Agenda item

Attendance of the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services Councillor Doe which fall within the remit of this Committee.




Members received an overview of progress on the areas of work within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe as set out below:


·         Archives

·         Armed Forces Covenant

·         Events and Festivals

·         Greenspaces

·         Heritage

·         Leisure Services

·         Sporting Legacy

·         Theatres and Arts

·         Tourism


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services, Councillor Doe responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:


·         Armed Forces Covenant/Employer Defence Recognition Award – In response to a question as to how the Council could move from a Silver to Gold Employer Defence Recognition Award, the Portfolio Holder outlined initiatives currently being pursued. He also outlined the importance of promoting the work of the armed forces and in particular referred to the Freedom of Medway bestowed upon C Company 3rd Battalion of Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment in 2018 and the HMS Medway due in 2019.


·         Castle Concerts  - A Member commented that the information supplied within the report on the Castle Concerts contained less detail than in previous years and, in particular, lacked information on ticket sales. He referred to the low level of ticket sales in 2018 and questioned whether the Portfolio Holder considered that the format of the concerts had become stale.


In response, the Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that although ticket sales had been disappointing in 2018, one concert had sold out and therefore the concerts were still popular. Unfortunately, attendance at the other concerts in 2018 had been affected by inclement weather and World Cup fixtures. He did not support the view that the format of the event had become stale.


The Portfolio Holder pointed out that the limited capacity of the Castle grounds meant that it was not possible to attract artistes that command a high performance fee as this would make the ticket prices exorbitant. He assured the Committee that high quality acts were being approached for 2019, one of whom had already signed.


The Director for Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised the Committee that a briefing note providing full information on ticket sales at the 2018 Castle Concerts had previously been circulated and he offered to re-circulate this to all Members of the Committee.


A Member expressed concern that the dates of the World Cup fixtures would have been known in advance of the Concerts and therefore it would have been prudent to change the dates of the concerts so as to avoid a clash.


A Member questioned why the Portfolio Holder had not acknowledged that the Council’s decision to ban individuals from taking their own alcohol to the Concerts in 2018, with the exception of the Proms, had likely affected ticket sales and he asked whether this ruling would be reversed in 2019.


In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that the decision to ban individuals from taking their own alcohol to the concerts in 2018, with the exception of the Proms, complied with industry standards for the organisation of concerts of this nature. He confirmed that alcohol continued to be on sale at all of the concerts and by controlling the availability of alcohol, staff were able to ensure that individuals did not become intoxicated.


A Member expressed concern that as individuals were permitted to bring alcohol into the Proms, this decision was inconsistent.


In response to a suggestion that consideration be given to engaging local bands to perform at the Castle Concerts, the Portfolio Holder stated that there were a number of music venues in Medway actively promoting local bands through the year. However, the Castle Concerts brought high quality, popular acts to Medway to perform in a unique venue. He also stated that whilst he would be happy to receive suggestions as to how to make the concerts a success he did not consider that permitting individuals to take their own alcohol to the concerts would necessarily make them so.    


·         Greenspaces – A Member questioned whether the Council was now reliant solely on Section 106 funding for investment in greenspaces and asked whether other funding streams were being sought.


In response, the Portfolio Holder stated that in the light of financial constraints, all local authorities were now reliant on utilising funding opportunities such as Section 106 funds for investment in greenspaces. However, he stressed that if there was an identified need for financial commitment at a particular site, then this would be considered along with other funding priorities. There were very limited external sources of funding for Greenspaces.


He reminded the Committee that Medway had seven Green Flag sites and he praised the work of volunteers in helping the Council retain Green Flag status for these sites.


A Member requested that future reports include information as to the number of volunteer hours spent on Greenspaces in Medway and, referring to the Friends of Gillingham Park, requested that officers provide assistance to the volunteers in helping them apply for lottery funding.


·         Splashes – In response to a question as to the future of Splashes Leisure Pool, the Portfolio Holder advised that Splashes Leisure Pool required considerable investment as this facility was nearing the end of its life. The Council was currently investigating various alternative models and was in discussion with the private sector concerning potential joint ventures.


·         The Strand – A Member referred to the high level of attendance at Strand Leisure Pool in 2018 and asked whether there were plans to extend the opening hours of the pool in 2019.


The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that attendances during the 2018 season at the pool had been very good when compared to previous years, owing to the exceptional weather but stressed that the Council could not make available any further funding for the Pool than already allocated. However, he was willing to discuss with the Friends of the Strand Pool the possibility of extended hours. The Portfolio Holder also referred to information provided by the Chairman of the Friends of the Strand Pool concerning the costs of operating the Pool in 2018 and advised that the financial information contained within that correspondence had not been correct.


·         Creative Hub “The Docking Station” – The Portfolio Holder informed the Committee that this project was in partnership with the University of Kent and Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust and aimed to increase the artistic/creative output in Medway.


·         U.Dance Medway – The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the popularity of dance was increasing and therefore the opportunity had been taken to increase dance activities in Medway. The U.Dance Medway and community showcase was a national programme from One Dance UK to encourage children and young people to develop their skills in dance and performance which increased their self-esteem and confidence. He also advised that a dance studio had been provided at Strood Leisure Centre as part of the refurbishment works.


·         Senior Sports – The Portfolio Holder advised that the Fitness MOT programme, encouraging residents over the age of 60 to receive a free health check linked to a recommended exercise programme had commenced in 2018.


·         Vending machines in Leisure Centres – At the suggestion of a Member, the Portfolio Holder agreed that officers be requested to review the types of snacks in vending machines located in leisure centres with a view to replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy options. 


·         Strood Leisure Centre chlorine leak  - In response to a request for information on an incident involving a chlorine leak at Strood Leisure Centre, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that this had been an error and management action had been taken. He was currently awaiting the HSE investigation report and this would be circulated to Members of the Committee when received.


·         Tourism – A Member asked the Portfolio Holder how Medway would ensure that it could retain current levels of tourism after Brexit. The Portfolio Holder stressed that the Council would seek to address any potential impact on tourism whatever the outcome of Brexit.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the availability of hotel accommodation in Medway was continuing to increase and Medway was a Member of Visit Kent. 


·         Cultural Development Fund – The Portfolio Holder advised that information was not yet available on the Cultural Development Fund announced by the Government on 18 January 2019 but agreed to circulate details when more information was available.


·         Dickensian Christmas Festival and Rochester Christmas Markets – A Member expressed concern that during the weekend of 24 and 25 November, Rochester had become gridlocked as a result of the Dickensian Christmas Festival and the Rochester Christmas Markets. In addition, he considered that the decision to allow free parking during that weekend had contributed to the congestion and had resulted in a loss of income to the Council.


The Portfolio Holder suggested that this be drawn to the attention of the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services.


·         Business Rates – A Member expressed concern as to the effect that Business Rates was having on independent businesses and he suggested that if the Council wished to acquire City of Culture status, it should consider reducing Business Rates for creative and cultural businesses. The Portfolio Holder advised that he didn’t think it was possible to reduce Business Rates for certain sectors of business but he requested that the Director for Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive provide information directly to the Member concerned on this issue.


·         Cycling – The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Council was investing in a network of cycleways in Medway and where possible actively encouraging the provision of off-road cycleways within developments so as to encourage safe cycling.


·         BMX Pump Track – A Member referred to the success of the BMX Pump Track at the Queen Elizabeth’s Playing Fields and commented that these types of facilities attracted individuals from a wider area and she suggested that officers tap into the BMX community on-line to promote the facility.




The Committee:


a)    noted that the briefing note on the 2018 Castle Concert ticket sales will be re-circulated to all Members of the Committee.


b)    noted that Members of the Committee will be provided with a copy of correspondence with the Chairman of the Friends of Strand Pool  concerning the finances and costs of running the facility in 2018.


c)    noted that further information will be circulated to Members of the Committee on the Cultural Development Fund when available.


d)    noted that a copy of the HSE investigation report into the chlorine leak at the Strood Leisure Centre will be circulated to Members of the Committee when received.


e)    requested that officers undertake a review of the products available in vending machines at Leisure Centres with a view to replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy options.


f)     noted that the Director of Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive will provide information on Business Rates direct to the Member concerned.


g)    requested that the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services be advised of concerns that during the weekend of 24 and 25 November, the availability of free parking not only resulted in gridlock of Rochester but also a loss of income to the Council at a time when there were many visitors to Rochester for the Dickensian Christmas festival and the Rochester Christmas Market.


h)    requested that future reports include the number of volunteer hours which contribute to Medway’s Greenspaces being awarded Green Flag status.


i)     requested that officers investigate further promotion of the BMX Pump track via the BMX on-line community.


j)     requested that officers provide assistance to the Friends of Gillingham Park in applying for Lottery Funding. 


k)    thanked the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services for his attendance and the answers he had provided.


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