The Committee is requested to consider two petition referral requests.
The Committee received a report advising of two petition referrals as follows:
Petition concerning Domino Pizza, Walderslade
The Committee was informed of a petition containing 56 signatures presented by Councillor Brake to the Council at its meeting on 8 October 2020. Details of the petition were set out within the report and the Committee was informed that the petition organiser had also submitted a further statement listing residents’ concerns, details of which were also set out in the report along with the officer’s response to each point.
On 28 October 2020, the petition organiser requested that the matter be reviewed by this Committee and, in line with the Council’s remote meeting protocol, the petition organiser had been invited to provide a further written representation or take part in the meeting remotely. The petition organiser had chosen to provide a further written representation which was set out within the report along with the officer’s response to the points raised.
The Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive drew attention to the Council’s response at paragraph 3.7 and suggested that the Committee note that discussions with the petition organiser were ongoing and that the situation continue to be monitored.
Petition for the installation of a warden operated gating system at the access into Cozenton Park from Cranford Close
The Committee was informed that a petition containing 32 signatures had been presented by Councillor Doe on 16 October 2020. Details of the petition were set out within the report along with the officer’s response.
On 16 November 2020, the petition organiser requested that the matter be reviewed by this Committee and, in line with the Council’s remote meeting protocol, the petition organiser had been invited to provide a further written representation or take part in the meeting remotely. The Committee was advised that the petitioners had requested that Councillor Potter address the Committee on their behalf.
With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Potter informed the Committee that Cranford Close was in a unique position in that residents’ homes were located in close proximity to the skatepark and Splashes Leisure Pool and young people congregating at both sites moved to Cranford Close in the evening resulting in anti-social behaviour in the Close. Residents were therefore asking that a gate be installed at the access point into Cozenton Park which could be closed at night.
Councillor Potter stated that the cost of the gate at £900 could be funded from Ward Improvement Funds and there were options for locking and unlocking the gate either though the local Neighbourhood Watch Group or adding this gate to the existing schedule for Medway Norse when the Splashes Leisure Pool gates were closed.
The Committee discussed the suggestions put forward by Councillor Potter recognising that this was not the only entrance to Cozenton Park and, in addition, similar requests had been received from residents for gating provision across Medway.
During discussion, it was suggested that taking into account the suggestions by Councillor Potter as to the potential funding of provision of the gate and the possible inclusion of the locking and unlocking of the gate as an addition to Medway Norse’s existing schedule, this should be further investigated to explore all options and associated costs.
The Committee:
a) noted that discussions with the petition organiser for the Dominos Pizza petition were ongoing and the situation would continue to be monitored.
b) taking into account the suggestions by Councillor Potter as to the potential funding of provision of the gate into Cozenton Park at Cranford Close and the possible inclusion of the locking and unlocking of the gate as an addition to Medway Norse’s existing schedule, requested that further investigations be undertaken to explore all options and associated costs.
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