Given the excellent stewardship of the Council by Medway Conservative Group over the past 20 years, this Council resolves to place on record its very serious concern that the opposition group are fighting this year’s local election on the basis of a broad range of proposals, many of which appear to fall outside the scope of the Council and which would also have a seriously detrimental impact on the Council’s finances.
“Given the excellent stewardship of the Council by Medway Conservative Group over the past 20 years, this Council resolves to place on record its very serious concern that the opposition group are fighting this year’s local election on the basis of a broad range of proposals, many of which appear to fall outside the scope of the Council and which would also have a seriously detrimental impact on the Council’s finances.”
Councillor Freshwater proposed the following amendment:
“Lines 1-2: Delete “the excellent stewardship of the Council by Medway Conservative Group over the past 20 years,” and replace with “Medway residents are greatly frustrated and annoyed over the current Brexit fiasco and betrayal of the British people and democracy by Parliament as it raises great doubt on any promises made by Conservative group and Labour, to tell the truth, and provide proper and essential infrastructure funding for the 37,000 new houses in the Local Plan, that will turn Medway into one massive building site,”.
Lines 3-7 Delete “very serious concern that the opposition group are fighting this year’s local election on the basis of a broad range of proposals, many of which appear to fall outside the scope of the Council and which would also have a seriously detrimental impact on the Council’s finances.” and replace with “support for the following UKIP manifesto pledges:
· UKIP Councillors are not ’whipped,’ and our Local Manifesto will ensure all Council policies and decisions, are made in the best interests of local Medway families and communities - not just to satisfy government policy behind closed Medway Cabinet doors.
· UKIP would spend the current £170 Million government bid on crumbling local infrastructure, services, and the local housing crisis. We would programme the building of 4,000 new genuinely affordable local homes to rent or buy by local people on brownfield sites, to respond to the housing crisis set out in the recent SHELTER report.
· We would take action against rogue landlords providing substandard housing to the most vulnerable in our society, and stop the persecution of motorists and commercial businesses, and find solutions to promote local business and free parking.
· We would require the new Local Plan to list the Ward funding necessary for crumbling existing and new schools, roads, local transport, new additional hospital beds and GP’s services. We need additional mental health, family, and children’s services, and adult social care fit for an ageing population. We need additional police on our streets, youth, and homeless services, local leisure and sports facilities.
· We would require yearly action plans for the dangerous pollution generated from 250,000 car movements each day, from 37,000 proposed new houses.
Our crumbling communities, with no affordable local housing to rent or buy, deserve much better and Councillors who respect democracy and this is why the reins of Council control should be handed over to a more capable and fair UKIP on the 2nd May.”
In response to questions from Members relating to the validity of the amendment, the Mayor ruled this out following advice from the Chief Legal Officer that the amendment was not valid as it required a seconder, as required by Council Rule 11.1.1.
Councillor Maple, supported by Councillor Murray, proposed the following amendment:
“Delete: Given the excellent
stewardship of the Council by Medway Conservative Group over
the past 20 years, this Council resolves to place on record its
very serious concern that the opposition group are fighting
this year’s local election on the basis of a broad range of
proposals, many of which appear to fall outside the scope of
the Council and which would also have a seriously detrimental
impact on the Council’s finances.
Add: have:
This Council further recognises the positive cross party working on the campaign to oppose the ludicrous proposal by Boris Johnson and reaffirms its commitment to opposing any proposals for an estuary airport”.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
On being put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried.
Given the excellent stewardship of the Council by Medway Conservative Group over the past 20 years, this Council resolves to place on record its very serious concern that the opposition group are fighting this year’s local election on the basis of a broad range of proposals, many of which appear to fall outside the scope of the Council and which would also have a seriously detrimental impact on the Council’s finances.