This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe which fall within the remit of this Committee.
Members received an overview of progress on the areas of work within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe as set out below:
· Archives
· Armed Forces Covenant
· Events and Festivals
· Greenspaces
· Heritage
· Leisure Services
· Sporting Legacy
· Theatres and Arts
· Tourism
The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:
In response, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that the redevelopment of this facility remained a high priority project. However, whilst funding had been set aside for these works, detailed surveys indicated that more works were required than originally envisaged and therefore the project would take longer than anticipated. It was intended that when redeveloped, this facility would provide family friendly activities that would complement sessions held at other Medway sports centres.
He stated that whilst he was disappointed that the completion of the project would be delayed, work on the detailed designs would be undertaken in the Spring/Summer of 2021.
The Committee expressed concern that the project would not now include all the original proposals and in response, the Portfolio Holder advised that in considering the project as a whole, it was necessary to consider the market demand for facilities. Whilst there had once been a high demand for gym facilities, this was one example where demand had reduced in recent years as many people now had exercise equipment at home.
Whilst it was appreciated that the facility would need to operate at a reduced capacity to comply with ongoing social distancing rules, it was considered that demand to use the facility was likely to be high especially as Splashes Sports Centre was currently closed and the Committee requested information as to whether there were plans to introduce a booking system and extend the opening hours of the Pool.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that subject to Government restrictions permitting the Pool to be open, a booking system would be introduced. The Committee suggested that consideration be given to introducing timed sessions of say 2 – 3 hours in length to enable as many people as possible to use the Pool.
The Portfolio Holder advised that whilst he was not against opening the pool for extended hours, as the pool was open air, actual usage of the pool was weather dependent and therefore it was necessary to take this into account when arranging opening times and staff work patterns. This made it more difficult to arrange extended opening hours in advance.
The Portfolio Holder expressed disappointment that the Council’s festival and events programme had been cancelled in 2020/21 but he was hopeful that some events would be permitted to go ahead in 2021 but this would be dependent upon the Government’s Covid-19 restrictions.
In response to the request for increased notice of event cancellation, in particular for those businesses such as hotels, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that festivals and events required planning and organisation well in advance of the actual date they were due to take place. Therefore, a decision about whether an event could proceed could not generally be made at short notice. However, there were occasions when it was necessary to cancel an event at short notice and where possible, this was communicated as widely as possible but he was willing to consider any suggestions as to how this communication could be improved.
As to whether an opportunity had been taken to review the festival and events programme, the Portfolio Holder stated he was satisfied that the programme did not require a review but he informed the Committee that a number of individual events were being considered by the Cultural Compact as to ways of increasing inclusivity for smaller groups.
In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that he would welcome suggestions for future sites for this initiative from Ward Councillors.
In response, the Portfolio Holder agreed that this had been very successful and it was hoped that further funding may be forthcoming.
In response, the Portfolio Holder stated that to his knowledge this was not considered to be a regular occurrence. He did not wish to introduce a penalty system but would investigate this further in consultation with the Head of Sport, Leisure, Tourism and Heritage.
The Portfolio Holder also confirmed that free swimming sessions would resume when the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted and the pool could re-open.
In response, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that improved and increased marketing was important and service providers were being encouraged to utilise social media to promote services in conjunction with the Council’s Communications Team. Unfortunately, the possible introduction of multi-centre tickets was not yet available.
The Portfolio Holder also advised upon the support provided to veterans and in particular, in the recruitment of veterans for construction work. He also confirmed that an officer working group ensured that armed forces personnel were not disadvantaged when applying for housing or school places.
The Portfolio Holder expressed his appreciation to those involved in Friends Groups and confirmed that they were valued and offered many benefits. He was not aware that any work had been undertaken on the possibility of providing digital support to Friends Groups but agreed to ask officers to investigate this in consultation with the Member concerned.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that accessing hard to reach groups was central to the Cultural Compact and he welcomed and encouraged use of local Community Hubs in considering ways that they could be more involved in providing support and events within their local community, particularly as not everyone was part of a group.
The Portfolio Holder agreed to investigate whether this Fund would be available beyond June 2021.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed that outdoor exercise equipment was already in place at a number of sites across Medway and consideration would be given to increased sites in the future.
The Committee:
a) noted that the Portfolio Holder will consider the possible extension of the hours of opening of the Strand Swimming Pool in 2021.
b) noted that the Portfolio Holder will request officers to supply to the Committee a list of sites that had benefitted from the grass verge initiative and that he welcomed suggestions from Ward Councillors for possible sites to be included in the initiative.
c) requested that its appreciation be extended to the Archives Team and officers involved in securing funding from the Forestry Commission as part of the Urban Tree Challenge Fund.
d) noted that the Portfolio Holder has offered to investigate and discuss with officers the issue of non-attendance at pre-booked swimming sessions at Medway Park.
e) noted that the Portfolio Holder will investigate whether the European Regional Development Fund which formed part of the South East Creative Cultural and Digital Support would be available beyond June 2021.
f) noted that the Portfolio Holder has offered to ask officers to investigate further with the Member concerned, the possibility of providing digital support to Friends Groups.
g) noted that the Portfolio Holder had offered to liaise direct with the Member concerned on the promotion of the Corn Exchange for events and ways of improving communications concerning cancelled events to businesses in Rochester.
In accordance with Council rule 12.6, Councillors Browne, Mahil and Andy Stamp requested that their votes in favour be recorded.
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