Agenda item

Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) Annual Report 2019-2020

This report introduces the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board’s (KMSAB) Annual Report for April 2019–March 2020. The Annual Report sets out the responsibilities and structure of the Board and details how the multi-agency partnership delivered against its priorities for the year. The report also provides information pertaining to Safeguarding Adults Reviews, funding arrangements and safeguarding activity information. An easy read version of the report has been commissioned and will be made available on the Board’s website.


The Annual Report was endorsed by the KMSAB on 24 November 2020. The Annual Report was considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 10 December 2020.





The Board considered the annual report of the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB), which was introduced by former interim Chair of the KMSAB, Suzanne Westhead.


She formally thanked the previous Chair, Deborah Stuart-Angus for her five-year Chairmanship and introduced the current interim Chair, Andy Rabey.


The Board raised several comments and questions, which included:


Social Isolation – responding to concerns expressed about increased social isolation in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the former interim Chair explained that the KMSAB had met with partners to discuss ways in which people in the community not known to services could be identified and supported. She added that as part of the response to COVID-19 this would be an area worked on and was why the KMSAB’s awareness programme was so important. It was explained that the next annual report would focus on making connections. Each organisation had a plan around social isolation and the KMSAB also oversaw this. 


A view was expressed that retired adults ought to be engaged and their experience and knowledge drawn upon to reduce not only their own social isolation but support the work of the KMSAB.


Local ‘Prevent’ resources – the former interim Chair confirmed that further funding from the government for this had not been received.


Joint Protocol between Boards – acknowledging several crosscutting themes affecting children and adults, for example domestic abuse, the importance of presenting the annual reports of the KMSAB, the Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership (MSCP) and the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) together was said to be important given the HWBs strategic leadership role.


Gangs/County Lines – Surprise was shared as to the number of vulnerable adults drawn into gangs/county lines. Embedding a greater emphasis on adult safeguarding within the CSP was welcomed, as was creating a closer practical working relationship between the CSP and KMSAB. In response, the former interim Chair explained that the CSP was represented on the KMSAB and training had recently been delivered to partners in relation to this and cuckooing. The current interim Chair referred to a successful project, ‘Living in Fear’, which was undertaken by the CSP, he outlined that there were several opportunities within the CSP to identify where vulnerabilities could arise. It was suggested that joint plans could be developed, and this would something the current interim Chair would look to put in place in the future.


Vulnerable adults housed outside of area – concern was expressed in relation to vulnerable adults falling through the cracks if they moved in or out of area. In response, the former interim Chair explained that the individuals placed by Local Authorities were followed and supported and therefore this was of reduced likelihood. More worrisome, were vulnerable adults and families relocating who were not known to services. This was an area the awareness campaign focussed on. The current Chair added that it was important that practice followed protocol and increasingly the KMSAB were alerted to individuals who might have fallen through the cracks through the work of agencies such as Kent Police, the Kent Fire and Rescue Service and ambulance services. It was considered that safeguarding was embedded in agencies and work was ongoing to embed this within the community. It was said that Medway was good in that regard.


Domestic abuse – responding to concerns over prevalence of domestic abuse, the current interim Chair explained that this would be a focus going forward. It was considered that the linkages between strategic Boards would be crucial.


Three conversations model – the use of the three conversations model was commended, particularly the way it had evolved taking advantage of technology.




The Health and Wellbeing Board:

a)    noted the comments of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee set out at section 5 of the report,

b)    thanked the KMSAB for the report, welcomed the progress made and noted the Annual Report set out at Appendix 1 to the report.

Supporting documents: