Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships Councillor Rodney Chambers, OBE which fall within the remit of this Committee.




Members received an overview of progress on the areas of work within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships, Councillor Rodney Chambers, OBE as set out below:


·         Inward investment

·         Strategic Regeneration and Planning

·         Strategic Partnerships

·         Local Growth Fund

·         Medway Ambassadors

·         Heritage Champion


The Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships, Councillor Rodney Chambers, OBE responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows: 


·         Future High Streets Fund – In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder outlined the basis of the Government’s Future High Streets Fund and explained the process by which Unitary Authorities, Metropolitan Boroughs and London Boroughs could bid for funding to support and fund local areas’ plans to make their high streets and town centres fit for the future.


He stressed that each local authority was only permitted to place one bid in the first tranche with the potential of placing a second bid in 2020. The maximum level of funding available was £25 million per scheme but it was anticipated that the majority of individual schemes would be supported by funding in the region of £5 - £10 million.


The Portfolio Holder advised that both Chatham High Street and Gillingham High Street met the scheme’s criteria. However, as only one bid was permitted, Chatham High Street which had ranked highest on the Fund’s eligibility criteria would be promoted.


The Fund was not retail centred but provided opportunities for housing development and changing the cultural offer, including the generation of an evening economy.


Final bids were due to be submitted in August 2019 and the outcome was expected in late 2019/early 2020.


A Member commented that Medway had a number of High Streets and was therefore at a disadvantage in being restricted to one bid. In response, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that Gillingham High Street would be submitted in the second round of bids. He also confirmed that Rochester High Street would be eligible for consideration under the Heritage High Street element of the Fund but the criteria on this element of the Fund had yet to be released.


·         Britton Farm Mall Gillingham – A Member requested an update on the bid for funds for Britton Farm Mall.


The Portfolio Holder advised that two bids had been submitted for funding from the Local Enterprise Partnership, one of which related to Britton Farm Mall, which he hoped would be successful and a response was expected in mid-February.


·         Strategic Regeneration and Planning – A Member referred to the various strategic regeneration schemes in Medway and advised that residents were concerned as to the effect that these schemes would have on congestion. The Portfolio Holder advised that whilst he noted these concerns, there was a need to provide housing and regardless of whether or not individuals lived in a town or close to public transport links, people wanted use of a car.


A Member referred to the development of Rochester Riverside and expressed concern that the access into and out of the site at Gas House Lane would be inadequate for the number of vehicular movements when the residential development was fully occupied, and he suggested that further consideration be given to the impact that this development would have on the highway and access.


The Portfolio Holder advised that he would ask officers to give further consideration to the issues raised and would also arrange for a copy of the Rochester Riverside Masterplan to be circulated to Members of the Committee. 


·         Chatham Placemaking – A Member referred to the works undertaken at Chatham Railway Station and expressed concern that the access widening and provision of a lift was no longer being progressed. He expressed concern that the removal of these elements of the refurbishment scheme disadvantaged those with reduced mobility, disabilities and families with prams.


In response, the Portfolio Holder and the Director of Regeneration, Culture Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised that whilst the provision of an infill raft structure to accommodate a wider pavement between the railway station and the bus terminus and provision of a lift had originally been proposed by Network Rail, these works had been removed from the current scheme. As there was a requirement to utilise funding set aside for this project by the Local Enterprise Partnership, the Council had undertaken works to the forecourt at the Station. However, it was understood that disabled access at the Station had been identified by Network Rail for future funding bids.


The Portfolio Holder stated that whilst the decision of Network Rail not to progress these elements of the Chatham scheme had been disappointing, Network Rail had invested substantial funding to improve stations across Medway over the past 10 years.


·         Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) and its relationship with the Medway Local Plan – In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that all three Members of Parliament had provided support for the Council’s HIF bid. The Council was likely to receive the result of the HIF bid in May/June.


He advised that the success of the HIF bid was important for the delivery of the Medway Local Plan, and in particular the delivery of infrastructure on the Peninsula. Should the HIF bid not succeed, this would increase pressure on other areas of Medway such as the Capstone Valley and North Rainham.


·         Strategic Regeneration in Chatham  - In response to a question concerning the stability of the retail sector in Chatham High Street, the Portfolio Holder advised of discussions currently taking place with various retailers.


·         Rochester Airport – The Portfolio Holder reminded the Committee that in December, the Planning Committee had approved planning applications for works at Rochester Airport. He confirmed that Highways England had now removed its holding objection and therefore the decision notices for both schemes had been issued.




The Committee:


a)    requested that it’s disappointment be expressed to Network Rail that it had not progressed provision of the infill raft structure and lift at Chatham Railway Station as part of the recent refurbishment works.


b)    requested that officers investigate the concerns highlighted by Members around access into and out of the Rochester Riverside development and noted that a copy of the Rochester Riverside Masterplan will be circulated to all Members of the Committee.


c)    thanked the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships for his attendance at the meeting and the answers he provided.


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