Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/1884 - Land South of Ratcliffe Highway Junction with Bells Lane, Hoo St Werburgh, Rochester ME3 9JD



Demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the land south of Ratcliffe Highway, to provide 232 residential units in buildings of up to 3 storeys, retention of existing bowling green together with associated access, landscaping and open space.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application and suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application a number of changes to the proposed conditions be approved as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


He also drew attention to the proposed Section 106 heads of agreement and in particular, the suggestion that £28,988.00 be made available for the Great Lines Heritage Park. He reminded the Committee that previously, it had requested that Section 106 funding be allocated to the local area in which the proposed development was to take place and he therefore suggested that the Committee may wish to stipulate whether this funding would be more appropriately allocated to either greenspace improvements at Deangate or added to the funding being requested for a new community facility for Hoo Parish.


With the agreement of the Committee Councillor Freshwater addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and summarised residents concerns as follows:


·         The proposed development will harm the existing community in Hoo and the proposed Section 106 payments will not bring infrastructure benefits to the community that will address the community’s concerns.

·         The proposed development will have an adverse impact on the character and visual amenity of the local area.

·         Residents consider the proposed new entrance in Bells Lane to be dangerous and will result in drivers using Bells Lane for parking which could close the road at this junction.

·         The development will result in major traffic problems to the detriment of those trying to cross Bells Lane and will also result in an increase in pollution from cars and lorries contrary to the action plan for the Four Elms Hill Air Quality Management Area.

·         Local GP surgeries in Hoo have already closed their lists to new patients and existing patients have a 3 week wait for GP appointments.

·         There are no school places available in Hoo

·         The proposed development of 3 storey flats is out of character for the area.

·         Future occupiers of the proposed new development will suffer from high levels of traffic noise from cars and lorries using the A228.

·         Leisure facilities at Deangate can only be accessed by car as there are no footpaths to these facilities.

·         At a public meeting on 30 August attended by the Leader of the Council and Kelly Tolhurst MP, the local Hoo community indicated that whilst they were not opposed to the provision of new housing, it is not possible to increase the size of the local Hoo community as the roads, schools and local essential services can no longer cope.

·         The Committee has already refused a planning application for development in a neighbouring green field which was also dismissed by a Planning Inspector at appeal. This should therefore act as a precedent for the Committee to refuse this current planning application.


Councillor Freshwater requested that if the Committee was minded to approve the planning application, it undertake a site visit.


The Committee discussed the application having regard to the views of the Ward Councillor.


Members appreciated the concerns of the local community in Hoo but also acknowledged that there was a countrywide housing crisis and therefore Medway was not alone in having to identify land suitable for the provision of houses. Reference was made to the recent loss of Lodge Hill in Chattenden as a site which would have provided a substantial level of housing provision, and it was stressed that without securing this site, it was inevitable that other sites would now have to be considered as to their suitability for housing provision.


It was generally considered that the scheme now placed before the Committee was a good scheme which would also secure developer contributions towards the local infrastructure including education, NHS services and other community facilities.


In response to the concerns raised by Councillor Freshwater as to the potential for noise disturbance for the occupiers of those properties to be sited close to the A228, the Head of Planning advised that this would be covered by proposed condition 31.


The Committee confirmed that it did not wish to undertake a site visit and that should the application be approved, the £28,988.00 Section 106 funding currently proposed for the Great Lines Heritage Park should be reallocated to increase the level of funding for the provision of a community centre in Hoo.




Approved subject to:


a)            A Section 106 Agreement under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the following developer’s contributions:


i)          25% Affordable Housing on site: equating to 58 dwellings  


ii)         Installation of a toucan crossing across A228 at the junction with Bells Lane to facilitate a safe crossing to Deangate sports grounds.


iii)        Make a financial contribution of £2,322,388.72 in total to be divided and spent in the following areas:


           Education and Nursery:


Nursery School        Hundred of Hoo Academy   £178,713.60

Primary School         Hundred of Hoo Academy    £379,962.51

primary phase 2                                                         

Secondary School   Hundred of Hoo Academy  £323,671.77




To be spent on surgeries Hoo St Werburgh       £108,564.40

with their planned development of securing

premises fit for purpose to manage the

additional cohort of patients depending on

patient needs.          


           Green space


To offset insufficient on site Green Space          £544,583.80



To replace the loss of existing on site open        £530,000.00

space/sports provision         


           Waste and recycling


Towards renewal programme of bins at               £36,062.08

Cuxton HWRC        


-           To provide household containers for the collection of recycling – use once bags and 240ltr wheeled brown bins to each property for the collection of food and garden waste


-           To provide information for residents regarding services provided including pest control, recycling information.


           Birds Disturbance Mitigation                     £51,870.56



           Highway Improvement                                £60,000.00


-           Towards improvement at the A228 Peninsula Way junction with Main Road, Hoo.


           Community facility                                    £108,960.00


-           Towards a new community centre for Hoo Parish


b)            Conditions 1, 3 – 6, 8 – 11, 13 - 17, as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report, conditions 2,  7 and 12 amended as set out below, the deletion of proposed condition 18 and the subsequent renumbering of all remaining proposed conditions but with the wording of newly numbered conditions 23, 25, 27 and 29 amended as follows:


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


CB_56_069_001, CB_56_069_002 Rev K, CB_56_069_003 Rev G, CB_56_069_004 Rev G, CB_56_069_005 Rev G, CB_56_069_006 Rev G, CB_56_069_007 Rev G, CB_56_069_008 Rev G, CB_56_069_009 Rev G, CB_56_069_0011 Rev G,


Flat Blocks

CB_56_069_C_BLA_P01, CB_56_069_C_BLA_E01,

CB_56_069_C_BLB_E01, CB_56_069_C_BLB_E02, CB_56_069_C_BLB_P01,

CB_56_069_C_BLC_E01 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_BLC_E02 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_BLC_P01 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_BLC_P02 Rev B,

CB_56_069_C_BLD_E01, CB_56_069_C_BLD_P01, CB_56_069_C_BLD_P02,

CB_56_069_C_BLE_E01, CB_56_069_C_BLE_P01,

CB_56_069_C_BLF_E01, CB_56_069_C_BLF_E02, CB_56_069_C_BLF_P01,


House type Character Area A

CB_56_069_A_GOU_E01, CB_56_069_A_GOU_E02, CB_56_069_A_GOU_P01, CB_56_069_A_GOU_E03, CB_56_069_A_GOU_E04, CB_56_069_A_GOU_P02,

CB_56_069_A_GOU_E05, CB_56_069_A_GOU_P03,


CB_56_069_A_2B3P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_P01 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_P02 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_E03 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_P03 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_E04 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_2B3P_E05 Rev A,

CB_56_069_A_2B3P_P04 Rev A,


CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P01 Rev A,

CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P02 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E03 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P03 Rev A , CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E04 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P04 Rev A ,

CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E05 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P05 Rev A,

CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E06 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B4P_P06, Rev A CB_56_069_A_3B4P_E07 Rev A,


CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_P01, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_E02, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_E03, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_E04, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_P02, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_P03,



CB_56_069_A_4B5P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_4B5P_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_A_3B5PT_E01, CB_56_069_A_4B5P_P01 Rev A, 


House Type Character Area B

CB_56_069_B_2B_E01 Rev C, CB_56_069_B_2B_P01 Rev C,

CB_56_069_B_2B_E02, CB_56_069_B_2B_P02,


CB_56_069_B_2B3P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2B3P_E02 Rev A

CB_56_069_B_2B3P_P01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2B3P_E03 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_2B3P_P02 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2B3P_E04 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_2B3P_P03 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2B3P_E05 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_2B3P_P04 Rev A,


CB_56_069_B_2BC_E01, CB_56_069_B_2BC_P01,


CB_56_069_B_2BCH_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2BCH_P01 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_2BCH_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2BCH_P02 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_2BCH_E03 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_2BCH_P03 Rev A,


CB_56_069_B_3B_E01, CB_56_069_B_3B_E01, CB_56_069_B_3B_P01, CB_56_069_B_3B_E03, CB_56_069_B_3B_P02, CB_56_069_B_3B-E04,



CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_P01 Rev A,  

CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E02, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_P02 Rev A,   

CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E03 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E04 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_3B4P_P03 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E05 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_3B4P_P04 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E06,

CB_56_069_B_3B4P_E07, CB_56_069_B_3B4P_P05,  


CB_56_069_B_3B4PW_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4PW_P01 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_3B4PW_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_3B4PW_P02 Rev A,


CB_56_069_B_4B_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_4B_P01 Rev A,

CB_56_069_B_4B_E02, CB_56_069_B_4B_E03,



CB_56_069_B_4B5P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_B_4B5P_P01 Rev A,


CB_56_069_B_GOU_E01, CB_56_069_B_GOU_P01, 


CB_56_069_B_BLA_E01, CB_56_069_B_BLA_P01,


CB_56_069_B_BLC_E01 Rev B, CB_56_069_B_BLC_E02 Rev B,

CB_56_069_B_BLC_P01 Rev B, CB_56_069_B_BLC_P02 Rev B,

CB_56_069_B_BLD_E01, CB_56_069_B_BLD_E02, CB_56_069_B_BLD_P01,


House Type Character Area C

CB_56_069_C_GOU_E01, CB_56_069_C_GOU_P01,


CB_56_069_C_2B_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_2B_P01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_2B_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_2B_P02 Rev A,


CB_56_069_C_2B3P_E01 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_2B3P_P01 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_2B3P_E02 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_2B3P_P02 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_2B3P_E03 Rev B, CB_56_069_C_2B3P_P03 Rev B,


CB_56_069_C_2BC_E01, CB_56_069_C_2BC_P01,


CB_56_069_C_2BCH_E01, CB_56_069_C_2BCH_P01,


CB_56_069_C_3B_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B_P01 Rev A,


CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E02 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_P01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E03 Rev A,

CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E04 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_P02 Rev A,

CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E05 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_P03 Rev A,

CB_56_069_C_3B4P_E06 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4P_P04 Rev A,


CB_56_069_C_3B4PW_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_3B4PW_P01Rev A,

CB_56_069_C_BLB_E01 Rev A, CB_56_069_C_BLB_E02 Rev A,

CB_56_069_C_BLB_P01 Rev A,


CB_56_069_C_BLE_E01, CB_56_069_C_BLF_P01,

CB_56_069_C_BLF_E02, CB_56_069_C_BLF_P01,



MBSK170807-1 Rev A

Garage and Car Port Building types

CB_56_069_GAR_E01 to E08,

Cycle Storage building


Refuse Bin Storage Building

CB_56_069_BIN_E01, E03 and E04,

Sub-station building


Drainage Strategy Plans

E16-0680SK1001 Rev F, E16-0680SK1001

Received 26/05/17, 14.09/17,15/09/17,18/09/17 and 20/09/17.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


7.         No development shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include amongst other matters details of: hours of construction working; measures to control noise affecting nearby residents; wheel cleaning/chassis cleaning facilities; dust control measures; pollution incident control and site contact details in case of complaints. The construction works shall thereafter be carried out at all times in accordance with the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan, unless any variations are otherwise first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and amenity of the area and in compliance with Policies BNE2 and T1 of the Local Plan.


12.       None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be occupied until the car parking, garaging and visitor spaces associated with that particular unit as shown on the drawing CB-56-069-006 Rev G of accommodation have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. The respective spaces shall thereafter be retained at all times for their designated purpose.


Reason: In the interests of residential amenities and highway safety and in compliance with Policies BNE2 and T13 of the Local Plan.


23.       Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings, details of charging points for electric cars (1 electric vehicle charging point per dwelling with dedicated parking and 1 electric vehicle charging point per 10 unallocated parking spaces); shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the respective dwellings and subsequently retained for that purposes thereafter.


Reason: To ensure that provision is made for the parking and charging of battery powered cars in compliance with Policy BNE24 of the Local Plan.


25.       Prior to the first occupation of each individual dwelling of the development hereby permitted details of the refuse storage arrangements for that building, including provision for the storage of recyclable materials, as shown in drawing CB_56_069_007 Rev G shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  No building within the development shall be occupied until the approved refuse storage arrangements for each dwelling house are in place and all approved storage arrangements shall thereafter be retained.


Reason:  In the interests of visual amenity and to ensure a satisfactory provision for refuse and recycling in accordance with Policy BNE2 of the Local Plan.


27.       The car parking spaces shown on drawing CB_56_-69_006 Rev G along Bells Lane shall be used in association with the Bells Lane Bowling Green.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and residential amenities of the surrounding properties and in compliance with Policy and T13 of the Local Plan.


29.       No development above ground floor slab level of any part of the development hereby approved shall commence until an air quality assessment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The assessment shall include modelling of the impacts of traffic generated by the development at on site and off site receptors. Where the air quality objectives are not met at relevant on site receptors, full details of a clean air ventilation system (which provides both passive and rapid ventilation) necessary to ensure an appropriate level of air quality within the development shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved clean air ventilation system shall be completed prior to the occupation of the dwellings affected and shall be maintained at all times thereafter.


Reason: To ensure the development does not prejudice conditions of amenity of future occupiers by reason of unacceptable levels of air quality, in accordance with Policy BNE24 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.

Supporting documents: