event would be built within two days.


On measures to cope with overwhelming attendance, Hilary Cooke explained that advertising of the event had stressed that attendees were required to pre-register for tickets which would be released in stages in order to comply with any COVID restrictions in place.


Summing up, Carl Madjitey highlighted that, to ensure that Doust Way remained free of congestion, advertising for the event encouraged attendees to use public transport or public car parks in Rochester and Chatham. It was important that the integrity of the space was maintained to ensure that it could be used as an evacuation area if required. He added that, as soon as people arrived at the event, they would be corralled into a queuing area for bag searches etc, so that there would be no loitering on Doust Way. Hilary Cooke added that attendees were encouraged to either receive a COVID vaccination or take a COVID test before arriving at the event. Upon arrival, they would be asked COVID related questions prior to entry.     


Hilary Cooke advised that the Medway Pride CIC had been keen to engage with residents of Doust Way, so had delivered leaflets to all residential properties setting out what the event was and providing the information on the licence application. There had also been communication with the management of the care home who had responded with their concerns.


The Chairman asked all parties to leave the room whilst the Panel considered its decision.




The Panel, having read the objections submitted against the application and questioned the applicant in relation to these, was content that the applicant had responded to the objections. Having considered all the information before it, the Panel was confident that Medway Pride CIC understood its responsibilities for the event and agreed to granta new Premises Licence in respect of land on Doust Way, Rochester, Kent ME1 1DA, as applied for by Medway Pride CIC, for the Medway Pride Festival on 21 August 2021 from 11:00 to 20:30.

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