Agenda item

Councillor Maple, supported by Councillor Adeoye, has submitted the following:

“Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy


Council welcomes Kent Fire and Rescue Service committing to the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.


In adopting this Charter an organisation commits to ensuring that it learns the lessons of the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath, so that the perspective of the bereaved families is not lost.


Council commits to Medway Council becoming an organisation which strives to:


1.    In the event of a public tragedy, activate its emergency plan and deploy its resources to rescue victims, to support the bereaved and to protect the vulnerable.

2.    Place the public interest above our own reputation.

3.    Approach forms of public scrutiny – including public inquiries and inquests – with candour, in an open, honest and transparent way, making full disclosure of relevant documents, material and facts. Our objective is to assist the search for the truth. We accept that we should learn from the findings of external scrutiny and from past mistakes.

4.    Avoid seeking to defend the indefensible or to dismiss or disparage those who may have suffered where we have fallen short.

5.    Ensure all members of staff treat members of the public and each other with mutual respect and with courtesy. Where we fall short, we should apologise straightforwardly and genuinely.

6.    Recognise that we are accountable and open to challenge. We will ensure that processes are in place to allow the public to hold us to account for the work we do and for the way in which we do it. We do not knowingly mislead the public or the media.


Council agrees to adopt the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.”


“Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy


Council welcomes Kent Fire and Rescue Service committing to the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.


In adopting this Charter an organisation commits to ensuring that it learns the lessons of the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath, so that the perspective of the bereaved families is not lost.


Council commits to Medway Council becoming an organisation which strives to:


1.    In the event of a public tragedy, activate its emergency plan and deploy its resources to rescue victims, to support the bereaved and to protect the vulnerable.

2.    Place the public interest above our own reputation.

3.    Approach forms of public scrutiny – including public inquiries and inquests – with candour, in an open, honest and transparent way, making full disclosure of relevant documents, material and facts. Our objective is to assist the search for the truth. We accept that we should learn from the findings of external scrutiny and from past mistakes.

4.    Avoid seeking to defend the indefensible or to dismiss or disparage those who may have suffered where we have fallen short.

5.    Ensure all members of staff treat members of the public and each other with mutual respect and with courtesy. Where we fall short, we should apologise straightforwardly and genuinely.

6.    Recognise that we are accountable and open to challenge. We will ensure that processes are in place to allow the public to hold us to account for the work we do and for the way in which we do it. We do not knowingly mislead the public or the media.


Council agrees to adopt the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.”


The Portfolio Holder for Adults’ Services, Councillor Brake, supported by Councillor Buckwell, proposed the following amendments:


“Delete the following: “Council commits to Medway Council becoming an organisation which strives to:”


Replace with: “This Council recognises that Medway Council is an organisation which strives to:”


Amended Motion reads:


“Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy


Council welcomes Kent Fire and Rescue Service committing to the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.


In adopting this Charter an organisation commits to ensuring that it learns the lessons of the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath, so that the perspective of the bereaved families is not lost.


This Council recognises that Medway Council is an organisation which strives to:


1.    In the event of a public tragedy, activate its emergency plan and deploy its resources to rescue victims, to support the bereaved and to protect the vulnerable.

2.    Place the public interest above our own reputation.

3.    Approach forms of public scrutiny – including public inquiries and inquests – with candour, in an open, honest and transparent way, making full disclosure of relevant documents, material and facts. Our objective is to assist the search for the truth. We accept that we should learn from the findings of external scrutiny and from past mistakes.

4.    Avoid seeking to defend the indefensible or to dismiss or disparage those who may have suffered where we have fallen short.

5.    Ensure all members of staff treat members of the public and each other with mutual respect and with courtesy. Where we fall short, we should apologise straightforwardly and genuinely.

6.    Recognise that we are accountable and open to challenge. We will ensure that processes are in place to allow the public to hold us to account for the work we do and for the way in which we do it. We do not knowingly mislead the public or the media.


Council agrees to adopt the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.”


On being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Councillors Adeoye, Browne, Curry, Johnson, Khan, Mahil, Maple, Murray, Paterson and Andy Stamp requested that their votes in favour of the amendment be recorded in accordance with Council Rule 12.6.




“Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy


Council welcomes Kent Fire and Rescue Service committing to the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.


In adopting this Charter an organisation commits to ensuring that it learns the lessons of the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath, so that the perspective of the bereaved families is not lost.


This Council recognises that Medway Council is an organisation which strives to:


1.             In the event of a public tragedy, activate its emergency plan and deploy its resources to rescue victims, to support the bereaved and to protect the vulnerable.

2.             Place the public interest above our own reputation.

3.             Approach forms of public scrutiny – including public inquiries and inquests – with candour, in an open, honest and transparent way, making full disclosure of relevant documents, material and facts. Our objective is to assist the search for the truth. We accept that we should learn from the findings of external scrutiny and from past mistakes.

4.             Avoid seeking to defend the indefensible or to dismiss or disparage those who may have suffered where we have fallen short.

5.             Ensure all members of staff treat members of the public and each other with mutual respect and with courtesy. Where we fall short, we should apologise straightforwardly and genuinely.

6.             Recognise that we are accountable and open to challenge. We will ensure that processes are in place to allow the public to hold us to account for the work we do and for the way in which we do it. We do not knowingly mislead the public or the media.


Council agrees to adopt the Charter for Families Bereaved through Public Tragedy.”