This report introduces the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board’s (KMSAB) Annual Report for April 2019–March 2020.
The Interim Chair of the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) introduced the Annual Report for April 2019–March 2020. The Annual Report set out the responsibilities and structure of the Board and detailed how the multi-agency partnership delivered against its priorities for the year. The report also provided information pertaining to Safeguarding Adults Reviews, funding arrangements and safeguarding activity information. The Interim Chair advised that the Independent Chair of the Board had recently resigned.
The following issues were discussed:
· Increase in safeguarding concerns – the 12.8% rise in concerns in 2019/20 compared to the previous year was highlighted, accepting there had been a campaign to raise awareness. Whether all concerns raised were investigated was queried. The Interim Chair advised that all concerns were looked at initially and a decision was reached on each referral. About 50% of referrals were classified as safeguarding concerns. In all cases, the action taken was recorded.
How the Board could be sure this increase in cases was due to the campaign to raise awareness was questioned. The point was made that in terms of safeguarding concerns per 100,000 adults, Medway was below average and perhaps this showed there was more to do to raise awareness. The Interim Chair commented that there was always more that could be done to raise awareness. Next year’s report was likely to show an increase in numbers due to the restrictions in place during the pandemic and an increase in mental health problems. The Board had the resources to manage an increase in numbers. The Director added that demographic changes were also expected to lead to an increase in concerns. In 2019/20 domestic abuse had led to a significant increase in referrals. The comparator table included in the report largely comprised counties and this would be looked at.
· Self-neglect – a concern was raised that there was very likely to be a significant increase in cases of self-neglect as a result of the pandemic. The Interim Chair agreed with that assessment, adding the Board and adult social care staff were focused on identifying people who needed help but were not asking for it. An additional 6 social workers had been made available to prepare for the expected surge in demand. The Director added that less than 1% of referrals were self-referrals. Often people who were at risk did not consider themselves to be vulnerable.
· Oversight and management of risk when multiple agencies were working with an individual – how a lead was selected and monitored in these situations was queried. The Interim Chair responded that the agencies would decide on a lead organisation to take responsibility and the latter would then allocate the role to an individual.
· Transition to adulthood – it was noted that one of the completed safeguarding reviews mentioned in the report covered the transition from a young person to adulthood. The Interim Chair commented that the Board was looking to identify young people around the age of 14 to ensure there was a plan in place for when they moved into adulthood and did not slip through the net. The Director added that, in this case, the young person had been a Kent care leaver placed in Medway and co-ordination around transitioning was not as good as it should have been.
· Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust – surprise was expressed that KMPT staff had needed training to support them in identifying people at risk of radicalisation. The Interim Chair advised that the training had been delivered due to concerns staff did not fully understand radicalisation amongst young people. The training was needed across all the partners, although the police were the most aware of these issues.
The Committee noted the report and agreed to forward its comments to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
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