Agenda item

Planning application - MC/20/1800 - Land off Lower Rainham Road, Rainham, Gillingham

Rainham North


Full planning consent for 79 dwellings, including affordable housing together with access, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure works.





The Head of Planning outlined the application in detail and drew attention to a number of suggested changes to elements of the proposed Section 106 agreement, proposed conditions, additions to the relevant planning history and planning appraisal sections of the report all of which were set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet. In addition, he reported receipt of a letter from the applicant in response to climate change which was appended to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


In outlining the application, the Head of Planning explained the background to the planning history of the site and informed the Committee of the differences between the current application and the previously granted outline planning permission. He stressed that due to the prior granting of outline planning permission, the principle of development on this site had already been approved. He advised the Committee that since the grant of outline planning permission, the site had been sold to the current applicant and whilst the applicant had originally wanted to increase the number of units on site from the approved 64 to 84 units, the applicant had since amended the scheme to 79 units to reflect the concerns and comments previously expressed by Members at a planning presentation.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee that the current application would provide a pedestrian link to Berengrave Nature Reserve so as to avoid potential damage by the creation of informal entrances once the housing units are occupied. In the light of this, he sought the Committee’s view as to whether it would be beneficial to also include a pedestrian link from the adjoining estate to the south of the site so that residents of that estate could also benefit from pedestrian access to the Nature Reserve.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Potter addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and made the following points:


·         The original application for 64 units had been a balanced application and the proposed increase to 79 units exceeded this and would impact highway congestion.

·         The design for the current application was considered more suitable for a rural area and was welcomed along with the proposed landscaping but there was concern that the pedestrian link to Berengrave Nature Reserve could result in antisocial behaviour in the Reserve.

·         Residents of the estate to the south of the development did not wish to have a pedestrian access through the new site.

·         Ward Councillors would like to be involved in the Construction Management Plan.


The Committee discussed the application having regard to the comments of the Ward Councillor and in response to questions, the Head of Planning informed the Committee that the provision of trees and landscaping on site formed part of the proposed conditions and the future maintenance of the car parking area within the site for use by residents on Lower Rainham Road who did not currently have off road parking would be dealt with either through the highway adoption process or the management plan for open space within the site. In addition, he suggested that if approved, regular meetings would be held with Ward Councillors and the Site Contractor as part of the Construction Management Plan. He also suggested that before the boundary treatment of the site is finalised, consultations be undertaken with the residents of the estate to the south of the site concerning the possible provision of a pedestrian access from their estate through the new site so they can access Berengrave Nature Reserve.




Approved subject to:


a)    A Section 106 Agreement under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the following developer’s contributions:


i.   Secure 25% affordable dwelling units (equal to 20 dwellings).


ii.  Education contribution:


Nursery: £95,102.14 towards expansion towards one or more of: Mierscourt, Park Wood, Thames View, St Thomas of Canterbury, Riverside Primary and/or a new free school in the area.

Primary: £93,874.54 towards one or more of: Mierscourt, Park Wood, Thames View, St Thomas of Canterbury, Riverside Primary and/or a new free school in the area


Secondary: £175,052.96 towards one or more of: The Howard, Rainham Girls, Rainham Mark Grammar, Robert Napier, a new free school in the area


Sixth form: £10,550.65 Towards one or more of: The Howard, Rainham Girls, Rainham Mark Grammar, Robert Napier, a new free school in the area


iii. Contribution of £13,939.55 towards the provision, improvement and promotion of waste and recycling services to cover the impact of the development


iv. Contribution of £13,303.60 towards improving library facilities and equipment within the vicinity.


v.  Contribution of £205,528.77 towards open space and outdoor formal sport. To enhance open space facilities within the vicinity of the development and Great Lines Heritage Park


vi. Contribution of £53,000 towards ecological and public access provision management at Berengrave Nature Conservation site.


vii. Contribution of £3,998 towards PROW signage in the immediate area and promotion the Saxon Shore Way regional trail.


viii. Contribution of £6,308.94 to support young people to access computer training for skill improvements


ix. Contribution of £53,312.50 towards highway improvement at Berengrave nature reserve meet Lower Rainham Road, and public transport improvement.


x.  Contribution of £19,611.75 towards sport facilities towards improvements to Splashes Leisure Centre.


xi. Contribution of £19,780.81 towards bird mitigation measures


xii – Contribution of £50,938.41 to support the foundation and development of the Rainham locality Primary Care Network including the supporting infrastructure, IT, training and equipment


xiii - Contribution of £10,000 towards public realm improvements in Rainham Town Centre


Total £824,252 = £10,433 contribution per dwelling.


b) Conditions 1 – 23 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report, proposed conditions 24 and 25 combined to be condition 24 as set out below, conditions originally numbered 26 - 28 as set out in the report but renumbered 25 - 27, proposed condition 29 (now renumbered 28) amended as set out below, condition originally numbered 30 as set out in the report but renumbered as 29, the deletion of proposed condition 31 and the addition of new conditions 31 and 32 (but renumbered 30 and 31) as set out below and condition 32 as set out in the report:


24       Prior to the first occupation of the development, details of on-site car parking provision with associated vehicular, pedestrian access and management for use by the residents of properties on the south side of Lower Rainham Road, between the application site and Station Road mini roundabout shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved parking provision and associated access shall be provided in accordance with the approved plans prior to the first occupation of the 10th dwelling on site and shall thereafter be maintained and retained.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and amenities of the local residents and in accordance with Policies, T1, T13 and BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


28.       Prior to the first occupation of the development (or within an agreed implementation schedule) a signed verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer (or equivalent) must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to confirm that the agreed surface water system has been constructed as per the agreed scheme and plans. The report shall include details and locations of critical drainage infrastructure (such as inlets, outlets and control structures) including as built drawings, and an operation and maintenance manual for the unadopted parts of the scheme as constructed.


Reason:  This condition is sought in accordance with paragraph 165 of the NPPF to ensure that suitable surface water drainage scheme is designed and fully implemented so as to not increase flood risk onsite or elsewhere.


30        The development shall be carried out in accordance with the climate change and energy efficiency measures details in the letter Response to Climate Change dated and received 29 Jan 2021.


Prior to the occupation of the 75th dwelling a verification report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The verification report shall detail and confirm the measures that have been implemented.


Reason: In the interests of energy efficiency and climate change in accordance with paragraphs 8, 149, 150 and 151 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


31        No part of the development shall commence until full details (S278) of the following highway improvements have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereby completed prior to occupation of the residential units:


Access arrangements and parking area as outlined in drawings 14657-H-01 P4 and 14657-H-02 P2.


The approved details shall thereafter be implemented in full prior to first occupation of the development.


Reason: to ensure the development preserves conditions of highway safety, pedestrian safety and the free flow of traffic, in accordance with Policies T1, T2 and T3 of the Medway Local Plan.

Supporting documents: