Agenda item

Record of meeting

To approve the record of the meeting held on 21 August 2019.


The record of the meeting held on 21 August 2019 was agreed and signed by the Chairman as correct. 


The Head of Planning referred to the supplementary advice sheet with regard to previous minutes of the Committee.


Minute 92 - Planning application MC/18/3160 – Land off Lower Rainham Road


At the Planning Committee meeting held on 26 June 2019, Members had resolved to grant planning permission subject to the following:


Prior to issuing the decision notice, the Local Planning Authority shall carry out consultation with the occupiers of the properties along the southern side of Lower Rainham Road (between the application site and junction of Station Road with Lower Rainham Road) to establish whether they support the on-site car parking provision that condition 24 will provide and the parking restriction that the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will impose. Should the response of the occupiers of these properties be negative towards the provision of on-site parking and the TRO, the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to seek the monetary value equal to cost associated with the delivering of the on-site parking and TRO in order to carry out highway design capacity improvement in immediate area. Any monetary equivalent will be secured as part of the Section 106 Agreement.


On 31 July 2019 consultation letters were sent to 32 properties.


Twelve written responses were received. The occupiers of 8 properties objected to the proposition of providing off road car parking and the use of TRO to limit on street parking and made the following comments:


·                Some properties have more than one car and the proposed provision would not be adequate.

·                Current on street parking acts as a traffic calming measure and the removal of vehicles from the road could potentially encourage speeding in this section of the Lower Rainham Road.

·                The proposed TRO will stop friends, visitors and delivery vehicles including trade’s vehicles from park on the road.

·                The occupier of 754 also states that 11 properties are without off road parking and therefore at least 11 off road car parking spaces would be needed. Furthermore, how people with electric cars would be able to charge their vehicles.

The occupiers of 4 properties agreed to the proposition of providing off road parking and the occupiers of 3 properties also agreed with the proposal to use TRO to restrict on street parking.


Having regard to the representations received, the Committee agreed that provision of off road parking and the use of TRO restricting on street parking at certain times such as peak times, would significantly assist with enhancing traffic flow and allow residents and visitors/deliveries the opportunity to park on street outside the restricted times. Furthermore, this proposal would significantly improve the current level of on street car parking provision for the residents of the 32 properties surveyed as a whole.


The Committee agreed that the Head of Planning would discuss the parking proposals with Ward Councillors and be given delegated authority to implement the outcome.


Minute 171 - Planning application – MC/19/0038 – Bardell Terrace


At the Planning Committee meeting of 24 July 2019, the Committee had resolved to approve a planning application subject to a Section 106 agreement.  Despite the viability assessment the applicants had agreed to deliver plot 1 as 100% affordable housing and the Head of Planning had confirmed that delivery would be policy compliant, i.e. a 60:40 split in relation to affordable rent and shared ownership. Since the meeting the applicants had approached the registered housing providers and none would take the block with the 60:40 split stating that it must either be 100% shared ownership or 100% affordable rent. In addition the registered providers had advised that the affordable rent would only be acceptable with the aid of Homes England grant which could only be secured for non S106 delivery. 


On the basis that the delivery of affordable housing was secured/agreed despite the viability assessment, the Committee agreed that the affordable housing on plot 1 be secured as 100% shared ownership via the S106 agreement.


Minute 241 - Planning application - MC/19/1474 - 24 High Street, Brompton, Gillingham


The wording of new condition (condition 4) had been agreed by the Head of Planning under delegated powers, in consultation with the Chairman and opposition spokesperson.


4          Within 3 months of the first use, a noise report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority that demonstrates how noise from dog barking is mitigated.  The approved mitigation shall thereafter be retained.


Reason: To ensure no harmful impact in terms of residential amenity in accordance with Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.

Supporting documents: