Agenda item

Work programme

This item advises Members of the current work programme and allows the Committee to adjust it in the light of latest priorities, issues and circumstances. It gives Members the opportunity to shape and direct the Committee’s activities over the year.




The Committee received a report setting out the Committee’s work programme for 2017/18 along with recommended amendments from the Committee’s agenda planning meeting on 18 December 2017.


The Democratic Services Officer provided an update on the appointment of Parent Governor Representatives to the two vacant places on the Committee.


The Committee was also provided with details of a NHS England South procurement of Orthodontic Services which would affect Medway residents. The Committee was advised that an extension to the consultation deadline was agreed by NHS England so that the Committee could consider the proposals. 


The Director of Public Health advised the Committee that he had reviewed the information provided by NHS England, as set out in section 6.5 of the report and drew the Committees attention to two main concerns. Firstly, whether population growth had been included within the assessment of need and secondly, whether the amendments to the Service proposed would be detrimental to service users.


In relation to this assessment, he advised the Committee that currently Medway had one specialist Service and, under the proposals from NHS England Medway would gain a second facility.  As a result, it was likely that access for local residents would improve.


The Director of Public Health also advised the Committee that under the current arrangements, residents in Swale had accessed the services provided by the Medway facility. However, under the new proposals additional capacity would be provided in Swale. Whilst NHS England had proposed a reduction in Units of Orthodontic Activity (UOA) in Medway, as there had been no waiting lists in Medway and a greater provision would be provided in Swale, it was the opinion of the Director of Public Health that there was unlikely to be a detrimental effect on the Service offered to Medway residents and the changes could be beneficial given the provision of an additional site. However, it was important that NHS England held the arrangements under review to ensure the Service took account of Medway’s future needs, for example population growth.


Members raised a number of points and questions including:


·         NHS England South procurement of Orthodontic Services - A Member expressed concern regarding the timescales of the consultation afforded by NHS England but commented that the proposals to provide a second orthodontic centre could be beneficial to the residents of Medway.


·         Cookham Wood – A Member suggested that the report on Cookham Wood scheduled on the work programme for June be bought forward to the next meeting in March owing to the recent press coverage.  The Chairman of the Committee advised that sufficient time needed to be afforded in March for questioning the Portfolio Holders being held to account at that meeting.


·         Regional Schools Commissioner – At the request of a Member, it was confirmed the Regional School Commissioner had accepted the invitation to attend the Committee on 8 March 2018.




The Committee:


a)    agreed the work programme as set out at Appendix 1, subject to adding:


            8 March 2018

·         Results of the Ofsted local area Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision Inspection

·         Special Educational Needs Transport Budget and Proposed Home to School Transport Policy - Outcome of Consultation


June (Exact date to be confirmed)

·         Update on Supported Accommodation for Children in Care and Care Leavers


b)    noted that further reports on Assistive Reproductive Technologies would be considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


c)    recommended to Full Council on 25 January 2018 the appointment of Mr Akinola Edun and Mr David William Lane as Parent Governor Representatives on the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee for a four year term.


d)    agreed that the proposals in relation to the procurement of orthodontic services by NHS England do not constitute a substantial variation and supported the proposals on the basis of the additional information provided set out in 6.5 of the report. 

Supporting documents: