Agenda item

Planning application - MC/18/3659 - Chatham Waterfront, Globe Lane Car Park, Globe Lane, Chatham



Redevelopment of existing car park to provide 176 residential apartments, 1141m2 of commercial floor space (A3/A4/B1), landscaping and associated parking.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and referred to the model displayed at the meeting. He suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, proposed condition 2 be amended as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


He drew attention to amended plans for the tallest building, Building C, which removed the upper two floors and one 3 bedroomed duplex apartment, thus reducing the height by approximately 5 metres. It was also proposed to change the materials of Building C from light brick to a darker brick to reduce its prominence in long views.


The development would now provide 175 residential apartments instead of 176 and Block C would be 10 storeys high instead of 12 storeys. Therefore, any reference within the report to the number of apartments and the number of storeys in Block C would require amendment and all reference to the three bedroom apartment required deletion.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee that since despatch of the agenda, the applicant had written to address concerns raised by Historic England, details of which were set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet along with the response from Historic England.


As a result of the change to the height and form of Block C, the planning appraisal required amendment, details of which were also set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Head of Planning also drew attention to a correction on page 38 of the agenda in that the reference under Building D required amendment from 17 storeys to 7.


The Head of Planning referred to the open space that would be provided as part of the development, discussions with Southern Water concerning possible visual improvements to the Pumping Station and the proposed car club comprising 10 cars. He confirmed that 100% of this development would be private accommodation but that the development of this site would provide funding to secure affordable housing at another location in Medway.


The Committee discussed the application and concern was expressed that despite this being a waterfront development, access to the water did not form part of the development.


Members also noted that although the development would be located in the Town Centre and would offer good access to public transport links, use of the bus service would only be attractive if the cost of bus journeys was not prohibitive.


A Member requested that the proposed Section 106 funding for education be directed towards those nurseries and schools in or close to River Ward. In response, the Head of Planning confirmed that funding for nursery places and primary schools would be directed to schools close to the development but that this may not be the case for secondary school places.




Approved subject to:


a)            The applicant entering into an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure:


i)             Provision of affordable rented accommodation off site at Britton Farm.


ii)            A contribution of £180,000 towards education and the provision of nursery, primary and secondary school places.


iii)        A contribution of £25,000 towards heritage and museums to improve maintenance access around the Old Brook Pumping Station.


iv)        A contribution of £15,000 towards sports facilities for replacement of flooring at Medway Park leisure centre.


v)         A contribution of £76,500 for the NHS to support the purchase of equipment and infrastructure for a new Healthy Living Centre in the Chatham Central locality.


vi)        A contribution of £42,171.36 towards bird disturbance mitigation measures.


vii)       Provision of a car club and access to car rental services for new residents and existing ones.


viii)      A restriction on permit parking for residents of this development.


b)            Conditions 1, and 3 - 34 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and condition 2 amended as follows:


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Drawing numbers 18.027-001; 18.027-002 P01; 18.027-003 P03; 18.027-004 P02; 18.027-010 P01; 18.027-011 P01; 18.027-020 P00; 18.027-021 P00; 18.027-022 P00; 18.027-025 P00; 18.027-026 P00; 18.027-030 P00; 18.027-031 P00; 18.027-032 P01; 18.027-035 P01; 18.027-036 P01; 18.027-040 P00; 18.027-041 P00; 18.027-042 P00; 18.027-043 P00; 18.027-044 P01; 18.027-046 P01; 18.027-047 P01; 18.027-048 P01; 18.027-049 P01; 18.027-050 P01; 18.027-060 P00; 18.027-061 P00; 18.027-062 P00; 18.027-065 P00; 18.027-066 P00; 18.027-070 P02; 18.027-071 P02; 18.027-072 P02; 18.027-073 P02; 18.027-075 P02; 18.027-076 P02; ExA_1830_101 Rev A; ExA_1830_102 Rev A; ExA_1830_110 Rev A.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Supporting documents: