Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/3687 - Berengrave Nursery, Berengrave Lane, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 7NL

Rainham North


Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for demolition of existing structures and construction of up to 121 residential dwellings including new vehicle access, internal roads, car parking, open spaces, sustainable urban drainage systems, earthwork's and associated landscaping and infrastructure. 




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and advised the Committee that should it be minded to approve the application, the following amendments were required to the proposed Section 106 and conditions 2 and 3:


·         Section 106 v - the words ‘Sixth From’ should read ‘Sixth Form’.

·         Condition 2 -  the time periods should read ‘2 years’ not ‘3 years’.

·         Condition 3 – the time period should read ‘18 months’ not ‘12 months’


In addition, he suggested that proposed condition 16 be amended as set out below:


16. No development shall take place until an Air Quality Mitigation Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The statement shall be prepared in accordance with the Medway Air Quality planning guidance (April 2016) and shall specify the ,measures that will be implemented as part of the development to mitigate the air quality impacts identified in the Air Quality Assessment, reference 7584AQ Final v3, dated 18 January 2018.  The total monetary value of the mitigation to be provided shall be demonstrated to be equivalent to or greater than, the total damage cost value calculated as part of the Air Quality Assessment.


The development shall be implemented, and thereafter maintained, entirely in accordance with the measures set out in the approved mitigation statement.


He advised that Kent Police had requested a Section 106 contribution but that the request was not CIL compliant and therefore such contribution was not permissible.


The Head of Planning also drew attention to a number of changes to the Planning Appraisal Section of the report details of which were set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Committee discussed the planning application and concern was expressed as to the affect that the proposed development would have upon the highway and, in particular, the junction of Berengrave Lane with the A2. It was noted that there was no proposed Section 106 contribution to undertake any works to mitigate the impact of the additional vehicular movements.


The Acting Head of Integrated Transport informed the Committee that it was anticipated that the proposed development would generate an additional 66 vehicular movements of which approximately 40 would impact upon the Berengrave Lane junction with the A2. He advised that officers were in the process of working on a scheme to alleviate congestion at this junction and if the Committee wished, it could include a further Section 106 contribution as part of this planning application towards this work.


A Member expressed the view that if the Committee was to consider the inclusion of an additional head of term for the Section 106 agreement aimed at alleviating impact upon the highway, this required consideration through the normal process of determining Section 106 contribution levels. Without this, the Committee was not in a position to agree a level at this meeting.


Another Member expressed concern that the proposed Section 106 contributions for  secondary school education only covered Rainham Mark Grammar School  and yet there were other secondary schools in the area that had not been included and she suggested that this be referred back for further consideration. In response, the Head of Planning confirmed that all the educational contributions requested had been set out within the report.


Arising from questions, the Head of Planning also confirmed that the proposed Section 106 funding of £99,322.08 for Greenspace was for Cozenton Park.




Consideration of the application be deferred to enable further consideration to be given to the proposed Section 106 funding contributions for highway improvements and whether there is a requirement for additional educational contributions for other secondary schools in the area.

Supporting documents: