Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Application for a variation of the premises licence for St Margaret's Millennium Centre, Gatekeeper Chase, Rainham, Kent ME8 9BH

The applicant has applied to vary the premises licence for St Margaret’s Millennium Centre, Gatekeeper Chase, Rainham, Kent ME8 9BH. Representations have been received from a member of the public in relation to public nuisance and to date, no agreement has been reached. No further representations have been received from members of the public or responsible authorities.




The Chairman asked those present to introduce themselves and explained the process that the hearing would follow as outlined in the agenda.


The Licensing Officer stated that, in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, the Council had received an application to vary the premises licence for St Margaret’s Millennium Centre, Gatekeeper Chase, Rainham, Kent, ME8 9BH. The application requested that the supply of alcohol be amended on the licence to read:-


Monday to Thursday

12:00 to 22:00


12:00 to 23:00


08.30 to 23:00


12:00 to 21:00


The Licensing Officer confirmed that the application had been correctly advertised in the local press and notices had been displayed at the premises for the required timescale. The application had been referred to the Licensing Hearing Panel for determination as a relevant representation had been received.


The Chairman invited the applicants to present the application and Mr Noakes said that it had been submitted on the advice of the Licensing Authority to ensure that the premises licence covered the current activities at the centre. He explained that it was used for licensable activities in connection with church services such as funeral wakes and gatherings after baptisms.


During questioning, Mrs Walsh confirmed that, although there had been some complaints in the past regarding the use of the centre, none had been received in the last year since users had been required to provide a security deposit. The applicants clarified that the centre closed down during the Christmas and New Year period and confirmed that any reference to Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve in the application could be deleted.


Mr Noakes confirmed that the back entrance to the hall was used as it was close to the kitchen but strict rules had been put in place to control noise levels and no complaints had subsequently been received. 


The Chairman invited Mrs Trutwein to present her representations against the application and she expressed concern about noise and disturbance during big events such as weddings, particularly in the summer months. She confirmed that she had not had cause to complain in the past year but had previously complained about inconsiderate parking and rubbish. Mr Noakes explained how the centre had responded to complaints and said that he and Mrs Walsh would always assist with neighbours’ concerns where they could.


The Chairman invited both parties to sum up andMrs Walsh said that, since she had been manager of the centre, she had tried to build a good relationship with neighbours. She accepted that there were parking problems and had asked for increased parking enforcement. Mrs Trutwein added that there were issues with users of the centre leaving the venue at the end of an evening event and the applicants explained the measures in place, such as signage, to remind users to be considerate of neighbours. 


The Chairman asked all parties to leave the room whilst the Panel considered its decision.




1.     In considering the application to vary the premises licence for St Margaret’s Millennium Centre, Gatekeeper Chase, Rainham, Kent, ME8 9BH, the Licensing Hearing Panel had regard to the Licensing Act 2003, the statutory guidance issued under S182 of the Act, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and all matters before it, both written and oral.


2.     The Panel granted the application to vary the premises licence, as applied for, noting the applicant’s removal of the request for seasonal variation on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, neither of which would be included on the revised licence. 

Supporting documents: