Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/4408 - Land at Walnut Tree Farm, North of Britannia Road, High Halstow, Rochester

Peninsula Ward


Proposed development of 66 dwellings together with associated new accessing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and open space.





The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and drew attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet suggesting an amendment to proposed condition 2, the deletion of proposed condition 17 and re-numbering the remaining conditions. In addition, there were a number of changes to the following sections of the report:


·         Proposal

·         Site area/density

·         Representations


He also advised that the applicant had written to all members of the Committee and a copy of this letter was appended to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Head of Planning reminded the Committee that this planning application had previously been the subject of a presentation to Members.


He drew attention to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which stated that ‘housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.’


Sustainability was defined in paragraph 7 of the NPPF and had three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The Head of Planning advised upon each element and how the proposed application could meet each individual dimension as set out within the report.


The Head of Planning referred to the request from High Halstow Parish Council to take over the management of the open space within the development and he advised that should the application be approved, this would be a matter for the Parish Council to discuss with the applicants.


The Committee discussed the application.




Approved subject to:


a)            A Section 106 agreement being entered into to secure the following:


i.         The provision of 17 affordable units (25%) – to be a mix of shared ownership units  (40%) and affordable rent (60%).

ii.         £51,584.00 towards Nursery provision in High Halstow.

iii.        £129,792.00 towards Primary provision in either High Halstow or expanding Hoo Academy Primary School) to 2FE or a new primary free school in the Hoo area.

iv.        £71,247.43 towards Hundred of Hoo (Secondary School) Humanities Block expansion and improvements or a new free school in the Hoo area.

v.         £40,725.30 towards improved health facilities to be used for improvements to Hoo St Werburgh practice with their relocation to alternative premises on the Peninsula.

vi.        £40,000 towards improvements to pedestrian infrastructure between the site and village including enhancements to pedestrian routes between the site and local primary school (safer routes to school) between the site and High Halstow village.

vii.       £5,043.72 towards youth services for the youth services detached work on Hoo Peninsula.

viii.      £59,336.64 towards open space to be spent on improvements to Forge Common and/or High Halstow Recreation Ground.

ix.        £10,259.04 towards waste services.

x.         £37,676.10 towards Heritage and Museums to be used to improve the grounds (benches, litter bins, seating, outdoor lighting) of Upnor Castle for visitors.

xi.        £11,800.80 towards improvements to Community facilities within the High Halstow Parish area.

xii.       £10,635.90 to provide supplies to existing library services.

xiii.      £2,682 towards improvements to Public Rights of Way in the area.

xiv.      £17,540.00 towards the management of the Northward Hill SSSI.

xv.       £15,814.26 towards Habitat Regulations (SAMMS).


b)            Conditions 1 and 3 – 16 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report, condition 2 amended as set out below and conditions 18 – 25 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report but renumbered conditions 17 – 24:


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved documents/plans:


