Agenda item

Childhood Immunisation Service Update

This report provides the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with information on:

·         The roles and responsibilities of partners around childhood immunisations;

·         The local picture of childhood immunisations in Medway; and

·         Current and future actions planned by NHS England to improve childhood immunisation rates.   




The Director for Public Health introduced the report compiled by Dr John Rodriguez, Consultant in Public Health, Kent and Medway Screening and Immunisation Lead. He drew the Committees attention to the role of Medway Council and explained the data provided at Appendix 1 to the report provided historical data which demonstrated some rates of immunisation were perceptively lower than the average for England. However, the Director for Public Health noted this owed to a lack of complete data.


The Consultant in Public Health explained how the data presented at Appendix 1 to the report had been collected and described other models to extrapolate the data, for example the Kent Data Warehouse, which provided a more positive outlook for selected immunisation rates.


The Consultant in Public Health outlined actions that had been taken to improve reporting rates, these included: electronic reporting; a system of challenge; engaging Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and a pilot scheme (in Ashford and Canterbury) in which parents of children who appeared not to be vaccinated were contacted.


Members then raised the following points and questions, which included:


·         Data validity – Several Members raised concerns that the data provided may be inaccurate given that new vaccination rates had been reported at the meeting. The Director of Public Health explained that the data set out at Appendix 1 to the report had been validated and shared nationally, however on receipt of the data, the Public Health Department had interrogated it within General Practice Systems which highlighted the inconsistencies narrated to the Committee. The Consultant in Public Health added investment had been made into the Child Health Information System (CHIS) service improvement plan to assist in the provision of accurate and complete data.


·         Data quality - At the request of Members, the Director of Public Health undertook to ensure that NHS England provides the Committee with Medway childhood immunisation rates as a percentage of children in Medway receiving specified vaccinations.


·         Coverage – In response to a question whether an epidemic could occur owing to parents not allowing their children to be vaccinated, the Consultant in Public Health advised based on the current immunisation rates reported, it was unlikely an epidemic would result, however there was a future possibility. He provided an example of the Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) national outbreak but noted this did not affect Medway. The Director for Public Health advised that he received a daily update on outbreaks and this had not highlighted any concerns.


·         Pilot scheme – A Member commented that the pilot scheme in Canterbury and Ashford was also required in Medway. Greater clarity was required on why Medway Children were not receiving the necessary vaccinations. In relation to the letter sent to parents, a Member asked for clarity on the resultant follow up action taken and how those not taking up the offer of vaccination were reached. The Consultant in Public Health undertook to provide further information.


·         Strategic overview – In response to a question whether a national or local reporting system would be developed, the Consultant in Public Health agreed one system would be useful and moving to the new system, Kent Data Warehouse, was in part a response to this. He added that the data verbally presented to the Committee was not ready for publication owing to data protection sensitivities.


·         Looked After Children (LAC) – A Member noted there had been complete coverage for LAC.


·         Immunisation schedules – A Member commented that providing parents with a card noting the immunisation schedule would reinforce their responsibility. The Director for Public Health reassured the Committee that a Medway Immunisations Board would be established. This Board would enable the Council to gain assurance immunisation services commissioned by NHS England were meeting the needs of Medway residents.  Further, he explained the Medway Public Health Department was currently out to tender for a provider to deliver 0-19 Public Health Services (Health Visiting School Nursing). There would be specific requirements placed in the new contract to support new mothers and fathers to immunise their children.




The Committee:


1)    Noted the report at Appendix 1 from Dr John Rodriguez, Consultant in Public Health, Kent and Medway Screening and Immunisation Lead which provided an update on children’s immunisations; and

2)    Requested an update report on children’s immunisation setting out clearly the position in Medway to be provided to the Committee as soon as practicable.

Supporting documents: