Agenda item

Councillor Carr asked the Portfolio Holder for Business Management, Councillor Turpin the following:

As the end of the Mayoral term approaches, I would like to place on record my thanks to the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress and Deputy Mayor and Consort for their tireless work serving the people of Medway.


Would the Portfolio Holder be able to summarise the activities of the Mayoralty so that the Council might acknowledge the achievements of the past year?


“As the end of the Mayoral term approaches, I would like to place on record my thanks to the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress and Deputy Mayor and Consort for their tireless work serving the people of Medway.


Would the Portfolio Holder be able to summarise the activities of the Mayoralty so that the Council might acknowledge the achievements of the past year?”




Councillor Turpin thanked Councillor Carr for his question. He stated that the civic office of Mayor brought with it over 800 years of tradition and loyalty to the Crown – and a direct link to the monarch through Parliament. In this Council Chamber, the Mayor’s role was observed as chairing these meetings as being governed by complicated rules, regulations and official procedures. However, as First Citizen of Medway the Mayor had a duty and privilege to support local initiatives aimed at providing benefit to the Council area and its diverse communities. In this role, the Mayor would speak and act as ambassador, facilitator, promoter and encourager and may involve highlighting relevant causes and assisting members of the local community to receive the recognition they deserve.


He stated that it was in the ceremonial role that most people would be familiar with and this year, Councillor David Wildey and Councillor Gloria Opara, with their spouses Denise and Richard, had between them attended over 330 engagements in the community, such as openings and fundraising events organised by voluntary and charitable organisations. They had also, unfortunately, had to decline a further 200 invitations. They had attended a diverse range of events and he noted that the Mayor would take great pleasure in telling the Council his highlights at the Annual Council meeting.


He stated that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor had visited or supported organisations across a broad range of faith groups represented in Medway, charities providing a range of services to the people of Medway, all the Armed Forces, schools, Academies and the Universities in Medway, other voluntary groups supporting and celebrating the great history of Medway, ensuring that Medway’s people and businesses, large and small and their successes were properly celebrated.


He stated that the Mayor had also welcomed at least one royal visitor to Medway, along with a Chinese delegation from Foshan with whom the Council had a long-standing sister city agreement, and some Japanese exchange students.


He stated that both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor had informed him that they had found the experience of being Mayor and Deputy Mayor very fulfilling and that they now had a much greater understanding of the depth of the local community. He stated that it was a tremendous privilege for them but that the Council was also very grateful to them for the hard work done. 


He concluded by stating that the Mayor had also hosted 9 charity and civic fundraising events for the Mayor’s chosen charities, Macmillan, MAGIC and The Samaritans, and were on target to have raised at least £8000 by the end of his term.