Location Plan LP01 A, Site Layout SL01 L, Coloured Site Layout CSL L, Street Elevations SE.01F, Boundary & Dwelling Material Layout BDML01 J, Amberley Floor Plans and Elevations Option 1 - Brick HT.AMB.pe1C, Amberley Floor Plans and Elevations Option 2 - Render HT.AMB.pe2 C, Amberley Floor Plans and Elevations Option 3 - Render HT.AMB.pe3 B, Dart Elevations Option 1 - Brick HT.DART.e C, Dart Floor Plans  HT.DART.p C, Henley Elevations Option 1 - Brick HT.HENL.e1 B, Henley Floor Plans HT.HENL.p B, Highgate Elevations Option One – Brick HT.HIGH.e1 B, Highgate Elevations Option Two - Brick and Render HT.HIGH.e2 B, Highgate Floor Plans HT.HIGH.p B, Leamington Floor Plans and Elevations Option 1 - LS Brick HT.LEAM.pe1 C, Leamington Floor Plans and Elevations Option 1 - LS Render HT.LEAM.pe2 C, Ludlow elevation Option1 – Brick HT.LUDL.e1  C, Ludlow Floor Plans HT.LUDL.p C, Oxford Floor Plans and Elevations Option 1 - Render HT.OXFO.pe1 B, Oxford Floor Plans and Elevations Option 2 - Lifestyle Brick   HT.OXFO.pe2  C, House Type Oxford Floor Plans and Elevations Option Three - Lifestyle Render HT.OXFO.pe3 A, Warwick Floor Plans and Elevs Option 1 – Brick HT.WARW.pe1 C, Warwick Floor Plans and Elevs Option 2 – Render HT.WARW.pe2 C, Warwick Floor Plans and Elevations Option 3 - LS Brick HT.WARW.pe3 C, Warwick Floor Plans and Elevations Option 5 - LS Render   HT.WARW.pe5 C, House Type Warwick Floor Plans and Elevations Option 6 - Lifestyle Render HT.WARW.pe6 B, Snowdon Plots 14-19 Elevations Block A HT.SNOW-A.e C, Snowdon Plots 14-19 Floor Plans Block A            HT.SNOW-A.p C, Snowdon Plots 20-25 Floor Plans Block B HT.SNOW-B.p C, Snowdon Plots 20-25 Elevations Block B HT.SNOW-B.e C, Teme Elevations Option 1 – Brick HT.TEME.e1 B, Teme Floor Plans HT. TEME.p C, Flat Blocks - Bin Store Floor Plans and Elevations   BS.01 A, Flat Blocks - Cycle Store Floor Plans & Elevations CS.01A, Single & Double Garages A, Coloured Street Elevations CSE01 F, House Type Amberley, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option 1 - Brick" HT.AMB.cpe1 B, House Type Amberley, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option 2 - Render" HT.AMB.cpe2 B            , House Type Amberley, coloured Floor Plans and Elevations HT. AMB.cpe3 A, House Type Dart , Coloured Elevations , Option1-Brick HT.DART.ce B, House Type Henley, Colured Elevations, Option1-Brick HT.HENL.e1 A, House Type Highgate , Coloured Elevations, Option 1 Brick HT. HIGH.ce1 A, House Type Highgate , Coloured Elevations, Option 2 Brick and render HT.HIGH.ce2 A, House Type Leamington, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option 1 - Lifestyle Brick HT.LEAM.cpe1 B, House Type Leamington, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option 2 - Lifestyle Render HT.LEAM.cpe2 B, House Type Ludlow, Coloured elevations, Option 1, Brick HT.LUDL.ce1 B, House Type Oxford, Floor Plans and coloured elevations, Option 1, Render HT. OXFO.cpe1 A, House Type Oxford, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option Two - Lifestyle BrickHT.OXFO.cpe2 B, House Type Oxford, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option Three - Lifestyle Render HT.OXFO.cpe3 A, House Type Snowdon, Plots 14-19 Coloured Elevations, Block A        HT. SNOW-A.ce B, House Type Snowdon, Plots 20-25 Coloured Elevations, Block B HT. SNOW-B.e B, House Type Teme, Coloured Elevations ,option 1, brick HT.TEME.ce1 A, House Type Warwick, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations Option 1 – Brick HT.WARW.cpe1 B, House Type Warwick, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations Option 2 - Render" HT.WARW.cpe2 B, House Type Warwick, Floor Plans and coloured elevations, option 3, lifestyle brick HT.WARW.cpe3 B, House Type Warwick, Floor Plans and coloured elevations, option 3, lifestyle render HT.WARW.cpe5 B, House Type Warwick, Floor Plans and Coloured Elevations  Option 6 - Lifestyle Render HT.WARW.cpe6 B.


           Planning Statement dated Dec 2017 produced by Judith Ashton Associates;

           Design and Access Statement dated Dec 2017 produced by Thrive Architects;

           The Transport Assessment dated Dec 2017 produced by PT Planners;


           The Flood Risk Assessment dated March 2018 produced by PT Planners;

           Drainage Strategy Report  dated March 2018: Report no. 11082/01C produced by PT Planners;


           The Preliminary Ecological Appraisal dated Nov 2017 plus associated Winter Bird Survey dated March 2016, Breeding Bird Survey dated July 2016, Bat Survey dated July 2016, Bat Preliminary Roost Assessment dated Nov 2017, Reptile Survey dated Oct 2016, Great Crested Newt Survey dated May 2016 and Dormouse Survey Report dated Nov 2017 produced by Twigg Group;


           The Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment dated Nov 2017 produced by Eleanor Trenfield Landscape Architects Ltd;

           The Landscape Management Plan (dated May 2018 - 0084-R02-V6) produced by Eleanor Trenfield Landscape Architects Ltd, Simon Jones Associates and Twigg Group;

           Play Statement, LAP and LEAP proposal (dated May 2018 - 0083-R04-V3), appended to which is 0083-L17 (play equipment) and 0083-L18 (Woodland Play Area)

v    Landscape plans:

           0083-L08 -Rev B Landscape Strategy (dated 09.05.18)

           0083-L09-Rev B  Hard Landscape Proposals (dated 09.05.18)

           0083-L10-Rev B Hard Landscape Proposals (dated 09.05.18)

           0083-L11-Rev B Soft Landscape Proposals (dated 09.05.18)

           0083-L12-Rev B Soft Landscape Proposals (dated 09.05.18)


           The Arboricultural Report dated May 2018 prepared by Simon Jones Associates;

           The Agricultural Land Classification and Soil Resources report dated Dec 2017 prepared by Reading Agricultural Consultants Ltd;

           The Archeological Desk Based Appraisal dated Dec 2017 produced by SWAT Archaeology;

           The Geo-Environmental Desk Study / Preliminary Risk Assessment Report dated Aug 2017 produced by Turner Jomas & Associates Ltd;

           The Air Quality Assessment dated April 2018 produced by Fichtner Consulting Engineers

           The Utilities Assessment dated Dec 2017 produced by PT Planners;

           The Construction Environmental Management Plan dated Dec 2017 produced by Redrow;

           The Statement of Community Involvement dated Dec 2017 produced by Chelgate Limited;

           The Affordable Housing Statement dated Dec 2017 produced by Judith Ashton Associates.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Supporting documents: