Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/4357 - Greatfield Lodge, Darnley Road, Strood, Rochester

Strood South


Proposed part demolition of existing communal facilities block and addition of first floor to create a two-storey building (block 3), addition of new storey to block 1 to create a three/four storey building and extension to front and external staircase to block 2 and other associated works to facilitate conversion of Greatfield Lodge Residential Hostel into 14 one bed and 10 two bed residential self contained flats including creation of an access road onto the site from Hawthorn Road and inclusion of derelict land to the rear of No. 276 Hawthorn Road to form part of the overall site.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application and informed the Committee that this application had originally been on the agenda for consideration on 21 November 2018 but had been deferred owing to the requirement to clarify that access could be achieved for a bin lorry from Darnley Road. The applicant had now submitted revised drawings showing how this would be achieved.


He outlined the application and highlighted the changes to the scheme from that previously approved under planning application MC/13/1469 in January 2014.


In response to questions, the Head of Planning confirmed that the footpath would be retained for public use and enhanced for safety and access to the site from Hawthorn Road would be restricted to residents only.


It was suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application proposed condition 2 be amended as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet to reflect new plans received.




Approved subject to:


a)            The applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure:


           A contribution of £2,496 towards nursery school provision at Bligh Infant School;

           A contribution of £7,488 towards primary school provision at Bligh Infant and Junior Schools;

           A contribution of £11,230.80 towards improvements to Court View Surgery in Darnley Road to accommodate potential new patients arising from the proposed development;

           A contribution of £28,000.00 towards off site provision and/or maintenance of outdoor open space to be spent on improvements to Northcote Recreation Ground, Sycamore Road play area and/or Broomhill Park. 

           A contribution of £13,700.40 towards the provision of Street furniture in the grounds of Temple Manor.

           A contribution of £4,200.00 towards waste and recycling to be used to provide adequate facilities to cover the impact of the development.

           A contribution of £5,750.64 towards Strategic Mitigation measures in the Special Protection Areas; 

           An agreement that when any future stage of the development is undertaken (of all or any of the land outlined in blue on the submitted site plan) that it will include the provision of a minimum of 25% of affordable homes calculated on the basis of the number of dwelling across the site as a whole, the trigger being when 25 or more dwellings are proposed across the joint sites. 

           Payment for traffic calming measures in the proximity of the proposed access onto Hawthorn Road.

           Payment for the diversion of and improvement to the public footpath linking Darnley Road and Hawthorn Road.


b)            Conditions 1 and 3 – 16 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and condition 2 revised as set out below:


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Drawing numbers GW/227/03/D, GW/227/04/D, GW/227/05/C, GW/227/06/C, GW/227/07/A, GW/227/08/C, GW/227/09/B, GW/227/10/B,GW/227/11/D, GW/227/12/B, GW/227/13/B, GW/227/14/C, GW/227/15/A, 38492/2001/006/A, 38492/2001/SK01/B and 38492/1501/001/P01 received on 18 December 2017; Site Plan received on 8 January 2018; drawing numbers 38492/2001/007/F, 38492/2001/009/B, 38492/2001/010/B, 38492/2001/011/B, 38492/2001/012/B, 38492/2001/012, 9537-KC-XX-YTREE-TCP01Rev0 Sheet 1 of 2 and KC-XXYTREE-TPP02RevA Sheet 2 of 2 received on 28 June 2018; drawing number 38492/2001/SK02/C received on 21 November 2018; and drawing number LSDP 10949.01/J (as amended) received on 18 December 2018


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.



Supporting documents: