Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/1820 - Bakersfield, Land at Station Road, Rainham ME8 7QZ

Rainham Central


Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to condition 1 of MC/14/0285 (APP/A2280/W/15/3002877) for outline planning permission with all matters reserved for future consideration, ref Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development comprising 90 dwellings. 




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, suggested conditions 1 and 5 be amended to refer to revised drawings and condition 21 be deleted as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Head of Planning explained that during discussions between the outline application and the reserved matters application, the applicant had discussed the affordable housing proposed with a possible social landlord on this site, namely Moat Housing. Moat Housing had asked for all the units to be shared ownership rather than the normal 60/40 rented/shared ownership split and also asked to increase the number of shared ownership units from 22 to 32 houses. This equated to 35.5% affordable dwellings all being shared ownership on this site. The applicant had confirmed that if all affordable housing units on the site could be shared ownership, it was willing to make a significant contribution available by way of a Section 106 agreement towards the local GP surgery at Rainham Healthy Living Centre in addition to the contributions already agreed at the outline planning stage.


The Committee discussed the application and noted that although the application had initially been refused when considered by the Planning Committee and, subsequently upheld at appeal, the scheme now placed before the Committee appeared to be a good scheme as the applicants had worked with officers to address some of the concerns of local residents.


A Member suggested that hoarding be erected around the site so as to screen it from those residents living adjacent to the site. The Head of Planning stated that this could be added to proposed condition 15 as part of the Construction and Management and Logistics Plan.


A Member referred to heavy goods vehicles (HGV’s) using Lower Rainham Road and suggested that the signage prohibiting HGV’s from using this route could benefit by being more visible. The Head of Planning agreed to raise this issue with the Assistant Director Front Line Services.




Approved subject to:


a)            The applicant entering into a deed of variation to the Section 106 agreement signed as part of the outline approval to secure the following:


i)             £42,115.00 towards improvements to the closest surgery at Rainham Healthy Living Centre for the practices contained therein to manage the additional cohort of patients depending on patient needs of the local GP practice.


ii)            A minimum of 35% (equal to 32) affordable dwelling houses. All the affordable units to be of shared ownership tenure type.


b)            Conditions 2 - 4, 6 – 15 and 17 - 20 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and revised conditions 1, 5 and 16 as set out below:


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


666 NO-SL-01, 666-200 Rev A, 666-201 Rev B, 666-202 Rev B, 666-203 Rev B, 666-204 Rev B, 666-205 Rev A, 666-206 Rev A, 666-207 Rev A, 666-207 Rev A, 666-209 Rev A, 666-210 Rev A, 666-211 Rev A, 666-212 Rev A, 666-213 Rev B, 666-214 Rev A, 66 A6-215 Rev A, 666-216 Rev A, 666-217 Rev B, 666-218 Rev A, 666-219 Rev B, 666-220 Rev A, 666-221 Rev A, 666-222 Rev A, 666-223 Rev B, 666-224 Rev B, 666-225 Rev A, 666-226 Rev A, 666-230 Rev A, 666-231 Rev B, 666-232 Rev A, 666-233 Rev B, 666-234 Rev B, 666-235 Rev A, 666-240 (schedule of materials), 666-241 P1 (amenity landscape elevation), 666-242A (boundary treatments),  1671-1660 Rev B , 1671-1661 Rev B, 1671-1663 Rev E, 1671-TA1 Rev A,  666-011 Rev J, 666-012 (refuse plan), ASD11857 BR EX DWG P01(street lighting) and supporting lighting statement, 4082-LLB-SH-L001-S4P01 soft landscape  4082-LLB-ZZ-XX-DR-L-002 Planting Plan (1 to 5) and associate soft landscape specification and maintenance schedule (June 2017), -  1671-SK500, 241 P1,  received 22/05/17, 18/08/17 and 31/08/17.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


5.    No individual dwelling house, parking court areas or amenity area shall be occupied or brought in to use until the associated boundary treatment shown on the submitted drawings 666-241 P1 and 666-242A have been provided in full. The implemented boundary treatment shall thereafter be maintained and kept in a sound condition.


Reason:  In the interest of residential and visual amenities and in compliance with Policies BNE2 and BNE8 of the Local Plan.


c)            Condition 16 be approved as set out in the report but the Head of Planning ensure that the final wording of this condition include a requirement for the applicant to erect hoarding around the application site during construction so as to protect those residents adjoining the application site.


d)            The Head of Planning refer the issue of improving the visibility of signage prohibiting HGV’s using the Lower Rainham Road to the Assistant Director Front Line Services. 

Supporting documents: